The thing about opponents to school choice..

in school •  3 years ago 


School choice really is the issue where leftists show their true colors. I haven't met a single opponent of school choice in my greater than a decade of advocating for it who didn't fancy him or herself to be a bleeding hearted liberal.

Yet, schooling is where they'll tell you that choice is a privilege that not only is but should be given only to the ultra rich.

"You think the teachers and administrators are incompetent? Fuck you. Buy a new house or pay for a private school while still paying for the public school that you're not using."

"You would rather your fifth grader be learning long division in math class than being told to draw out a privilege diagram? Fuck you. Pay up."

"Don't want your kid to be raped on campus or fed semen cookies by his or her teacher? Fuck you. That's a rich person's privilege."

This utter hypocrisy is either born out of slavish support for unions or genuine desires for fascism. The union thing is kinda odd being that even FDR opposed public sector unions. Honestly though, I do think that the majority of actual opposition to school choice is more nefarious. I do believe that, while Ana Kasparian was one of the few people who was willing to say the quiet part loud and advocate for abolishing private schooling, most opponents of school choice are saying the loud part quietly. Usually, if you passionately want to make something incredibly hard for people to get, there's a point that you would like to get to where it completely goes away.

What's more, when you have these conversations with people on a regular basis for several years, you find that it's impossible for people who oppose school choice to avoid eventually slipping up and saying that they're worried that kids will be taught something that they don't want kids to be taught. Only, I'm not sure that most of them would view that as a slip up because they're that fascistic in their worldviews. They don't see the hypocrisy of telling a conservative, a libertarian, a Christian, a Muslim, etc. to shut up and "trust the experts" when they raise concerns at school board meetings while telling all of those same people that they shouldn't be able to take their business elsewhere because they might not like the other school's curriculum.

Let's be real, opponents of school choice aren't concerned about the safety of our children or the quality of their education or the development of our children into functioning adults. It's become even clearer recently with the introduction of ethnomathematics in several school districts. The goal is to force kids to get forty hours of leftist training a week for as many years as humanly possible.

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