NEW SCAM ALERT: If You Get a Memo From Blocktrades Promising Upvotes, Ignore It!steemCreated with Sketch.

in scam •  7 years ago  (edited)
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Blocktrades is an automated exchange service.
If I want to convert my steem into SBD, for example, I choose 'Buy' (next to my steem balance in my wallet tab.)
This will open a new tab, where I can set myself as the recipient, and click 'Get deposit address', which will generate a memo to let blocktrades identify the intended recipient (myself).
If I convince you to send Steem to @blocktrades, using that memo, the resulting SBD will be delivered to me and you'll get nothing.

I wonder if Blocktrades has implemented a fix for this? It would be difficult to think of something, of course obviously maybe Block or blacklist those user but that won't fix the big problem problem. We need to add yet ANOTHER Red Warning label now on the Wallet History OR maybe autofilter messages like this out somehow or force users to click a button to reveal potential spam like this? I hate to say it but a full time Person might need to be in charge of simply auto blocking suspicious wallet spam as they come... blocking it in th Front End of steemit no on the chain fo course.. but just hiding that data on steemits front end when people go into the wallet, we gotta hide al this dangerous spam! a wallet memo from official Blocktrades like that is VERY convincing to the untrained eye! it's a shame because a lot of people will probobly fall for this for small amounts they just sent to blocktrades, and theyll get back this message assuming it must have something to do with thi previous transaction, very very sad, thre is a way Blocktrades can DEFINITELY stop these sorts of messages ... it's an obvious solution and no need on elaborating here, because i am ure the Blocktrades people are 100% competent enough to know exactly how to stop a fucking spam message from being blasted out over their own system ,it wil be easy to stop honestly but yeah overall when u consider all the rest of the wallet spam it is a huge problem which may need auto filter spam blocking protection as an option maybe i dunno

It's early days. (These are the reasons we beta test)
Scumbag found an exploit, had a crack, made a few dollars for his efforts, and gave @blocktrades an opportunity to address it before it became an issue for millions of customers, a few years down the track.
I'd call this whole thing a win :)

Or, as this is a decentralized platform, instill in people a realization that they should look into something before sending their money. I mean, if I received this notice I would just ignore it. Just as I do for all of the other scammy messages I get.

What this tells everyone is... Do your homework before handing your money to someone. Crypto is like cash, if you give it away there is no take backs.

Thank you for the warning.

Dis you checkout my witness profile? I really hope that you consider to vote for me.. sorry for asking but this seems the only way for now as beginning witness

Thank you @stellabelle for bringing this up. I can't fathom why someone will want to that in this community.The only consolation is we still have role models like you on Steemit.

Goodness there's a lot of scams on steemit lately. is the increase in scams new or is this just business as usual in steemit?

It is a thing that comes with anonymity. Bitcoin has it harder as in steem some scams can be prevented by us users and we can educate our users at least to some degree.

Well done unearthing this one, @reggaemuffin. Top effort. Following.

Thanks for posting this, @stellabelle. Upvoted, resteemed and am now following you.. Saw this article because @timcliff resteemed it. Cheers!

So, this memo, from the real @blocktrades account...

If the memo comes from that account, how is @blocktrades not scamming?

What am I missing?

Blocktrades is an exchange service.
If I want to convert my steem into SBD, for example, I choose 'Buy' next to my steem balance in my wallet tab.
This will open a new tab, where I can set myself as the recipient, and click 'Get deposit address', which will generate a memo to let blocktrades identify the intended recipient (myself).
If I convince you to send Steem to @blocktrades, using that memo, the resulting SBD will be delivered to me.

Thank you for explaining :) That is exactly what happens.

@blocktrades does not need to scam. It is users using the service who do.

Nice catch dude.

Why a user who is using @blocktrades service want to scam money for blocktrades? why not for himself or herself?

I guess I'm just dense. Still do not grok. I get that someone could generate an address that would send Steem or SBD to @x but do not understand how @x could send a memo that appeared to come from @blocktrades

I would start by sending an insignificant amount to you with a memo that designates me as the recipient of a different, new transaction, via blocktrades, so it looks like blocktrades is initiating a conversation with you.
It says 'blocktrades' in your wallet because that's the exchange service which delivered my bait transaction, with the memo hook.

I ignore all solicitations for upvotes anyway.

good post

So many of these popping up lately thank you for keeping on top of it and letting the community know.

This is a good catch. I'm sure a lot of people would have fallen for it.

is there any way to trace there ip and fuck them harder ? -_- they should be hanged robbers they are criminals who are robbing innocent people hardworkers money ! they should be hanged like other criminals ! !

Thanks for the info. Reblogged.

There is much dodginess to be found in the memos here, for sure, thanks!

