¡A sign that society is in the last stages of decline!

in sc-v •  5 years ago 

Greetings, the peace of God be with everyone!

My reflection today is based on one of the rebellions of recent times against God. I want to reflect today on this expression of rebellion in humanity because I believe it is convenient for all Christians to have knowledge about what God called abomination and that today has spread like a plague or a fad throughout the world. Today there is no society that escapes this sad reality.

¡Just look around us to realize the social and moral deterioration in which our society and especially our youth are involved. It is notorious and degrading the lack of identity and the breadth of antivalores that today we can visualize throughout the world!.

¡And in this situation the rebellion is what has influenced this time, men wanting to trample on the word of God and live in their own way!


For example, it is no secret to anyone, much less a myth than Homosexuality is one of the themes of our time.

Just as we are aware that God is love and that he has a plan for us that is mercy and wants to save all humanity, also that he has endless promises to bless us and that the Bible is his word and that he gives us the guidelines to direct us ... it is also important to know and that the world knows what the Bible says about homosexuality a sign that our society is in a sad deterioration and prisoners of his same slavery.

¡There are no stronger chains than being prisoners of your same slavery!

It is important to know that today's studious society specifically psychiatrist psychologists ... have a wrong opinion about this sexual practice between equal sexes. All men are wrong in their research and many scholars think about homosexuality as follows. "They were born like this" "You have to let them live and be happy" "This is love" "Because judging them, they are free to choose" ... Well, this is the opinion of the man who lives behind the back of God, but this abomination was not what that God created for humanity.

Many people seek answers to this type of degradation and do so through psychologists among others, but their answer is wrong as well as their research to try to justify this degrading decision in men and women, completely forgetting the sex that God created: male and female I believe them as the divine pabraba says. and have taken their genetic research to find an answer...

Let's see what a magazine published about this situation. Read:
Washington 31 AUG 1991
The results of the work published yesterday by the journal Science that finds, for the first time in humans, clear differences between the brains of homosexuals and heterosexuals have reopened one of the oldest disputes of humanity: Do homosexuals are born homosexuals or their attraction to Is your own sex a circumstantial quality? Simon LeVay, a neuroscientist at the Salk Institute in San Diego (California) and the author of the research, believes he has found a tiny nodule in the hypothalamus three times higher in heterosexuals than in gay men. During his research, the American scientist has discovered that this nodule - the size of a grain of sand - contains a few thousand nerve cells and that there is a great similarity between the nodule of homosexuals and that of women. Some neuroscientists think that the discovery of LeVay, if it is confirmed, it is very important because it would represent the first physiological difference found among men with different sexual tendencies. if it is confirmed, it is very important because it would represent the first physiological difference found among men with different sexual tendencies.
[Reference] (https://elpais.com/diario/1991/08/31/sociedad/683589604_850215.html)

Man has always looked for ways to justify his own actions and constantly move in a world of earthly wisdom to realize what they themselves believe and justify and do as far as they can reach their knowledge to prove their beliefs, so they are looking for of the heritability of sexual behavior.

¡Unfortunately this is the way the world goes!


That is to say, science has always looked for a way to refute with its investigations the truthfulness of what God created, however, they always find the truth of God because their answers are mostly wrong. However, the Bible says that God cannot be mocked and only He has the absolute truth.

For that reason many scientists and researchers after launching their apparent evidence endorse the opposite. Just as after many years these same researchers claim the true reason for the sexual orientation of a man or a woman.
Let's look at the following statement:

If a homophobic father wants to confirm in the future if his son is gay, he can forget about it. Science has ended this Thursday with the myth of the homosexuality gene, the genetic variable linked to homosexuality with which it has been speculating for years, the same years since it is known that same-sex sexual attraction has a genetic component . A study published Thursday in the journal Science has been responsible for refuting this belief. For practical purposes, the study shows that in no case could genetics be used to predict whether a person is homosexual or not, since the interaction between the environment in which each person lives and their genetic traits is much more definitive in the orientation sexual than genetics alone. [reference] (https://www.elespanol.com/ciencia/salud/20190829/adios-mito-gay-genetica-influye-no-determina/425207948_0.html)

¡This demonstrates the truthfulness of all that God created and what we understand is that Science is simply giving reason that the Bible does not lie and that what God created made it perfect!

