Fundamentially the system is built on just trying 2 treat symptoms of problems your creating energeticly.
It's like the same thing if ur clearing out someone's chakra's if u dont get 2 the root of the life issue(s) of why that is happening theyll just dirty them & block the chakras right back up me included!
Course duh u can't ingest poison and expect to be in good physical body health although many don't realise they are ingesting stuff like that or stuff highly devoid of life force such as most cheap fasst food i wouldn't even feed to my dog.
Take a look at this general overall spending of the pharmaceutical sick care scam industry. There main design is to help keeping masses impoverished threw high costs to those that buy into there scam. Sucking up resources from the masses literally like vampires pulling it into the small groups that some allow to run the majority of such systems.
Like the fda lieing out the fucking asshole and putting pepole in jail telling pepole there's cures for shit like diabetes. which is created by crap like soda drinks full of processed sugar devoid of nearly all it's natural good stuff.
like example cocaine actually comes from a herbal plant but those that make it won't even do it why
its fucking made with bleach and gasoline to extract the coca substance from the leaves.
But stuff like cannabis 1 of the most powerful herbal plants is has been outlawed that literally would elimate the need for hundreds if not thousands of pills the pharmaceutical scam industry makes. no shit they fight it so much it will destroy there bullshit!
Ultimately it will be either way there just fighting a loosing battle at this point. one of the reasons they've repeatdly been trying 2 censor your entire internet.
Don't get me wrong they do some good though like surgey that about it. lol and even that can be done with vibrational frequency tech and some tech that literally already exists in the public sector most just aren't aware of yet. Like devices u can literally buy yourself that cost $200~$2,000 or so and can help with stuff permantly where.
N the more expensive one's have many more uses well all of em do but not quite the same way.