I came to you here today as I am campaigning as a Steem witness and saw you are voting for 'roadscape' who is currenty in active - so not serving the community as a witness. I have a pretty high capacity server, plus a lot of professional experience with software/hardware - I'd really appreciate if you would consider voting for me to give me a chance to serve the community as best I can.
My witness application is here. Cheers!

Signing in.........


Thank you for this awesome information.

I repeat Blocktrades does not ask for SBD in return for upvote. Beware!!!

What an insolent, I can't believe this unholy attitude has finally gotten to steemit. My advice to everyone is to be very careful.

  1. Don't click links anyhow without knowing the right source and even if you know the right source still be extremely careful.

  2. This warning should be taking seriously especially minnows like me. They could use any whales account and not only @blocktrades.

Signing out...... 🏃🏿🏃🏿🏃🏿🏃🏿🏃🏿🏃🏿

Thanks for the warning, I'm new and can contact the scammers.

Thanks great work you save many of us from this scammer .

And there are more coming! Check this asshole!

A new scamming assholes piece of shit is around - be careful!

Thank you for the info! Resteemed immediately!

Dear god.. why cant scammers take a chill pill.. a lot of scams are being injecting in steemit..

Scammers always find a way to cheat people and earn money. These dirty pricks should be banned everywhere, even from the society. They should be sent to hell.

Good grief, is there no end to the scams these scumbags will try?
Thanks for the info.
FYI I love the #crap tag 😂

These scammers never quit, do they!

Thanks for this warning. I didn't realise this sort of transfer was possible

Thanks for the heads up

More scams everyday, thanks for the info

Thank you for this information. I can't believe people could stoop tgis low as to scamming a fellow member. It is wicked and inhumane.

This is horrible. Despite the selfless character steemit portraits some evil mind still develop mean of spoiling the community. No way. We declare war against scam.

Thanks for this great information you are really a mentor. I will resteem right away

thanks for sharing this my True Alpha

A lot of people are desperate for some sbd and would fall for this scammers.

With this information, many will be saved from the hands of the treacherous ones that looms the system.


I have already tried my best by giving an awesome solution to this type of scams on steemit but steemit wont listen... i hope @stellabelle would check my blog and read what i have to offer!

I don't know why people will be looking for ways to scam others in a very transparent site, where we could all see anything and everything done here.
Thanks for this information and I just hope no one will fall victim again.

Didn't know the name (@blocktrades) does not matter while doing transfers. So with memo correct you can write any name on the transfer and the person gets it? Good to know. Wow, this is useful information.

I know a whale like blocktrades would be the last person to ask for money in exchange for upvote. But it is important to warn people most people's reasoning takes a flight once they hear whale upvote. Thanks a lot.

Yeah the service is actually pretty cool, just that no one considered the implications a free text memo has.

Wow, just when you thought you've seen it all, a new one arises. Newbies really need to be up to date to avoid falling for such scams.

Mans... this is some next level shit... i am amazed...

Many hacks in the system

I hope few people have fallen into the trap. Thanks for the warning.

Wow. So sad.

Thank you @stellabelle for sharing this warning!!


i thought there cannot be 2 same usernames

Thanks for the info........I aint got much and I wanna keep what I got

And when we think, we have seen enough
Another one comes up

Thank you!


I have already tried my best by giving an awesome solution to this type of scams on steemit but steemit wont listen... i hope @stellabelle would check my blog and read what i have to offer!

I have to say Scammers are getting nifty these Days.

Thank you for sharing this important information.
How are the using @blocktrades

This is becoming so boring! What system with money can do to the people :( No, I want try make this world better olace, I will try to scam people for the money, because money is my God!

They are getting smarter.

wow what is happening, scammers wherever you go.

The money always calls to bad people.

These spammers are genius, no doubt about that. Wondering why don't they use it in some creative works, they can earn more than these shitty acts!

Are the accounts that are abusing the @blocktrades services already blocked from it?

Blocktrades did not yet respond as we just now discovered it. It won't be easy to mitigate this by just blocking accounts, we will see how blocktrades plans to handle this.

For now, we've blocked users from putting one of our destination memo into their output memos. A phisher could still put a BTC address in there and ask for BTC to be sent there, but I think you would have to be a lot more gullible to fall for that. If this doesn't resolve the problem, we've also considered requiring a more substantial purchase in order to send a steem transaction with a memo, but we'd prefer to avoid that.

That was a swift response - nice work.

Very good work and very wonderful for you and your whole business team
I wish you more success and face the tricks facing the members of the Stemit community
You are always at the service of everyone
Thank you all and my greetings to you

Many thanks for the reply. Thank you and your team for fighting the good fight ans staying vigilant!

Thank you for your reply and a big thank you to you and your team for staying vigilant and fighting the good fight!

Memo field void if sender =/= recipient?

