My life in college - Day 3 - First day of classes! Showing my professor my Steem code

in school •  3 years ago  (edited)

Hello everyone! Welcome back to yet another summarization of my day to day college life. Thank you all for continuing to read these entries and leave feedback! Yesterday was the first day of classes. Let's discuss it!

Day 3

First day of classes! Showing my professor my Steem code

Waking up and getting breakfast

I almost broke my neck getting out of bed yesterday. My alarm began to blare at 7am, and I wanted to turn it off as fast as possible. I just jumped out of bed as soon as I was awake, and luckily landed on my feet. I felt like a zombie, but a zombie excited to start the day. I got ready and went for breakfast. Unfortunately, no one else I knew was awake so I just wound up eating by myself. For breakfast, I had cereal and tater tots. It was decently good.

Going to my first class

My first class was Form and Analysis, and it was at 10:20am. I got to the hall it was in at 10am, and walked into the classroom not even thinking about the fact that there would be a class going on until 10:10am. I visited the French diction class, and was greeted by a lot of confused expressions. It was at that point that I left as quietly as possible, and hid in a practice room until 10:20am. In the practice room, I opened my book of poetry and began writing a song. Perhaps you will hear it here on Steem soon.

At 10:20am, I went in for the class. There are 5 students in my class including me so it was a really intimate class. It was funny that we got such a big room for 5 students. I knew almost all of the other students, but I was too awkward to talk much. This class is focused around discussing the different forms that composers will use, and the different units that a form is comprised of. We analyzed two pieces: the slow movement from Mozart's sonata in A Major, and the first phrase of the first movement of Beethoven's first piano sonata (that's a lot of firsts). I made myself stand out by accidentally volunteering to play the Beethoven excerpt. He started asking the question "Have any of you played this before, and would you be willing to play it for the class?" Since I'm working on it right now, I raised my hand at "played this before" not realizing that the question wasn't done, and, by consequence, I volunteered myself to play it for the class. I was very stressed about that, but I did fine so all is well. My professor also complimented the fact that my socks matched my shirt which made me feel very happy.

Seeing a friend

After the class was over, I walked out and ran into a friend. She told me about her French teacher who is apparently very eccentric and funny, but also strict. He walked into class and said "France is the best country", and then did a slide show where he named common stereotypes about France followed by the phrase (you have to imagine this in a hardcore French accent) "No, no, NO! That is science ficTION!' She found him so funny that she started writing down the stuff he was saying in her notebook. I will definitely be using the science friction phrase in my day to day lingo. Apparently the teacher is also taking off 10 points for every question you answer incorrectly, and giving 10 points for every correct answer. So if he calls on you and you get a question wrong, you have to answer a question correctly to save your grade. She and I walked to the library to get our music for choir class, and then I went to practice.


I went to practice at my dorm, but quickly learned that all of the good pianos were either occupied or locked. So, I went to the chapel for its practice rooms. I got the best grand piano in the chapel, and practice for about an hour or so. The Chopin piece I'm playing has some tricky spots, and I have been struggling with them since day 1. We shall see if I ever get it down. I also practiced the Beethoven movement in case I ever accidentally volunteer myself to play it again.

Lunch and shortly after

I went to get lunch around 12:30pm, and quickly learned that the better lunch area is mobbed at that time the day of classes. I ordered my lunch, and there was a 30 minute wait time so I sat at the one table I could find, and set up my chess board. When my friends got there, I played two games with one of them. In the first game I made blunder after blunder, and wound up resigning, but in the second game I absolutely demolished them. So we are even.

Eventually my lunch was ready. I ordered a hamburger, but got all of the ingredients of a hamburger except in a taco shell instead of a bun. I was dumbfounded as to how this screw up possibly could have occurred, but it looked good so I ate it. I also will point out that it looked like the burger had a smiley face.

After lunch, two of my friends and I sat at a bench and talked. I was scoping out the hammocks to see if one would open up. Eventually one opened up, and I got all of my stuff and started sprinting towards the hammock, but the girl sitting next to the hammock got up, and began to walk towards it. I was thinking "please be leaving", and she sat down. I stopped in my tracks and turned around to see my friends laughing at me. Humiliation sucks, but at least I got a good story out of it.


