@haejin (The Steemit Donkey) Has Requested My Reasoning For My Flags!

in scam •  7 years ago  (edited)

@haejin are you seriously asking why I am down voting you?

I will start off with a very simple explanation which would give more then enough of a reason for most people but perhaps your are so guilty inside for your actions that you must have everybody accept your blog. I am down voting every post you make to lower your rewards on your posts. I am doing this because I disagree that one user should profit such a large amount of money when the platform is still early and could fail from these actions of yours before it gets the chance to grow into something incredible for everyone.

The first reason which a user can use his flag is for disagreement in rewards!

I will continue to flag every post you create until you decide to stop being such a Donkey. 10 posts a day averaging $500+ rewards is unacceptable for any user on this platform. I can make many accusations on what I actually think you, your team and @ranchorelaxo are up to but I will leave that for your guilty conscious. I'm sure it's clearly obvious that my stake in the platform is not enough to actually harm your posts but it's enough to help the community at whole suffer a bit less from your greed.

Why I think you're a scam!

  • It's simple to predict crypto currencies without giving timelines!
  • 21k followers which almost all are new accounts doing nothing for the platform
  • Why would someone so good at predicting coins need any money at all from Steemit?

20 years worth of experience analyzing markets and you need $40,000 for personal reasons lol?

If you are so good at analyzing crypto's then why are you on Steemit at all. Technically you could have easily predicted Bitcoin to go up to it's current value way back when it was $1, $5, $10 hell even $100 or $400. Couldn't you have just purchased 1,000 BTC when it was at $5? Surely a person with your skills, knowledge and I would have to assume profession would have been able to scrounge up $5,000.00 USD to purchase 1,000 BTC. Today you would have around $45,000,000.00 for that investment.

How does you earning $13,687.74 in rewards after all the flags help the platform?

I am curious to learn how this helps anyone here on Steemit! All you do is up vote your own posts and comments.

Interesting tricks throughout your wallet Donkey!

I see you are either trying to confuse people and congest your wallet so people won't understand your withdrawals. Either that or you are an idiot and don't know how to use your computer or the Steemit platform. The latter being much worse considering 21 thousand people are relying on you for your SMARTS!! You have congested your wallet so much that people can no longer see your power down, stop power down, start power down, transfer to savings, transfer from savings, power down, stop power down, withdraw, buy steem hahahha you Donkey who does so many actions in their wallet?

You're only here for the money DONKEY!

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Maybe because everything he posts is wrong. Follow the CME futures and you will foresee the entire crypto market within 5-10 minutes. I'm new to STEEM, other than the awesome sports contests, but I see what Hygene is doing. He could post, "Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah,' until he hits 250 words, on the dot, and make $300. I think he would help his viewers by doing that instead of the stupid ABGXKQ charts.

Yes I agree. I even think if he just only made 2-4 posts a day at $500 instead of 10 it would be a little more acceptable. At least it would have less impact on the platform.

2-4 shitty posts is better than 10 shitty posts but none would be best. I have been reading them a bit and they are so dumb! I don't have any juice on STEEM but if I did and I was pumping shitty coins for his/her boyfriend's upvotes and some neophyte bought in and lost a ton.... That's called Securities Fraud in the US of A. Maybe spoofing so he might get a job interview with JP.

It's really bad and needs to stop. I don't have enough juice either but I have to do my part to keep Steemit around for the future!

That dude can post crap for $400 per and I don't get one comment on my sexpanther beer tasting. The Humanity!

Wait... Keep your eye on the CME BTC futures. $8585 and it should be close to in it in a few minutes on the exchanges.

I am not Steemit educated enough to understand this completely, but I can grasp the scam/greed that is obvious. It is sad because there are REAL people here building REAL community. I hope my tiny upvote helps this post and I resteemed it also. ;)

This is why I'm working hard to try and stop this. There are so many users trying to create an amazing community! Everyone but @haejin and @ranchorelaxo suffer from this!

They are the JP Morgan and the FED of STEEMIT. Great idea for a moniker... They are the Cleveland Steemers!!!

Too much? Okay. PG-13 from now on.

Hahaha I love it!! They are Cleveland Steemers! Lol

It is a shame that one's opinion, shared on an open-source platform, can place the op in danger of losing hard earned income. It looks like many of your previous post have been flagged. I am sorry that sharing your concern and opinion is tantamount to being taken financially hostage. I applaud your courage to speak your convictions!

yes...and if that person (because I won't say gentlemen) would unflag @hendrix22 it would actually show that he has at least 1% credibility and some integrity. However, I am not seeing that at this point. Where now is the governing body when you need one.

