#Hashtag Challenge: Easy Contest With SBI & @steemmonsters PrizessteemCreated with Sketch.

in schoolofminnows •  7 years ago  (edited)

Ready to have some fun? Join our new Quick Games & Challenges experiment, starting today!


New Concept

We've been playing way too few games of our own here on the @newbiegames account.

So, during the next couple of weeks, we'll be experimenting with all different kinds of games, contests and challenges. Nothing fancy, but we will have to find out what works and what doesn't.


Fun & Prizes

Since our account is still fairly small, we can't throw out huge prizes yet. But who knows, ... if this experiment becomes a success, that might change in the future.

For now, we'll be hosting simple games and challenges that can be played by everyone.

There will be some small prizes attached, but the main purpose is to have some fun and to get to know each other a little better.

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The Hashtag-Challenge

Think of the hashtag as the premise/topic. It is a call to action, and a challenge to add your creative idea to that hashtag. (...) The beauty of the premise and the tag is that you can interpret it however you wish.

This will be our first game.

The rules are simple:

  • We'll provide you with a certain hashtag.

  • It's up to you to a (funny) comment with a message that is related to the provided hashtag.

  • Images are allowed, but text is obligatory.

  • Go through the other comments (no duplicates allowed) and reward the best ones with an upvote (optional but recommended).

  • You can enter multiple times, but make sure you create a new comment for every single one of your answers.

  • Once the post has reached payout, 2 @steembasicincome shares will be rewarded: 1 for the most valuable answer and 1 for the funniest answer.

SBI Promo Banner PNG.png

  • Also, 2 randomly chosen contestants will be rewarded with a @steemmonsters card, as a reward for playing along.


Since this is the first in our series of experiments, I (@simplymike) will be the sole judge. Somewhere further along the line, some guest judges might be invited.

IMPORTANT: an upvote or a resteem is not required to enter the challenge, but it would be appreciated, since those help us to get the word out about our contests, get more contestants, and eventually allow us to give away bigger prizes.

UPDATE: 1 @steemonsters boosterpack will be given away to 1 randomly chosen resteemer!!!


Let's Do This

Your given hashtah:


I'm curious to see what you guys and gals can come up with...

It is time to let those creative juices flow. Be unique, be funny and walk away with the prizes and ETERNAL FAME!!!


Remember To Follow Us To Be The First To Know About New Games And Contests!

Find more of our ongoing #newbiegames HERE

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Don't ask @beeyou to comment

angry bee.png

That is only four words, lol.

“Commenter” and you’ve got yourself a valid entry.

hahaha. poor bee.

I know deep down you guys think I’m awesome. 😛

Only four, Doomz, you rebel!! ;0P

lol... I'm not going to say much because of the possible retribution... but you know ;)

Noone knows her violent side like we do. :(

crack lmfaooooooooo 🤣🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂😂😂

hahaha... too funny HS

lmaoooooo no dave no say it isnt soooo to think you make that face? bwahahhahahahahhaha hahahahhahahahahhahahahahjaj i cant stop laughing and it turned to spanish laughing at the end .... thoight everyone loved beeyou 😮👀

lol.. we do... but every so often we can make fun of her too... she likes it @eaglespirit, try it and you'll see :P

oh darn wished it was a but if a “rank” on someone but kinda seriously funny. nice you all can have jokes and ppl havn fun :pppppp

@davemccoy will always comment instead ;0P

Just call Dave over to comment on our behalf. 🙂

9 ánd a smylie, @beeyou.
We can't let Dave do all the work.
How about: "Who you gonna call? @davemccoy"
Okay, not my best one, but once again it is almost 5am (oops, @lynncoyle1, I did it again)

hahaha yes you did @simplymike :) I do like where you and @beeyou are going with this "just call bad boy mccoy" think :)

He kinda brought it on himself IMO , and I think he's secretly enjoying it too, lol

hahaha I'm sure he is enjoying it @simplymike 😅

hahaha... of course :P

awesome... yes ... perfect Lynn! :D

You are lucky this bee is too sleepy to have a come back. So 😝!

lol... heyyy I got a comment... even if you did stick out your tongue at me :P

"SBDs are what bots crave"

I got that one from Treasury Secretary @cryptkeeper17 and Defense Secretary @royaleagle

Example answer: "Grow Faster By Joining @newbiegames"

Never Give Up: Join @newbiegames!

