Wonderfully powerful women and the creation of Extreme Fishing Africa

in schoolofminnows •  2 years ago 


Extreme Fishing Africa lady Angler's feature came about two and a half years ago on a idea for a page I created on Facebook 9 years ago but never had the confidence to publish.

Lockdown saw us all trapped inside and we were banned from fishing or spending time on the beach. We decided to travel to another province that had less restrictions than we had in Maputo province. We loaded up the jetski to fish in Bilene and found a treasure angler's resort in the process. We fished hard for a week and were discussing the fact that I always get a strange look from people when I tell them I'm into fishing. Just because I'm female!

I told my friend about my wish to meet more like minded ladies and that I had the idea for a page for lady angler's but that I felt I would be out of my depth trying to run a fishing page. Mark spoke me into publishing the page and we came up with the name Extreme Fishing Africa since we do extreme Fishing off of a Jetski.

I finally published the page thinking I would randomly find a lady every now and then to feature. Never did I think that from there on out I would be featuring one lady a week for more than two years and still have a line up waiting to be featured. It was awesome to see how many talented Lady angler's were actually fishing on the southern half of Africa.

I was very fortunate to have met @Jackoutdoor a few years back and he is just as passionate about fishing as I am. He put me in touch with Angler's talk who picked up lack of coverage that lady angler's received. They helped change that and even went as far as giving us full Lady Angler issues over woman's month. This was a stroke of genius that definitely put Extreme Fishing Africa on the map.


We managed to get post reach of 100 000 on some of our features and even had two interviews on the well known Fly Navarro's 'No Bs world tour' podcast. This was a huge privilege that such a big name from the USA would like the content we were presenting to the public.

We also saw the complete gap in the market when it came to gear specific for lady angler's. @Jackoutdoor once again proved to be a friend of Ladies in Angling by making a clothing range that suits needs of women. I was fortunate enough to get my kit sponsored 😁👌


Extreme Fishing Africa has a strong following with about 7000 members on the Facebook and Instagram pages.

I would love to build the same kind of community here on this platform and Ecency. This is a wonderful and rewarding concept for us who love writing and blogging.

Extreme Fishing Africa hit a luck again when Assassin marketing team reached out to us with a offer to run a long standing competition with really great prizes for the ladies.
This solidified my resolve to do whatever I can to showcase skilled women in angling from a woman's perspective and away from the bikini posing we usually see on social media.

We are currently running a Extreme Fishing Africa in association with Assassin RECENT CATCH COMPETITION.

We have had a fantastic response with some monster's being caught by the ladies. I wish I could sponsor a prize to every entrant as they have all been exceptionally good catches.




Ladies from Angola, Namibia, South Africa, Mozambique and Tanzania are free to enter by sending 1 photo of a recent catch and a short description of your catch. Where, when and how you caught the fish.
Email your entries to [email protected]
All entries will be featured in Angler's talk magazine.

Follow us to show your support for woman in angling and get your fix of exciting fishing content on a regular basis 📢📢📢

Photo credits: Extreme Fishing Africa
Angler's talk magazine

#schoolofminnows #extremefishingafrica #ladyanglers #lifestyle #women #sports #fishing #steem-fishing

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