The 5 most terrible places on earth

in scary •  7 years ago 

Do you believe in spirits, ghosts and supernatural dark forces? What can cause your skin to bruise, your heart shrink, your breath to freeze, and to drip your ice drops of sweat? No matter how logical and rational you are, there is certainly at least one place in the world that will give you such a feeling. In fact, it is not one - much more. You have probably never heard of much of them, but they exist and put the strength of your spirit and your courage to test. These are the ten places in this ranking. They look as if they're hosting Halloween parties throughout the year. The truth is, however, that there is nothing festive in them ...


The famous Isla de las Munecas is located in the Sokolimco Canal, near Mexico City. Although it looks like a horror movie set, it's never been. His owner, Don Julian Santa Barrera, is collecting dolls and parts of them and hanging them on the trees, rocks and buildings, hoping to drive away the evil spirits after finding the body of a drowned girl in a nearby canal. He's been doing it for 50 years. Ironically (or spirits?) He finds his death drowning in the same channel. Today, the island is a tourist attraction, and visitors continue to add dolls to the ominous hanging collection.


It is a small island near Venice, where the plague victims were isolated. Their bodies are thrown into large pits, burned or buried. All who show the slightest symptoms of fearful illness are taken from their homes, thrown to the island on the piles of rotting bodies and set on fire. And if this is not enough ominous, in 1922 the island became the home of a psychiatric hospital where one of the doctors tortured many of their patients before committing suicide. In 1968, the island was completely abandoned, and today it is considered the most haunted place in Italy.


The bridge is located near the village of Milton in Scotland and, for an inexplicable reason, has attracted numerous suicide dogs since the 1960s. Even stranger is that, according to witnesses, dogs climb the wall of the railing before jumping. It is clear that dogs do not actually "commit suicide" - something rather tempts them and they jump off the bridge before they realize how high it is. What is this thing, however, to this day no one knows ...


Miranda Castle was originally built for the Ledeckerke-Beaufort family. During World War II, it was taken away by Belgium's National Railway Company and turned into an orphanage, contributing to its glory in a place where children's ghosts roam. The castle was abandoned in 1991, but thanks to its ominous glory and numerous ghost legends today, it is one of the most popular places to search for paranormal activities in Belgium.


This church in the Czech village of Lukova is abandoned by the fate of part of the roof collapsing during a 1968 operative. Believing that this is a sign of bad luck, locals leave the church and never again enter it, with almost three decades it collapses and rot. But one of them - the artist Jakub Hadrava, eventually decides to save her by creating an art installation with dozens of ghosts. This attracts many tourists who make donations so that the church can be maintained.

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