Today I got a message from a scammer in telegram, he found me on DIG Chain official telegram group, Scammers are targeted random users of DIG Chain official telegram group, scammers often do this, do not know how many people he sent messages for scam accounts, may have he scammed someone's account.
phishing swap site
I knew him from the beginning, he's a scammer, and I also know the DIG Chain team, just I followed him to see what he does, he sent me a link which is exactly phishing swap site, I opened that site in Tor browser, there was an option to import wallet, if I had imported my keplr there, then my private key or key mnemonic phrase of my keplr would have gone to him, and could easily steal mine.
So guys beware of scammers, DIG Team never DM you. if you will get any DM, and if he claims that I'm a team member of DIG or any chain, 100% sure he will be a scammer.
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