Color Challenge - Indigo Saturday ~ Image No. 1: Mercury -- Really Cool Photographs Of Flowers From Various Planets Of Our Solar System ~

in schteinnsciencereport •  8 years ago  (edited)

A Schteinn Science Report - Circular

Photographs taken by the Deep Space Explorer Satellite-MrPeabody IV. Designed and built by the Engineering Department of the Schteinn College Of The Sophisticated Sciences


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Roseous indigovibrantus var. Mercuriplanetoidus

Common Name: Mercurial Disappearing Blueflower

Botanical Details:

A robust plant found on Mercury, planet closest to the Sun. Believed to exercise the ability to retract into the rocky planet surface as daylight gives way to nightfall. A biological necessity, born of living on an exceedingly harsh planet, with temperature variations ranging from −173 °C at night to a rather warm +427 °C during the day.

Thought to have high tolerance to cold and drought conditions, possibly through utilization of some form of antifreeze/anti-boil solution within the cell wall structure. Highly reflective outer surface likely, possibly composed of silica.

Botanical Summary/Comparisons

Closest Comparative Plant on Earth: Rose
Reproduction Methodology: Unknown
Size Range: Estimated .2 to 3 meters in height
Life Span: Unknown
Colorization: Indigo Blue to Light Blue, shading into Dark Blue and back to Indigo

Poste Script: This image may have received "just a wee bit" of manipulation by the author, to get the colors "just right" for this particular Deep Science Project.

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[Official Science Press Credential Here]

A huge shout-out from the freelance Science Reporter's cardboard holler-horn goes out to the amazing @ocrdu for creating this marvy little identification credential for The Schteinn Science Report. Not only is it ultra-cool, but it allows me to poke about into databases and other places I'm probably not supposed to be. Though that IS the point of this on-the-edge, razor-sharp Science reportage.

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I read somewhere that this strage plant can emit a mini solar-like flare if you get to close while trying to sample its aroma - enough to singe the hairs in your nostrils!

O :
Shortly followed by a possible melting of the cranial regions.

Incredible findings! I await the first cutting ;0)

They may be a bit pricey, but would definitely add a nice accent to your thickening bamboo wall. I will pencil you onto the list for eventual distribution.

A splendid addition to my bamboo wall. I await the costings!!! ;0)

Try not to think TOO much of home, while lolling about all sandy-shorted on the beaches of paradise. Heard a hearty Stout will wash away the toughest of grains, from the inside out, of course.

From the inside out!! I am lol'ing :0)

Apparently no green thumb required!

O :
Probably not, maybe a space suit and a whole lot of sandwiches in ruggedized Tupperwear.

Your camera's lens is amazing, is that a Hubble? Must be heavy!

O :
Well, I'd like to impress and say "yes", but it is actually a Hooble, a knock-off from Walmart. But I still needed a serious stabilizer system, so that's something, isn't it?

That is something. Some people just lay the thing across the roof of their house, but yeah houses are expensive. The photos prove that the investment is worth it though.

I feel Deep Science is always worth the investment, even if it takes a new roof.

Excellent work dear friend @ddschteinn this photograph is extarordinary, congratulations on the great find, many thanks for sharing another magnificent material
you have a good night

Thank you, this is High Science at work. Glad you could contribute here to the knowledge of the world. Thanks for stopping in and the support, I really appreciate it. Have a good night as well.

Amazing color of the rose! Excellent Science Report! I enjoyed following your idea! Well done! ;)

Thank you very much. Stay tuned, there's a whole week ahead. We must keep the science moving, even if in space. Have a most wonderful day.

You're welcome! Yes, I always stay tuned to your posts and look forward to your new reports of the science! Um! "Keep the science moving....even if in space" I'm much exciting and curious to know about the things now!

Have a wonderful night! ;)

Thank you. The Report goes on.

With my pleasure! I'm looking forward to reading your report with much interest! ;)

Great colours and excellent detail.

Thanks for the view and complement. Greatly appreciated. But I can't take credit, it's all in the spacecraft lens system ( :