This would be rather limiting unfortunately. For example, it would prevent someone from depositing to an exchange unless we made special exceptions for each exchange we wanted to support. But I hope the solution we've implemented will solve the problem (described in sibling comment).

when will phishing end at steemit ? they should be hanged they dont care about other's difficult situations those stealers should be hanged in public ! so no one could ever try to snatch they are robbers they must be hanged ! like all other criminals !

Knew you'd be all over it. Thanks for all you do :)

Good luck with the implimentation!

@stellabelle good job, keep up the good work. resteemed and following!

There are really some annoying bad people around here on steemit. Thanks to @reggaemuffin for exposing this guy but really we should get a steemit police of sort to fish out people like this and some other wrongdoers around here on steemit and punish them and things like this and even worse will keep happening on the blockchain.

Thanks for the heads up @steelabelle. A lot of new users could fall for this scam. I find it amazing that people would put so much energy and creativity into finding a way to scam people out of a few Steem. If they used half the effort to write a good post they would be so successful. It's crazy in my view.

Are you going to SteemFest this year? If so, I hope to meet you there.

LOL, everyday someone finds a new way to scam people...

Thank you for bringing this to everyone's attention.

So, this memo, from the real @blocktrades account...

If the memo comes from that account, how is @blocktrades not scamming?

What am I missing?

Thank you for your kind information.

I ignore everything.

Got it! Thanks a lot for the warning~

This scam issue is alarming. I've seen three of my friends being ripped off their hard earned SBDs in the course of trying to get upvotes, though they also contributed to the scamming since they wanted to buy upvote. The scammers use different strategies. Even minnowbooster name is being used whereas minnowbooster will never do such.

I hope steemit will one day wake up to build a wall to combat this fraudulent acts.

Thank you @stellabelle for sharing.


Scammers have fertile brain. They are using it in evil way!

Thanks for alerting the community.

Thanks for the advice!

these crazy criminal ass.....holes - i found another scam yesterday evening i posted already - a lot criminal energy. Caution required - I added you to my auto voter now finally lovely @stellabelle

plz help me to grow my account

What happened? Did @blocktrades get hacked or something?

@arcange , can you do something for this as well ? Like send a notification ?

scammer are so smart !!!

Congratulations @stellabelle!
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thanks for sharing this post...

Thanks for the warning. It's really annoying how people try to scam others.

A whole lot of scammers want to soil steemit with their nuisance, thank you @stellabelle for helping expose them

A whole lot of scammers want to soil steemit with their nuisance, thank you @stellabelle for helping expose them

thanks for your early alert, i know the steemian @aafrin, the steemian buy upvotes from whale.

Huufff... Scammer always has many ways to cheat other people. Thank you for this information :)

Huufff... Scammer always has many ways to cheat other people. Thank you for this information :)

@reggaemuffin and @stellabelle, can you please help the @lndesta120282, the account has been hacked and its been used to send shorten url.

This is the page it displays if one clicks on the html url he sent. Just to scam people.

@reggaemuffin and @stellabelle, can you please help the @lndesta120282, the account has been hacked and its been used to send shorten url.

This is the page it displays if one clicks on the html url he sent. Just to scam people.

That does seems bad and few people will fall for it .
Thanks for the heads up though and will be careful .
Resteemed for others

great post bro,,,,,,,,,,,,

Are the accounts that are abusing the @blocktrades services already blocked from it?

That's a smart way to scam. Using the real @blocktrades for scamming, plus using real memo for transfer, without showing the scammer nickname? it's possible to find the scammer name, no?

Another day, another scam.

WHY is it that so many people start behaving badly when there;s money involved?

Thanks for the heads-up, though.

I guess we can also count ourselves lucky that the @blocktrades account is actually staffed by a human being from time to time thanks to their curation activity.. made it an easier catch, I would bet.

This is a great find and I'm so glad that you are helping eradicate these bad apples!

How do you feel about abusers of our wonderful platform? I know that we have worked together in the past and that you are an ally and advocate for a strong Steemit Future. As such, I hope that you don't find offense to me sharing this post link with you.

If you are offended, please let me know and I'll remove the link. We need to do something about this new epidemic. I can't help but feel that it will deter new users and real enthusiasts of Steemit.

Side-note: I have been posting less frequently due to the terrible user experience lately, but I am still hopeful for Steemit. And cheaters (like those mentioned in my post) seriously tick me off!

Hello @stellabelle

Thanks for this information
The major reason why some people will chose to scam people is the mindset they are carrying of just making money. Also they are so lazy and they are looking for fast track to make it big.
It is unfortunate that so many people have fall for their trick but thank God for this timely information of their tricks.



Thanks for this informative article of yours @stellabelle. As newbie here, I find this article very helpful so that I will be aware of any scam that is happening in the platform.