The problem of humanity is in the heart And in the house of God are hardened hearts?

in sc-v •  6 years ago 

Greetings and Blessings appreciated Church - Welcome to my blog!

Today I want to speak about a reflection based on the book of Exodus 32: 1-9 where we read:

But seeing the people that it took Moses to descend from the mountain, he came to Aaron, and said to him, Rise up, make us gods that go before us; For Moses, the one who came up with us in the land of Egypt, we don't know what happened. And Aaron said to them: Set aside the golden tendrils that are in the ears of your women, and of your sons, and of your daughters, and bring them to me. Then all the people turned away the golden tendrils that they had in their ears, and brought them to Aaron: Who took them from their hands, and formed with mockery, made of it a foundry calf ... More Jehovah said of Moses: I have seen this people, which by the way is a hard-necked people

I want to start this reflection by taking the words said by the scientist Albert Einstein who said: "the problem of man is not in the atomic bomb but in his heart heatr." What I am going to tell you may surprise you, but I believe it with all my heart, for the hardest hearts in the world are not among the wicked but among the people of God.

It is evident that when we think of people of hardened hearts most of us tend to think of declared atheists, scoffers, blasphemers, mockers and all those people who reject Jesus and in essence these people can be faithfully described as having a hardened heart .


But if you want to discover the hardest hearts of all those whom the Lord despises most, you have to look at the house of God, and I explain to you why. If we scrutinize the word of God in depth, we find that the hardest hearts are among the people of God, why? the Bible teaches us that the hardness of the heart that God most despises has to do with "hearing and rejecting his wodr."
My question would be: Who are the ones who have the most opportunity to hear the word of God? Are not all those who are constantly in the church and scrutinize the scriptures and hear it through preachers like. pastor, evangelist or teacher?

And what does the book of proverbs 29: 1 tell us? He tells us: "The man who rebuked hardens the cervix will suddenly be broken, and there will be no medicine for him."

The word reprimanded in Hebrew means "correction" and "there will be no medicine" means that it has no cure. This verse first tells us that the hardness of heart comes as a result of rejecting the word of God and secondly it tells us that over time such hardness is impossible to cure.

Let's reflect on this: Who are the people who often hear the word of God? Who are those who sit weekly or day by day in the house of God? According to the text we cited, who was it that Moses took the floor? Wasn't it to the people of God that by not hearing them and turning back they hardened their hearts and became hard to the neck?

That said, it is important to say What is a hardened heart?
A hardened heart is one that has determined to resist obeying the word of God even though it is among the people. A hardened heart is impossible to move it is immune to the convictions and warning of the holy spirit and resists changes because it is self-centered.
In addition, a hardened heart does not easily recognize or subject itself to church authorities. For this reason a hardened heart is cold insensitive does not perceive or understand and reveals and struggles against God They are simply hardened hearts.

Acts 7:51
Hard of cervix, and uncircumcised of heart and ears! You always resist the Holy Spirit; like your parents, so do you.


It is for this reason that we can interpret in the read verse that the Jewish people turned away from God, because they were hard to stiffen their hearts and as they did not know in those days of Moses they decided stubbornly to return to their past and put their trust in gods alien and the most unfortunate thing that attracts attention is that they "convinced" that God would not care and believed that he would like the golden calf they said. "Tomorrow will be a feast for Jehovah."

This is very dangerous to harden hearts because the vision and purpose of God is lost.
It is worth asking, does God deserve our attitude to the teaching of his word? Our attitude in life is a projection of our heart. God always knows what is in the person's heart and he knows all who hear and do not obey.

God wants your sincerity your worship even if there are things you don't like if God allows them. Who are we to tell God that he is wrong? God is not mistaken and He does not want hardened hearts for this reason we are advised in Hebrews 4: 7 "If you will hear his voice today,
Do not harden your hearts. "

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Blessings @ ricci01. Thank you for your message leaves a lot to say about the behavior of many Christians in the local church.

The state of our lives reflects the state of our hearts, because of your coldness you will know them, said our lord. Very good reflection @ricci01.

Amen @mildreduh, thanks for commenting

If our heart is healthy our whole body is also healthy. From the heart comes all things.

Amen @elion, thank you very much for commenting.

Interesting message The hardened heart does not fulfill the will of God.

That's right @jacobbendice, thank you very much for commenting

Blessings @ ricci01. He who hardens his heart is insensitive to the presence of God.

Amen @fany, thank you very much for commenting.

Thanks for sharing. The hardness of the heart is found first in the church. The person listens to the messages and then sees them doing the opposite of preaching. DTB

Very true @ennimariana, this that should call us to reflection, thank you very much for your contribution.

Very true @ricci01, all our actions and behavior come from our heart.

This is @xiore, our heart determines our attitudes. Thanks for comment.

The insensitive to the voice of God has to do with the hardness of the heart. We must review our actions inside and outside the congregations.

Amen @johalys48, is to reflect on our attitudes, thanks for commenting.

Very valuable publication. Blessings @ ricci01.

Amen @mamidalia, I appreciate your comment, thanks for reading.

God bless you more sister @ ricci01. Very edifying your message and great reflection for the church.

Amen @gressy, thank you very much, I appreciate your comment.

A new heart is required so that we can walk with God in obedience. Blessings @ ricci01.

That's @kimbie01, thanks for commenting

very good reflection, God bless your lives more