Schizophrenia (by Terence Mckenna)

in schizophrenia •  9 years ago 

''How many psychiatry residents, who are the people who come most in contact with schizophrenics (whatever that means), have ever seen an undrugged schizophrenic? very very few, because the very first thing that happens is, for the convenience of the nursing staff some outlandish drug is brought into the picture, which then deflects this healing process from ever reaching any kind of natural conclusion. ''Schizophrenia'' is just a catch all term for forms of mental behavior that we don't understand. In the 19th century there was the term ''melancolia'', which we would now call ''bipolar depression''. All forms of unhappiness, sadness and maladaptation were poured into this label. With schizophrenia is a similar thing. We are terrified of madness, we fear it because the western mind is a house of cards, and the people who built it know that.''

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I recommend reading RAW Food and the Psych Ward. I think it will speak to you