The true home that honors God

in sc-v •  6 years ago 

Psalm 115: 14-15.
Jehovah will increase the blessing on you;
Upon you and your children.

15 Blessed are you of the Lord,
Who made the heavens and the earth.

16 The heavens are the heavens of Jehovah;
And he has given the earth to the children of men.

This psalm emphasizes the family, the psalmist makes reference to the fact that the earth is given by God for the family to inhabit it.
When we refer to the family, we are talking about the most important thing that God has done on the face of the earth. Well, God has had the greatest plan of all created for man.
It is difficult when we talk about family, thinking about perfection, however we can talk about wise families who seek the direction of God and who build their family every day with the commitment to build a home that honors God in all areas of his life.


What is the family that God wants?
This is the family that God desires, a family that lives directed by Him, a family that assumes the commitment to honor God with all that he has.
The psalmist says it: "Jehovah will increase blessing on you and on your children" Today God gives us the promise of blessings for our parents and for us their children. This promise is for the family. Therefore it is important to implement the love of God in the family and follow the path of the Lord.

Today as a daughter I pray to God to receive the blessing as a family, and to give us foretaste and peace and be able to keep us in the midst of difficulties.

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Excellent @giacamila777, truly that description you make about the family is the one that God desires and longs for in all the families of the earth, for that reason satanás always wanted to destroy the family, because he knows that it is the perfect plan of God on this earth . Let us pray to God constantly to preserve the families of the earth and bless the covenants of love together.
Thanks for sharing.