@davemccoy: do me, do me... i feel kinda left out ;0P

Wanna win? Join @simplymike's team!

Okay, thanks, now I got one. But did you really have to pick that ugly dude to represent me?
With him as a frontman, I think people would rathdr run away from.my team than join it ;0P

Just kidding, I like the lines. So, now you are alse the king of slogans? Well done.
Photoshop can fix the rest :0)

haha... if you haven't seen the movie its hilareous... If you like outrageous humor that is... It is talladega nights, one of my all time funniest movies... He is a race car driver and his Dad taught him that if you're not First, then you're Last... watch it if you haven't seen it! Ohhh and he pisses excellence! :)

and that is you... competitive and finish first always! Maybe you even piss excellence! :)

Who knows, I probably do, lol.
And his father was right, if you ask me. There's no fun in anything if you don't win, lol.
The sentence 'Taking part in anything is more important than winning' was obviously not invented by winners, if you ask.me ;0P

hahaha... I bet you do!!! And yes, no "participation prizes" for @simplymike's teams... they are all business! :D

How about: The Best SteemIt Boy? @davemccoy!

hahaha... I will take that! For sure :D :D :D :D :D


Avoid The ReSteem Bot Tricks

Solid tip!

Hi @stever82! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @simplymike!

Check out @simplymike blog here and follow if you like the content :)

@tipU voting service | For investors.

where the rich get richer

OMG, you learned to count... :0P

it took me a while but I got there :)

@simplymike I found out how he did it

I don't know who Rodney is, but I'm sure that wouldn't have done it. 7 words on the blackboard... I can't imagine @doomsdaychassis 'got there eventually' when there are 7 words...

Maybe he started with this

Z18BYPaJ3mFmE.gif and forgot to read the first part. I would understand, because the first 4 words are irrelevant, lol.

Then he tried with this one


But then he found one in which he could recognize himself. And tadaaa: 5 words


lol.... funny @simplymike :P ... this was a great game, I really liked it :P

Me and Rodney. We get no respect I tell ya. No respect.

lol... loved the movie... I bet you would be great going back to school now :P

Beware of @doomsdaychassis at dinnertime

hahaha... there you go again!

after dinnertime.

real life ... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


now we know how you spend your nights DDC :P

Now i see why he can't count passed 4, lol


lol... funny

Avoid trending page like plague 😎

Nice one :0)

Haha, thanks! It's true! Nothing leads to depression faster than scrolling through trending!!! 😎

Depression is one possibility, feeling good about myself and uplifting my self-esteem is another, lol

Lol I don't get personally depressed, I get depressed about the state of Steemit and who it rewards ;) That's why I stick to my personal feed! 😎

I never visit trending, and the single time I do I'm actually more shocked about the fact that people don't have any dignity and rig the system like that, rather than about the fact that thdre are so many ways to rig the system :0)

Exactly! :)

Never Hit the Panic Button

Lol. Where is it???

They Hid It From Us

You got me curious now!
Who is they and what did they hide??

The Monsters From Down Below


Engage through comments and grow.

Just keep Interacting with people.

Don't complain - write more posts!

Very time-related :0)

Engagement is key to success

Wow! A professional slogan ;0)

Very good thinking, @rentmoney.

Thanks ... protection is always a good idea.

Always... indeed. Lol

@newbiegames is fun for all.

Nice one, @palikari123

Be social and be patient.

That's the key, especially during these difficult times. Thanks for playing, @apolymask

@newbiegames, After watching the Hashtag #FiveWordSteemItAdvice, five points came into my mind and those are.



In Steem Economy we get paid for our content and that's the beauty of it.


Crypto Sphere is dynamic so we have to showcase patience and we will going to face both good and bad times.

Motivate Everyday.

As we know the Crypto Sphere is dynamic and we will going to face the tough times, so we have to motivate ourselves every day to continue the journey.


In Steem Economy content plays an vital role and our content will decide the pace of our growth.


