in sc-v •  6 years ago 


Galatians 5: 22-23. 22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, 23 gentleness, temperance; Against such things there is no law.

Notice that it does not say "the fruits of the Spirit", but "the fruit of the Spirit", we could compare it with that fruit that has several different properties. This fruit is manifested in nine characteristics that are found in the personality and life of Jesus Christ. Curiously there are nine, just as the number as the gifts of the Spirit. These, like those we do not obtain by our own merits, nor by human will; These are born in a natural way in our lives as the fruit is born in the trees. The only requirement is that the branch is attached to the tree and that it is taking from the tree sap. Time and maturation do the rest, and in time the fruit is born. If in our lives the fruits are not seen, it is that we are not taking good of the sap of the Lord. The fruits tell us how we are and how we are.

Matthew 7.16-20 16 By their fruits you will know them. Are grapes picked from thorns, or figs from thistles? 17Thus, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 The good tree can not bear bad fruit, nor the bad tree can bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20So, you will know them by their fruits.

Some confuse the fruits that we should have in our lives, with some successes in the work, with the number of members in the church, with the manifestation of the gifts ...; But the Scriptures teach us that the fruits we should have are not expensive to others; but they are very personal fruits that speak of our intimate life, of the character transformed by the treatment of God in our lives, in a word, the one that has fruits is the one that each time looks more like the vine of the one that takes the sap , that is, it looks more and more like Jesus Christ.

These nine fruits can be divided in turn, for a better study, in 3 different groups: The first three, love, joy, peace, refer to our relationship with God. Patience, kindness, kindness, refer to our relationship with others. And faith, meekness, and temperance, make reference to ourselves.

Fruits in relation to God.

The first three, love, joy, peace, are fruits that speak of our relationship with God. God puts his love in our hearts, so that we love him, our neighbor and ourselves. It gives us the joy in our soul for a salvation as great as the one we have received, and it gives us peace in our minds to be freed from any emotional charge that makes us fall.

Fruits in relation to men

This second group of fruits of the Spirit are: Patience, kindness, and goodness. They are born in us from God, and help us in our relationship with our neighbor. Patience helps us to support our neighbor, benevolence helps us not to wish them bad, but all good, and kindness helps us to carry out that patience and benevolence doing good to others.

Fruits in relation to ourselves

The fruits of this third group are: faith, meekness, and temperance, and they are related to ourselves, to our character. As the previous ones are not obtained in a natural way, they are acquired from the character that our Lord Jesus Christ has, as we are taking from him.

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clearly seen, when communion with God bears fruit. love, peace and humility. keep harvesting such fruits dear friend.
firma 10.png

The Fruits of the Holy Spirit in us, is the guarantee that we are true Christians.