I also love about this is just the world it is such a complex world I feel like if you are not someone who reads science fiction and for some reason you have been put off from this
because of that don't let it bother you whatsoever I would say this is more of a fantasy with a sci-fi element because of the cyborg thing because there's people who live on the moon
and it is that very much in the future so it does have certain sci-fi elements but you don't have to worry about like understanding any jargon so if you are someone who is not very much into
sci-fi I feel like you still would like this very much for me I do read a bit of sci-fi but I don't read a lot of it I'm not super super familiar with a lob sci-fi I found this completely
fine the retelling asked of these fairytales are so ingenious obviously when you're reading it you do understand and you recognize the fairytales that
we are all familiar with but it's just so innovative how like the details are changed and different aspects that are fraught into the fairytales and I feel like for some of them like
it's nice to see different fairy tales kind of intertwine into one story and the characters each book introduces a new set of characters and each set of characters you just fall in love with
they're just very well characterized each one of them has their own distinctive personality and it's just I absolutely love it
I love this book so much guys if you have not read it please please read it the series is just great.
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