In Steem Economy if we have to grow then we have to develop effective and professional engagements.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed team. 🙂

Lol, I had to scroll back up to the main post to read the rules again.
You've definitely made the most out of your answer.
If I want to be strict, you should replace 'motivate everyday' by 'motivation', because technically speaking, now you have 6 words instead of 5.
But I'll take it, as you have obviously put quite some work in it, @chireerocks :0)

Thank you so much and stay blessed. 🙂

#newbieresteemday is vital to minnows

Nice one, @mellofello

Don't touch @themanwithnoname's gold coins

or mine either

hahaha @eaglespirit! Mine either! :P

i just saw your nickname Davil 😂🤣😂🤣😛

I thought he was all about silver, lol

lol he likes them both :P

@lynncoyle1 has the last word

I would upvote but I'm scared. LoL.

bashad ascared? bahahhahahah

hahaha... of course... we are all afraid of the queen when she gets mad .... lol (did you see that @lynncoyle1, we are being good and conformative) :P

hahaha Dave, I don't know what you are talking about!!! :)

lol... I'm sure it is news to you Lynn! :P

Now you're trying to get me to respond haha Please comment one more time and I'll ignore it lol

Doomz, you obviously can't count... lmao

I was referencing lynn not having the last word. :)

I know, but you could have least tried to do it in 5 words ;0P

hahaha I love Ron ... and good job, you got me to comment :)

@lynncoyle1 ok deal... lets see if you ignore it :P 😂

Damn, if I had known you were so good at this. I bet you want those cards pretty badly, lol

@simplymike 😀😀😀😀😀

Earn, Learn, & Grow With @newbiegames!

i guess we've got ourselves some new slogans :0)

maybe 😁

Maybe I can hire you to do some marketing for the @newbiegames account ;0)

yay! seems like a good idea 🦅

Hire @glenalbrethsen To Run Marketing

Steemit: Post. Comment. Curate. Repeat. #fivewordsteemitadvice

Straight and to the point.
Must be hard for you to be limited to 5 words only, lol

Hey, @simplymike.

I used to do the four word this, five word that twitter challenges all the time. :) Some of them can be pretty fun and I do like the challenge. In all seriousness, though, the problem comes when I'm trying to have an actual conversation.

I actually 'stole' the idea from Twitter. I was looking for fun and easy ssocial games and came across such a 4 word hashtag game. They are indeed very funny. But since it was unknown to me, I assumed many others wouldn't know the game either, so I decided to start with a simple one.

You just gave me an idea for a next contest: who can have the longest conversation, using maximum 5 or 6 words in each reply. I bet you wouldn't win that one, lol

@glenalbrethsen nice! I haven't been very active here in the last 3 days... My market keeping me busy... I hope you're doing well!

I haven't done much either for the last three days myself. I don't have a market to keep myself busy with, though. :)

I think a lot have slowed down a bit... I also notice it on discord. It might just be the end of the warmer weather or the drop in steem, but I have noticed a drop overall. Its ok with me, I needed to change my focus to the crazy world I am actually invested in and make some adjustments anyways. And you "can" have a market if you want one, but right now I think it is best to stay away :P

lmaoooo youre calling all your abh friends 🙀😂🤣😂🤣

of course @eaglespirit! ;) ... lets have some fun with this one... we always need a good laugh :P (I love all those different joys pics! :)

this was a lot of fun, whats for this week coming up 🧜🏽‍♀️🧞‍♂️🧚🏽‍♂️🧜🏽‍♂️

I'd say 'commenting' instead of 'marketing'...

I would say commenting too. 😂

You shall not beg for upvotes

Very true statement, but unfortunatly those are 6 words...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Duh, how dumb was this... that's what you get when you comment sleep-deprived :) Thanks for pointing it out! Am I allowed to correct it to You shan't beg for upvotes?

You are allowed, but in my head i keep asking myself whztever happened to words like 'shouldn't' and 'mustn't', lol.
Maybe 'shan't' is one of those many words that is missing from my English vocabulary...,


Eheheh "shan't" is coloquial english... it was my (failed) attempt to add some drama to the comment ;)

Lol. Sorry I took that away from you ;0)

A supercalifragilisticexpialidocious idea for games!!!

