The Strongest Hearts Have The Most Scars

in scars •  6 years ago 

The Strongest Hearts Have The Most Scars

I'm not sure about you, but I haven't met a strong person that does not have a rough past in their lives, where they feel they have many scars in their hearts. Depending on the experiences you may have along the way, they can teach you a lot of lessons, leaving you with scars in your heart.

Learning a life lesson doesn't usually happen overnight if you know what I mean. A life lesson takes some time to learn and some experiences are pleasurable and some others are awful, to the point you may not know what to do next in your life.


Life is really a learning experiences where you have to be awake in order to learn the lessons the correct way. Once you do, you will avoid getting hurt and will avoid more scars in you heart. It doesn't really mean you will not get them, but you can reduce the amount of scars coming to your way.

Whatever you do in life, make sure you come out strong and with the experience you need. Nothing is really written in stone and all you can do is your best due to the fact that we figure things out along the way.

Blessings to all!


"You are already amazing, don't try to be so perfect"
""You can go through Fire and still not get burned"."
"Become someone legendary to achieve your dreams"
"Clear your mind, body and soul to show what you are really made of"
"Love is like a box of chocolates because you never know what you are going to get"
"Be there for your love ones when it rains, they know you'll stand with them when it shines"
"The power of your words depends on the power of your actions"
"Save yourself, Your Life Is 100% Your Responsibility"
"Make your future bigger than your Past"
"Take care of your dreams today, so your dreams take care of you tomorrow"
"Your kindness will always return to you in any way, shape or form"
"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love"
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday"
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you"
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, you're giving part of yourself"
"Embrace your dream with passion and love, and money will come after you"
"If you want the world to change, just look at yourself in the mirror and you will see where to start. "

Stay blessed.

Note: Each post is created out of life experiences and personal opinion. There is nothing written in stone, your opinion is valuable and can be different.


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Very True..!! I agreed with your statements because I observed it many times.

Thank you for this inspirational post @javybar, I agree with you at the right time. We live in a life of suffering and hardship. It is something else in others and it's something of a suicidal Some of us stress on our heart we break from stress, and others get up on it. How much we can tolerate, how much we can tolerate.

thank you sir

I appreciate it my friend, thank you

I really like your thinking and your all post I completely agree with you dear life is short or long and we get experience in this time
Actually we get lessons every day in our life
I really like your this words :
Nothing is really written in stone and all you can do is your best due to the fact that we figure things out along the way.
Thanks for this inspirational post

Glad you liked this part of the content because it is very true. Thank you very much my friend :)

Very beautiful quote and I am 100 percent agree with you, sir,
Hard times are there to teach you, and they make you strong, they give you the power to fight sad and bad times.

Totally agree with you my friend :)

Buenos dias @javybar, es verdad , todos tenemos cicatrices , unos aprendemos de estas y otros simplemente las ignoran .Es dificil olvidar lo que te hacen , yo por ejemplo , aprendo , pero a las personas , simplemente las saco de mi vida , de una manera definitiva .
Feliz sabado , querido javybar :)

Completamente de acuerdo con ud. Solo aquel que decifra las lecciones de la vida puede desarrollarse en esta vida de la mejor manera. Que tenga un fin de semana hermoso.

really very wonderfull dear friend..@javybar everyday we can alots of good experience of your blog and helped doing our life rightly going to path. your lessons to read i am knowing what to avoid my life?what do you want? these scars teach us to live for the great goal and achieve our dream.thanks to sharing for your great thought..very well good friend.. best of luck of your great work and take care yourself..

I appreciate it my friend, thank you. Take care of yourself as well.

i am really happy to know that you appreciating my word.i think its my goodluck..thank you for your support..thank dear friend.. @javybar take care yourself and best of luck of your great work..

So true. This is an inspiration to me. I felt down a lot of time, broke down totally, depressed and reached to that situation when i felt like dying. But after certain period I put myself all together and came back. It took me a lot of time and at the same time got so much of scars in my heart that i can never erase, but they are surely gonna help me in future. So I am never gonna give up and hope others wont too

I totally adimire what you have gone through. If you are able to get up from that, you have definitely achieved a lot and are able to teach or advice others. My salutes to you my friend :)

Golden words, my friend and only strong hearts achieve victory! We all make mistakes on our path, only those who do nothing do not make mistakes. Even if this brings a sad experience, we acquire scars, but they must be hardened as steel and give us experience to destroy all obstacles on our way to our victory! Thank you @javybar

You are very welcome. I appreciate it my friend, thank you

Sir @javybar i agree with you. Really you are talking about our real life true fact. Great quote.....Thanks a lot for the inspiring content.