Data Structures and Algorithms

My friends went to a class they had, and I went to a practice room waiting for it to be time to go to my Data Structures and Algorithms class. I got about 30 more minutes of practicing in, and downloaded the software I need for the class while I was practicing.

I got to the business building around 2:30pm, and walked towards where my classroom should be. I saw this huge room with a glass wall with all these fancy lights, tables, and computers. I walked past it, and discovered that the room next to it was 1 above the room I needed. So I walked past it again, and discovered that the room on the other side was 1 beneath the room I needed. It was at this point that I realized that the big expensive room was where my class would be. The room was extremely fancy. It had charging ports, and each table had a flat screen tv that could be raised with the push of a button. There was an HDMI cable that can be connected to your laptop to display the screen for your group. I really liked this feature until the table in front of me raised their TV and I couldn't see the board. I have a lot of people in my class, but the professor is really cool. He knew a lot of us from other classes we'd taken with him, and he basically explained all of the rules and why the class would be important. Though the class was an hour and a half, we ended a bit early so he could make sure everyone's software was working. We will actually start learning content in the next class.


Showing the professor my Steem code

The professor had an office hour immediately after the class. So I stayed to show him the genetic algorithm I've been working on for our voting bot. I asked for his feedback and advice on how to solve some of the problems I am having.

He seemed to be impressed by the code, but said he thought using deep learning would be a much better way to do what I was trying to do. He offered to give me resources to learn about how to program a deep learning algorithm, and even said he'd give me extra credit for the project. That was really exciting! Not only is he helping me to make a better bot, and in turn make more ROI in curation rewards, but he's giving me extra credit for it. I left the room very excited to start!

Playing for each other

During that class, my studio class for piano met, and the buddies for the semester were all assigned. My friend texted me and told me who my buddy is. My buddy is the only freshman piano major. My friend came to the room with my buddy, and introduced us. That caught me a little off guard, but I invited them to go play in the practice room. So we all went down, but played very little and talked a lot. To be fair, we all didn't have our music on us. So we played the few things we have memorized, and I improvised a little for them.

Getting dinner

Around 6pm, I went to get dinner. I was once again by myself, but this time forgot my headphones, and therefore was really bored. For dinner, I had meatballs and rice from the allergy friendly station. When I was leaving, someone complimented my shirt which once again made me feel good.

Going to a Christian meeting

At 7pm, I went to a meeting for the Christian club, and met some of the other Christians on campus. That was fun! It was nice to meet some other believers, and some of them were extremely fun to be around. We discussed how several of the disciples were called by Jesus, and what the passages meant to us.

The gym

After the meeting, I went downstairs to the gym. I finally brought my lock, and therefore started out with cardio running around the track they have above the basketball court. By the end, my mask was soaked in sweat. I then went down to the gym, and did shoulders and core. After the workout, my core felt quite sore. I assume this is because my core workout was interrupted last week, and I didn't finish it as a result. I also missed leg day so I look forward to seeing how little I can walk in the near future.

Sight reading

After that, I went to the chapel again to read through some music with a friend. First I accompanied them sight reading through stuff for piano and flute, and then we eventually read through some four hands music. Unfortunately, they do not sight read very frequently so we had to go extremely slow and stop a lot, but as we continue to do it, I know they will get better.

Going to bed

I then went home, and got ready for bed. I started watching a video about deep learning, but was too tired to finish it. So I put it off to today. Around 11pm, I went to bed.


Thanks for reading this! I hope you enjoyed reading about my day! Have a nice day!

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Oh, another happy day for you. It is very easy in your country to deal with cryptocurrency or discuss about it with anyone. But crypto is not leagal yet in my country. So i can't say about it freely to others.

Oh wow! I didnt know that. I hope that changes soon!

Yeah, i hope so. Our central bank has already told that they are thinking about crypto to make it legal.

Another nice day for you, its good that you show your steem code to your professor. You can easily discuss with each other, will learn more.

I have also studied Data Structure And Algorithms. It was really a hard course but if your Programming and concepts are good this course will become easy

It is very good for you that you have such person to whom you can discuss about crypto. But i have none like that. Anyway stay happy all time dear.

last 2 days were perfect and the 3rd one also seems good, Go on!