We are the governing body :) Welcome to the Blockchain <3 We all have the ability to make this place great, and a long term commitment that we'll all prosper from xo I have faith.

I see. so someone spends a lot of time implementing a program to tell me when I have copied a source..even though I say the source and they missed that, yet some cryptojunkie/techno thief can do whatever they want. I am pretty sure people like that have 5 computers in one room and that is all they do all day long. A modern day pirate. Steemt has a list of rules longer than my arm...none of them touch on what these nerds are doing.

Anyone can make any bots that they wish to, yes. And like I said, I have faith a solution is coming regarding these scammers :)

I agree! It's a sacrifice which must be made. Thank you for coming by and supporting me.

I came by due to @lyndsaybowes resteeming. Please take your votes back, the last thing I want is any kind of profit due to a comment about injustice!

Sorry can't do. I'd have use another vote to unvote lol

Sorry about that, please forgive my ignorance on the subject.

We love ya PapaCrusher!! :) :) :)

Forgive me Brother @hendrix22 I do not have the power to help you. But I know you are a good person

You are most definitely forgiven my friend! :)

So fucked up!

Would you mind if I use that pic on my profile?
Also, my SP isn't that high but I gave you an upvote, to help with your crusade

I hope that soon, enough people will join, to draw his rewards to 0.00$, where they should be

I would be honored!

Done :)

If the great whales delegate their Steem Power to us minnows, we break the ass to @haejin. :)



Look at all the trending #Haejin. Got to keep tagging him.

Yep keep it up brother!!

There are more people like a donkey. You have to exterminate them with the freedom of speech like cockroaches.

It's really a never ending situation. Donkey's are everywhere!

Its nice and interesting stuff @hendrix22.
Now you are leader at steemit after achieving success and also good earning. You do encourage and support to followers. Good work in blog steeming.
All the best

I'm a leader of nothing other then myself. I have no choice but to do what I feel is right

great post

What did you like most about the post?

I am so so tired of hearing about this donkey!! Is there nothing that can be done to stop this guy from scamming? There are so many whales out there...why doesn't one of them just got straight across his blog and downvote all his posts. That would teach him an instant lesson... Also, is there anything that we, the tiniest of minnows, can do to help with this. If this guys ruins the platform ill be so pissed.

I actually wonder why not more whales take action on this. They are invested in steem as well and if scammers do let the system implode, they will loose the most.

So what is the problem? Are there too many scammers? Are the whales on different sides on this topic? Are downvotes too weak?

I think the biggest reason is when you're flagging you're not able to curate. I don't think a lot of people are interested in making $0.00 for weeks to shut him down. We will all have zero if it collapses though

Me too! I love Steemit. I've been active everyday since June and I love it here. I am trying my best to save this platform.

I hear you man. I've been on the platform for the last 6 weeks or so and see how fragile it still is. We are in a make-it or break-it kind of phase, in my opinion. Selfish guys like @Haejin are not helping the cause.


The rich became richer when using Steemit, if your upvoting power is big, all that you need to do is vote your own post and comments. Money then will roll into your account. Its not fair for other Steemians who worked hard only to get a few cents on their post.

Yes it's exactly the same as real life! I am here in Steemit for the long run and hope to see this community work together to support each other!

We are the ones who are responsible for governance here!

What is considered a lot of power like steem power? I’m new so I assume I have none or very little?

What is this scam whale game?


Where is @grumpycat? He is a delicious snack for @grumpycat.

Can we have a private chat about this?

Why does it say post hidden due to low ratings? It has only just been posted and none of the images are shown for same reason!
I don't know if you are a whale, but surely other people with some power behind their downvotes and/or some of the witnesses could be intervening in this systematic threat to the platform and currency? Have you had any support from them? I am still a rookie, so forgive me if this should all be apparent ;)

you can still see everything by clicking on each box that says show. even the images. just click on where it says show. I think @Hendrix22 can answer any questions you may have otherwise

Thank you for that Marion, I see them now :)

Now that was a great analysis!

Why thank you very much!


Thanks sir share information.

This post has received gratitude of 5.20 % from @appreciator thanks to: @hendrix22.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment