RE: The Dollar Vigilante EXPOSED - God's Gonna Cut You Down

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The Dollar Vigilante EXPOSED - God's Gonna Cut You Down

in scam •  8 years ago 

Damn you are jealous and seem to know how to judge everything.

Let me tell you why I UPVOTE his content when i see it. Like it or not, his following is in the 100k+ in a key demographic we need to see steem. He can get more eyeballs on steem from that demographic than you can (epecially when complaining instead of spending time to make your posts betterrl..or more of them...or helping the community members around you more.

It took years for jeff to get where he is and he has already brought in multiple liberty lovers who have WORKED SO HARD to get strong and supportice followings. Like it or not you are wrong on many things here. Now sure you can say its because rhe whole thing is unfair...or you can blame yourself for not spending years building a reputation and huge network of friends who will power up and support your efforts. I dont say this to sound mean, but it is truth. And i know from experience...
You want to kow what sucks to me? You could be spending your time building a community to support you over timeor refer all your friends and send them regular emails when you post your content asking for upvotes. And they would do it. But instead, you choose to just lambast jeff, someone who has brought over 1 million highly liberty loving eyeballs to this platform through his own following and that of @lukewearechange, @corbettreport and the like.

Those users will now bring more value and will support oneanother and HIM. Why? Because instead of getting upset at how unfair it is and attacking someone who effectively advertises this to the maistream, he has busted his ass getting a following. And that following has in turn upvoted him on places like youtube thus increasing his visibility and validating his value.

Stop complaining and blaming others and make friends who will support you. I see MANY posts from new people get upvoted and earn big money...why didnt you focus on them? Oh...because it doesnt fit into your presentation in a way that support your conclusion.

Much love man...but sigh. YOU are on the FIRST social network that CANNOT make your post dissappear! Additionally it scales and gives you the chance over time to earb more than any other social network will allow.

You act like you are not in it just for the money, but to change the world. ACT like it! When you stop complaining you will be surprised how much further ahead you will get.

Focus on YOU...and how YOU can improve. Anything else is a waste if time and is petty.

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You are just mentioning what many here question. Why does Steemit really need this kind of promotion? Why it needs to keep reaching and bringing more people (in this case with shady backgrounds...). I didn't made a post about the playmate model or other minor celebrities. I thought it was not really needed to gave them 10-20k in posts (right now they are getting $10-20 per post and one can argue they are actually better posts than their first ones so it kinda proves my point).

The thing that rubs many people off is the need for the constant need to promote Steemit and bring more people. I've never seen Facebook, Youtube or whatever other social media platform do that, at least not that I'm aware of. I'm sure they promote their stars in a different way of course.

Again, to clearly state the intentions in this post. I upvoted him because I knew I was getting curation rewards even though I didn't like him or his post. This made me realize many others must have been doing the same but didn't raise their voices. That to me is the definition of corruption.

If you check some comments in his posts he called the very few who dare to say something "losers" and "haters" (hence my first line in the post). I think after he got so many downvotes and negative posts about him he changed his message a little bit and I actually enjoyed his last post, I gladly upvoted it and commented on it (with some venom but still hehe).

Anyway, thanks again for your input, even if you don't agree with my rants my intention is to improve and shed some light here. Many people still have a lot of doubts and don't agree with a lot of things, that doesn't mean we are less "americans" or "patriotic" if you excuse me for that stupid analogy.

I'm also know for a fact there's also a lot of great people and marine life no matter the size.

Let me just add, before I gave up and joined the Borg, FB aggresively spammed me... I think some of my meatspace friends had foolishly given FB all their email lists, or something...