There is no biological reason that justifies that people of the same sex can join, much less have sex.

That said it is important that we as Christians are alert in the time we are living in order to have a decisive and concrete stance on what God has established as a principle, and understand that there are no earthly laws that are imposed and Although today this very controversial topic has attracted the attention of many scientific researchers in the world, it is good to recognize that these practices of behavior and human sexual identity and orientation have now come to become what the apostle Paul called "the last expression of the rebellion against God. "

Dear brothers and friends, we must be aware of God's truth and proclaim its truth at all times and places with conviction and firmness about what God has established. We are called to be the light of the world and as light it is a duty and an honor to call the good good and the bad bad, without falling into provocations or judging anyone, we only have one truth and it is what God has established. And obviously this was what God created. Genesis 1:27
27 And God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960

In the same way we can argue this truth through the following verses that corroborate what God said about homosexuality....

Leviticus 18:22
22 You shall not lie with a man as with a woman; It is abomination.
Reina Valera 1960 (RVR1960

It is evident that God does not approve this kind of practice so that the world and the whole society see it normal, He does not see it normal, he abhors it. And surely this will intensify more strongly as a fad in recent years but of all these things God will judge it.
Our God is perfect and made everything perfect, because He only approves the sexual act of a man and a woman who have been constituted in marriage. We cannot change the truth of God!

1 Corinthians 6: 9-10
9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not err; neither the fornicators, nor the idolaters, nor the adulterers, nor the effeminates, nor those that are thrown with men, (Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960

We are called to reflect and keep the word of God as well as declare it so that we do not err, nothing and nothing can change the truth of God, we must have conviction that God has established guidelines to reach his kingdom and one of them is embodied in this verse.

Romans 1: 22-27
22 Professing to be wise, they became foolish ... 27 and likewise also men, leaving the natural use of women, turned on their lasciviousness with each other, committing shameful deeds men with men, and receiving in themselves the Remuneration due to loss. (Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960

It is obvious that the word is fulfilled in a society devoid of God because many men wanting to be wise became foolish and today they have changed their natural use to engage in shameful acts that God undoubtedly abhors and will in effect bring many negative consequences to the lives of those They practice such things.

We cannot see normally what God has established as aberration and dangerous for humanity! We cannot doubt the truthfulness of God, for there are many Christians who have even doubted this truth because of so many psychological attacks that "this is normal because they were born that way." We are firm people with conviction of what God has established and we are governed by the principles established by God, our only king and lord.

So homosexuality is not genetic, it is simply demonically attacked by the same sin.
Never doubt your biological identity! God created: man and woman

It is never too late to change, many people who have been attacked by this aberration today are free to recognize Jesus as their lord and savior.


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  ·  5 years ago (edited)

You're so right, but don't forget, all these developments were prophesied ( 1. Timothy 4:1, 2. Timothy 4:3-4), during some of these things also happened in biblical times (Jude 3-4, 2. Corinthians 4:4).

Although we've to warn others for false teachings like these ones (Ephesians 5:11), which are shared in some national churches, it's clear too there exist people who "choosed" to belive these lies which you're talking about and who can't see the truth because their own choice, which brought them God's punishment and the insufficiency to recognize God's truth (2. Thessalonians 2:11-12).

Indeed the pervasiveness of this generation, especially about sexual imorality is legendary. It gives credience to the immediacy of the end!!

But a trend is disturbing. Most self confessed atheists are homosexuals. It is correlated therefore that absence of God propels their unethical conducts!

Stay Blessed in the Lord!!