Сlaimwithme Faucet is a Scam - Don't use it, and tell all your friends who click Faucet sites

in scam •  8 years ago 

Hello Steemians,
I will share a story how I lost a bit of money, such stories are always not so easy to share, and I don't expect your upvotes. But in case you have friends who use faucets - I expect you will and you need to share this story with them!

More than a month passed since I started to use this faucet - Claimwithme. I found about it on facebook add and then checked the thread on Bitcointalk forum. I was new to this forum and to faucets in general and I thought that the fact Faucet is approved and praised by Bitcointalkforum - it means a lot.

Firstly I started to use Faucet on a free version, in the beginning minimum amount to withdraw was 100 000 satoshis, then they increased this number to 500 000 and also you should buy a planet. So I invested a bit to buy a planet and when I was ready to withdraw - it stopped paying.

Typical story about scammers. But what's strange is that this faucet continues to operate and bots (well, the faucet owners may be) still praise it on Bitcointalk forum. So in order to prevent new people from wasting time and money - I wrote this post. Also here is the video showing that this faucet is a scam.

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