Hello guys my name is Mark-Anthony Johnson and I am writing this article to expose the shady dealings going on at Bitebtc and to hopefully prevent others from being victimized. First I will share my personal account of how I was robbed for around half a bitcoin worth of DGB. Then I will share some stories from others in the community about how they were also robbed/scammed. We need to get this sh#t shut down. I am a student and saving to get a nice crypto stack was not easy and to lose it all on a sophisticated scam that is somewhat being perpetuated by Coinmarketcap is wrong on so many levels. To pick off us small bag holders is disgusting and the worst part is there getting some big bag holders. But you know who they are not getting whales. I personally belive these guys are allowed to exsist for reason I am not trying to get into.
On March 23 I was looking at my stack of 200k DGB. The price was sliding and I saw on coin market cap that the highest volume for DGB and the highest trading price at that time was Bitebtc. So I thought to myself why not move your DGB stack over there that way if you want to pull out your position you always could.
Well I did just that and then DGB started to slide a little bit more. As we know ADA is pumping so i said to myself let me sell my DGB stack here at a profit and grab some more ADA #winning. Well everything was fine I made the sell and since Bitebtc does not have ADA listed. I immediately went to deposit my funds back onto Binance. Still everything seems fine.
An hour goes by and I see some some notification saying the max time it would take is 1-2 days. Alright thats fine but I check up on it every so often cause I wanna load up on some ADA I hear shelly or their main nets dropping and I want to see these gains. Also in Charles we trust right. ADA and DGB forever maybe add a little Zcash. Am I right guys.
Around I would say like 7 hours in I get hit with this
BiteBTC Team [email protected]
10:31 PM
to me
Dear Trader,
We're forced to inform that your account has been blocked due to violations of our Terms and Conditions.
This is final decision and we'll not review your applications in future.
We apologize for any inconvenience this caused.
With kind regards,
BiteBTC Support Team
[email protected]
I send them emails no response. I try finding there number and it's not listed. So now I start doing research on these guys and it seems like a lot of people are effected and it's being swept under the rug. Our space is very small and even though some information like the tech side of things travel fast. The scammer side of things travel a lot slower. I think mainly because of shame like telling this story is embarrassing. But if someone will see this and not lose there money that makes me very happy.
We have a petition for Coin Market Cap to take them down!
Sign petition here
These are other peoples stories.
Note: I can only verify my own story.
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A little about me,I am a student that is managing a couple decent social media campaigns. I am also writing a book with the premise being that A.I is coming to take a lot of the jobs away. The book is sort of like a guide into the future and adapting to things that A.I will be slower to adapt to such as writing, blogging, traveling and owning things. Basically anything peer to peer. Computations and a lot of sophisticated and mundane tasks will disappear before peer to peer tasks disappear.
For anyone that wants to help I super appreciate it. But spread the world about BiteBtc and sign the petition!
19voKf32dZ5nUa5VRe3sH1D7NfgSNKL5hr (BTC)
DdzFFzCqrht3EJrTKvDACP4oquYiiWW15Erhx9navN7FetTUh6HcrCMmVUdHharJiYFKkRp9EA8HXyfJbEFjVRrHkCH3JBtePQoWt8wx (ADA)
DAxBB6fziPHb5LKj8acfmPY3afbmMYVeLf (DGB)