Be patient and more patient until you are full of patience!

in sc-v •  5 years ago 


Talking about patience is easy, however, having to wait for something that will happen is difficult. Without doubt, patience is a fruit of the Holy Spirit that we have to learn to develop in our lives as Christians.

God has his established times. And it is not for us to meet them. In fact, we can't meet them! Rather, we have to wait for them. If God had told Abraham in Haran, that he would have to wait all those years to embrace the promised son, he would have given him a heart attack.

So, in his love, God did not tell Abraham how many years he would have to wait.

If God told you "in advance", how many years would you have to wait for your wishes or dreams to come true, I would give you patatús! That's why God doesn't tell you! It simply tells you: "Wait. I keep my word. I'm in no hurry. As time goes by, I'm preparing you to be ready to receive the promise."

Galatians 5:22 says: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance. Against such things, there is no law."

Patience is part of the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

We all know someone who has little patience. That explodes at the slightest provocation. But a person who has patience is totally different. She has dominion over herself. She is always calm and serene.

Patience is being able to contain it when someone offends you. The person who has developed the fruit of patience does not jump like a rooster to get even or take revenge for the damage he has done.

Patience is that quality that does not yield to circumstances, nor does it yield to the pressure of a test. Patience is the opposite of anger, AND IT IS USED WHEN TALKING ABOUT GOD. Patience is associated with mercy.

The reality is that we need patience at all times and in all places. Proverbs 16:32 says: “Being patient is better than being brave. It is better to master yourself than to take a city. "

Patience is not putting on a mask or pretending something that is not. If what you feel is the patience of God, if it is the true fruit of the Spirit, you will have true inner peace.

Patience is a form of faith. That is: "I trust God. I trust that God is greater than my problem. I know that God has control of all my irritations ... of all my inconveniences, and can use them in my life forever."

God wants us to trust Him ... that we wait on Him! Psalm 37: 7 says: "Shut up before the Lord, and wait on him." More than anything else, God yearns for us to trust Him. Patience is evidence of our faith in Him.

Why should we be patient? BECAUSE GOD IS PATIENT, and we must be like Him. Second Peter 3:15 says: "Keep in mind that the patience of our Lord is for salvation." GOD IS PATIENT

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