I appreciate it my friend, thank you

I always enjoyed your writing man... & also motivated to do better version of me... Appreciate with your writing...if we have strongest heart we have the most scars.

I appreciate it my friend, thank you

Thank you for this inspirational post @javybar, I agree with your thinking . Life is so short but this time is learing time .. we learn a lesson every day. . Got a great achievement. Thanks for sharing a good and inspirational post

You are very welcome my friend. Have a lovely day :)

Learning a lesson takes some time and some experiences are fun. Life is truly a learning experience where you should be awake to learn the correct path of lessons. I agree with you

I appreciate it

Well, what should I say about this motivational quote. Reading this post I was imagining myself, my heart was full of scars but with the passage of time I made myself strong and here I'm now most of the people comes to me for advice whenever they hurt by something, it's not like my scars are finished, they're just faded, but agreeing with you that "THE STRONGEST HEARTS HAVE THE MOST SCARS"

Excellent to know this my friend. This means you have moved on and have forgiven. Now its time to assist others the best you can :) you will still learn along the way, it is a normal process.

Yeah there's still alot to learn.

You are right dear @javybar I completely agree with you we get more of experience and lesson
We choose best way to get our success
I really like your this words
Nothing is really written in stone and all you can do is your best due to the fact that we figure things out along the way.
Thanks for this inspirational post

Your scars are symbols of your strength
Never be ashamed of the scars left to you by life. A scar means that there is no more pain, and the wound is prolonged. This means that you have overcome the pain, learned the lesson, have become stronger and advanced. Thank you and have a nice weekend.

Wise words my friend. Thank you very much.

Maybe our old wounds teach us something. They remind us where we’ve been and what we’ve overcome. They teach us lessons about what to avoid in the future. That’s what we like to think. But that’s not always the way it is. Sometimes there are things we just have to learn over again.
Btw thanks for your valuable post @javybar

I appreciate it my friend :)

That's cool advise!!I like it,,Learning a life lesson doesn't usually happen overnight if you know what I mean. A life lesson takes some time to learn and some experiences are pleasurable and some others are awful, to the point you may not know what to do next in your life.I love this,,Thanks for sharing @javybar

I appreciate it my friend, thank you

Strongly agree. Some experiences in the past will form strong characters after going through various processes. Most of those who have a painful experience and wounded hearts will make their souls stronger than ever. However, there are also those that result in bad behavior, such as revenge. Thank You

Thank you very much :)

I do have met few of the person and was able to talk about their life as usual the had some very tough memories which inspired them and at the end they were in the path of success.

While yes it might take time but we sure will be in the path of our success not without the hardwork.

I appreciate it my friend, thank you

Actually i agree with you @Javybar,The distance we have paid so far In life time, got lot experience. That not came every day.I am believing which good thing we are doing, we can satisfy one day.Experience is encourage to life for success. Something to be good, there should be a little or a bad one.

I appreciate it my friend, thank you

Thank you for your wisdom. In life there is no bad or good experience, there is only experience and you have perfectly explained this. Good luck to you and Love.

Спасибо Вам за Вашу мудрость. В жизни нет плохого или хорошего опыта, есть только опыт и Вы это отлично разяснили. Удачи Вам и Любви.

I appreciate it my friend, thank you. Luck and love as well. :)

This is so true.. We can also say that,

The scars make us stronger.

The one who learns from the experience, can survive.. Others just fall apart...

~ Christina

very very true my friend :)

Definitely bro, strongest heart has more scars! Scars made them strongest! Every life got hard times, we all got isn't it? So, people who scare to see scars have no chance to write that success story of life!
So the motivation and the message you tried to share trough this article >>> I think we all must read this post!
It might give us motivation to see a better future through all this rough times!


Very true my friend. Good to see you around. I appreciate it.

My dear friend life itself is a great book,where we have experienced the pain and pleasures.It teaches us the bittersweet lessons and make us awear of right or wrong.It is also true that in the way of life,we come across some good people whom do we follow and love.Lots of wishes to my dear friends.

I appreciate it my friend, thank you

Very good!

You share great and great experiences every day. I'm not commenting today, but I want to say thank you because you are a very wonderful person.🙏

Very successful greeting for you my dear friend.

I appreciate it my friend, thank you. Greetings to you as well :)

The most valuable teacher is the experience, the more experience will make ourselves more mature. I agree more and more injuries make us stronger.terus learn to rise.
Thanks @javybar

Totally agree with you my friend :)

@javybar, Absolutely agree with your opinions. Actually our experience given lot of lessons to our life. Probably it would be better and probably would be worst one. You need to know what's the best way.