Nice workaround. Oh, I simply love that word :0)
But is it a good tip??

Nope, not really, but after a year, I'm not really a newbie to much any more, but I wanted to play, but not win, and well when was the last time you could use that word for a comment?

Well, someone did some great thinking, lol.
I must say I do use the word pretty often. Not in comments, but in text or FB messages I'm sending people for their birthday.
It took me awhile, but I can finally spell it without cheating :0)

Engage and HODL for life!

Posted using Partiko iOS

#FiveWordSteemItAdvice being you creates the platform

#FiveWordSteemItAdvice keep on keeping on always

Keeping on what, exactly??

Work on building a following

Spend all your voting power!

I'm not sure that's such a good piece of advice, @gillianpearce, lol

Well no@simplymike. It isn't now I think about it. I should have said:

Use all your voting power in such a way that it will recharge every night and leave you back at 100% when you are ready to start the next day.

Check it with Steemworld.org as you go along.

I can't think what possessed me to not explain it better. I must have been having an off day. 😂

Lol, I only gave you 5 words, right?! I guess it would be pretty hard to explain in 5 words.

Wait, let me think... maybe I can find an alternative...

'Use Your Voting Power Wisely',
or something like that, lol. 5 words is not a lot to give clear information, but I thought it would be a fun challenge to let people try :0)

OMG. I forgot about the 5 words @simplymike. I'm digging myself into a deeper and deeper hole here. 😂


"Look for Steem Monsters giveaways."

In fact, this was how I arrived at this contest :P .

#FiveWordSteemItAdvice Come in with an open mind, be authentic and join in. You'll find there is some wonderful people and community here.

Those are way more than 5 words, @porters...

Don't take any wooden nickles

Where's the Psycho Baby Hiding? :P

Always use tasteful upvote request

dancing baby 2.gif

awesome... you found it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That gets a full vote @headchange :P

Wow guess it is my lucky day then. I still think I should have hid it for your own protection. You are likely to put somebody's eye out with that thing.

hahaha... I had it on my other computer and haven't used it for steemit in awhile... so you saved me the trouble and now I have it copied here to do exactly that... Somebody's eye is going out soon! Thanks ;)

Now I am going to get really nosey and lurk around. Want to see who you are aiming that thing at.

How cool is that one?! Lmao!!
And accompanied by a correct #5wordsteemitadvice

This one is really hilarious, @headchange

Thanks! the Davil er I mean Dave made me do it.😈

No, I refuse to give Davil any credit for it, this was all you!!! (Lol, can't stop laughing every time I look at it.)

Yeah i kind of love it myself I just don't tell Dave that lol

thats a powerful baby! i see stars .. 👳🏽‍♀️

I told Dave that Psych Babe was going to hurt someone. Maybe he will turn off the blinker before he lets it loose again.

you received an up vote from danlupi with voting power of 100.00%. Estimated dollar amount of $2.47

You forgot to upvote, resteem, or comment.

Vote me, I vote you

Again, worst SteemIt advice ever.
I'm glad you made clear you know better than that in your third attempt :0)

lol someone had to be the jerk and say it...

I must admit that I don't see that kind of comments a lot anymore. Or maybe I've developed a filter and I just don't notice them anymore. Either way, that's a good thing :0)

Follow me, I follow you

Worst Steemit advice ever, @palikari123

Is there a prize for the worst entry?

Hahaha, we have one for the most valuable one and one for the funniest one, but sorry, not for the worst one :0)


My last pie was a red-pie.



Sneaky Ninja Attack! You have just been defended with a 25.35% upvote!
I was summoned by @newbiegames. I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...

A portion of the proceeds from your bid was used in support of youarehope and tarc.

Abuse Policy
How to use Sneaky Ninja
How it works
Victim of grumpycat?

Last minute bid bot voters who f%*# up the profitable payout ratio for everyone are f$&@#^% irritating!

17... I guess the frustration had to get out, lol

haha, thanks for letting me vent.

You're welcome. I'm all for venting... it always gives something that little extra... and funny.
So, if you feel the need, just pick a random post a wrote and let yourself go ;0)