A life lesson takes some time to learn and some experiences are pleasurable and some others are awful

Of course....could be good or bad but get extra ordinary experience to us, how to solve some life indeed questions. So this is a most powerful motivation quote. Thanks.

Very true my friend. Life is full of experiences we all go through. I appreciate the comment.

You are right dar i agree with you life give different experience some are good and lesson full . We live a life of misery and suffering. Some of it at the hands of others and some of it self-inflicted. Some of us break from the stress we put on our hearts, and others rise above it. But every one of us has some scars on our hearts. It's how much we can endure which defines as people
Thanks for this inspirational post dear

I strongly agree with your opinion @javybar. heart injury into an experience that will make us stronger and stronger in life

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Hey, @javybar this post you tried to share trough this article,strongest heart has more scars. Scars made them strongest.

I really like your thinking and your all post I completely agree with you dear life is short or long and we get experience in this time
Actually we get lessons every day in our life
I really like your this words :
Nothing is really written in stone and all you can do is your best due to the fact that we figure things out along the way.
Thanks for this inspirational post

I really like your thinking and your all post I completely agree with you dear life is short or long and we get experience in this time
Actually we get lessons every day in our life
I really like your this words :
Nothing is really written in stone and all you can do is your best due to the fact that we figure things out along the way.
Thanks for this inspirational post

I really like your thinking and your all post I completely agree with you dear life is short or long and we get experience in this time
Actually we get lessons every day in our life
I really like your this words :
Nothing is really written in stone and all you can do is your best due to the fact that we figure things out along the way.
Thanks for this inspirational post

Great inspiring series bro....@javybar...
I believe that Scars have the strange power to remind us that our past is real...

Very Motivational and true blog.

I feel it's an accurate representation of the human experience. We live a life of misery and suffering. Some of it at the hands of others and some of it self-inflicted. Some of us break from the stress we put on our hearts, and others rise above it. But every one of us has some scars on our hearts. It's how much we can endure which defines as people.

There are things in life we don’t want to happen but have to accept; things we don’t want to know but have to learn, and people we can’t live without, but have to let go.

Well said, my friend @javybar and in our lives there is always something good and there is bad. The bad never passes without a trace, but only it can teach us to act in the best way and always correct our mistakes, these scars teach us to live for the great goal and achieve our dream!

Good content @javybar

what a beautiful quotes, i really like it and i am totally with every words of it . mistakes are there to teach you to the thing better then your previous effort. you may get hurt but you'll get a lesson.

I really like your thinking and your all post I completely agree with you dear life is short or long and we get experience in this time
Actually we get lessons every day in our life
I really like your this words
Nothing is really written in stone and all you can do is your best due to the fact that we figure things out along the way.
Thanks for this inspirational post

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

regardless of the lesson or the experience you learn you need to be patient and strong

If I got lessons from the strongest heart, I will be like them. I really dont know what have to do next.

awesome post this post has made my day millions of thanks buddy🤗🤗

Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.

its super airticle,its very good blog

excllent hearts

thanks to share your own opinion....
your kindness will always return to you in any way, shape or form...
if you want to get an education, just travel the world....
great writing dear....

I really agree with you, even I feel myself as you say, I rise with the help of friends, including with motivation from you I become stronger, thanks my best friend

if the affairs of our hearts and feelings maybe the women more adept ,, ha ha ha ,, but to rise not easy case ,, thank you for your pearl words my best friend

We should make our heart strongest because we need success in our life.

Everyone should follow this quote (Save yourself, Your Life Is 100% Your Responsibility)

That's a bold and a right statement we are made with the odd experiences and sacrifices we are the only one who knew its value

very motivational , thank you.

A leading contemporary philosopher from Slovenia, Slavoj Zizek, once stated that life comes from catastrophy, or catastrophe. The universe stems from a big explosion. People are born into the world through the suffering of the mother. Love is not the sugar of life, but rather the source of a sense of sadness.

Then one needs to see the shocks of life as a form of birth from "the other". In fact everything around us today stems from a gigantic disaster that struck the previous world rulers, dinosaurs. Then the shock is not part of life, it is life itself.

Thank you sir @javybar for sharing good article about life

The heroes are the wounded. Battlefields forge them. Body injury is the proof. The wound is a symbol of mighty heroism.

This also applies to mental injuries. Disappointment and mental suffering are symbols of the heroism of the soul. People need to be aware and care for the wound faithfully. Mental injuries should not be forgotten, but instead accepted with a graceful chest.

Many people are afraid of the wound. Then they are drowning in pseudo-entertainment, ranging from alcohol, free sex, and drugs. The wound is not enriching, but something that passes without meaning. The fruit of all that is the shallowness of life in the world.

Thank @javybar for sharing good article

Wounds are a chance. Crisis is an opportunity. Both are opportunities to show, who we really are. Moreover the crisis is an opportunity to do good.

We often see disappointment as a loss. Though disappointment is an opportunity to forgive. Disappointment is the right time to do good. Disappointment is an opportunity for us to improve the quality of humanity.

When a natural disaster strikes, it is an opportunity to help those in distress. When betrayal happens then it is an opportunity to learn about loyalty. When there is a lot of evil, it is an opportunity to give a refreshing love.

You write very good article, I like to learn many knowledge about life from your article. Thank you Mr @javybar for share

The French philosopher and writer Albert Camus once wrote that the only explanation for the many unreasonable sufferings in the world is that life is essentially an absurdity. One can not explain why they suffer. People can not explain why they are affected. Life is absurd because it is never fully understood.

All that needs to be done is to accept the fact of the absurdity itself, and live it slowly. Otherwise people will continue to bump, because hope never matches reality. People will dream and be disappointed, because dreams remain dreams, without reality. Despair is in sight, also accompanied by disappointment and tears.

We often see how people are broken due to disappointment. We also often see, how people are destroyed, because the situation is suppressed. But they are not necessarily destroyed, if they learn to accept the facts of the absurdity of life and themselves. They just have to laugh at how life has been playing with them.

Thank you SIR @javybar for sharing in steemit

The French philosopher and writer Albert Camus once wrote that the only explanation for the many unreasonable sufferings in the world is that life is essentially an absurdity. One can not explain why they suffer. People can not explain why they are affected. Life is absurd because it is never fully understood.

All that needs to be done is to accept the fact of the absurdity itself, and live it slowly. Otherwise people will continue to bump, because hope never matches reality. People will dream and be disappointed, because dreams remain dreams, without reality. Despair is in sight, also accompanied by disappointment and tears.

We often see how people are broken due to disappointment. We also often see, how people are destroyed, because the situation is suppressed. But they are not necessarily destroyed, if they learn to accept the facts of the absurdity of life and themselves. They just have to laugh at how life has been playing with them.

Thank you SIR @javybar for sharing in steemit

Indeed. The strongest hearts are those who have struggled so much because of bad influence of people. And they still don't give up.

Those who appreciate life understand that work is the most time-consuming thing. Therefore, enduring a job that does not give them meaning is tantamount to disrespecting life. People who value their lives will choose to get out of one meaningless job they think, rather than spend most of their time complaining and being tired of it.
Thank you @javybar for sharing good article. I did following you and I am always resteem your post

People who can appreciate life will have priority in life. They understand that in life there is something they must put before other things; important things that also apply universally, such as love, kindness, happiness, family and others.

Your article is very brilliant, I always resteem. Thank mister @javybar for sharing great post

One time my knee was injured because of playing soccer, since then I started to be careful not to happen again. Many things are cultivated, for example by running more slowly, pay attention to the surface of the field, and others. Scars are also seen to this day, it may cost a lot for a smooth return, friends said-could be with plastic surgery or whatever the name.

Or maybe once you stumbled at the window or door, afterwards must be more prepared, ready to standby, especially when the body was injured.

It turns out that so life, the wound can turn anyone into anything. Pain in various forms is translated in one sense: Beware.

Thank you @javybar for sharing, I did resteem

One time my knee was injured because of playing soccer, since then I started to be careful not to happen again. Many things are cultivated, for example by running more slowly, pay attention to the surface of the field, and others. Scars are also seen to this day, it may cost a lot for a smooth return, friends said-could be with plastic surgery or whatever the name.

Or maybe once you stumbled at the window or door, afterwards must be more prepared, ready to standby, especially when the body was injured.

It turns out that so life, the wound can turn anyone into anything. Pain in various forms is translated in one sense: Beware.

Thank you @javybar for sharing, I did resteem

The scar itself may not be eliminated, as a self-reminder, in order to understand every potential event of a collision.

Losing, despairing, hate, defects, and others form a person automatically-builds his or her own world, making invisible fences. Maybe some people will say this is a form of cowardice or excessive fear, yes ... the unharmed man must have said it. But in the "wounded" point of view, you can not imagine what has happened and raged in his life. Who you are so dare to declare good and bad to someone without knowing the struggle that has been passed.

Thank you Mr @javybar for sharing good article

This is a awesome post on life,,I appreciate with you,,
Thanks for sharing

thanks for the such a inspiration post. it is true strong heartd people have many scars in their heart. this post has help some people i may know. thank you so much. keep on posting such a good thing .

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Thank you for share amazing article and Motivational quote for us...

carry on this job..its really better for us.