We have here for you the top trending posts of today ( posted within the last 24h ) for the tag/category "science".
@mamaburger will find each day for you the best, newest and most interesting posts on Steemit to give you great example post, which will help you to earn even more money from your own posts.
Enjoy the todays "science" top list
1.Does Aluminum as an adjuvant in vaccines cause Autism New article provides solid evidence it does Spoiler No it doesnt
created by @irime
Current Payout Value: $271.02
Current Votes:200 Votes
------------------------------------2.Scientific Evangelism vs The Esoteric The Battle Of Culture BS and Evolution Part FOUR
created by @rok-sivante
Current Payout Value: $58.3
Current Votes:113 Votes
------------------------------------3.MillerUrrey Experiment 1953
created by @steeminator3000
Current Payout Value: $44.15
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------4.Researchers construct Photonic Synapse
created by @n3bul4
Current Payout Value: $31.61
Current Votes:83 Votes
------------------------------------5.Earth isnt Flat But the Universe is says NASA
created by @pratik27
Current Payout Value: $30.12
Current Votes:65 Votes
------------------------------------6.6 IQ overload Max Planck
created by @jakipatryk
Current Payout Value: $29.88
Current Votes:52 Votes
------------------------------------7.Urinary Stones Understanding the basics
created by @simplifylife
Current Payout Value: $10.97
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------8.Gravitational Waves A Comprehensive Explanation of the Significance of Detecting GW170814
created by @thequantumknight
Current Payout Value: $9.3
Current Votes:33 Votes
------------------------------------9.Nature Identification Thread 1
created by @mountainwashere
Current Payout Value: $8.02
Current Votes:85 Votes
------------------------------------10.Do you know semiconductors your answer is no I will explain to you very easily
created by @carloserp-2000
Current Payout Value: $6.12
Current Votes:21 Votes
------------------------------------11.The irony of launching a satellite to prove the Earth is flat
created by @o1o1o1o
Current Payout Value: $2.6
Current Votes:16 Votes
------------------------------------12.Science Explains Connect the Mind to the Body
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $2.56
Current Votes:24 Votes
------------------------------------13.Langkahlangkah Metode Pembelajaran Tutor Sebaya
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $1.01
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------14.Holidays Also Part Of Education
created by @lisaa
Current Payout Value: $0.92
Current Votes:21 Votes
------------------------------------15.What Is Aurora
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.73
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------16.They found evidence of life on Earth 4 billion years
created by @showmovie
Current Payout Value: $0.67
Current Votes:16 Votes
------------------------------------17.Small Volcano Erupted In Indonesia
created by @freeforever
Current Payout Value: $0.56
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------18.The Process of Formation Knowledge in Humans
created by @sward
Current Payout Value: $0.5
Current Votes:7 Votes
------------------------------------19.Learn new daily 1 science facts How egg looks in underwater
created by @saimegh
Current Payout Value: $0.44
Current Votes:45 Votes
------------------------------------20.Physics for Everyone Guide to Basic Physics 2 The Technical System
created by @chtulu
Current Payout Value: $0.42
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------21.Level 3 Solar Storm Alerts Announcement S0 News Sept282017
created by @jang
Current Payout Value: $0.37
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------22.Uromys vika Scientists discover giant rat that can crack coconuts with its teeth
created by @shirish5
Current Payout Value: $0.36
Current Votes:41 Votes
------------------------------------23.With Thematic Learning Method Make Student More Relaxing In Learning
created by @yanaa
Current Payout Value: $0.35
Current Votes:18 Votes
------------------------------------24.Tesla In Talk With The Government To Bring Electric Car To India
created by @iamhaque
Current Payout Value: $0.31
Current Votes:13 Votes
------------------------------------25.Students More Active And Creative With Peer Tutor Learning Methods
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $0.3
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------26.Traveling in Time Evidence from Ancient Times to Modern Times
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------27.Really Did nobody think this through
created by @rezpatex
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:6 Votes
------------------------------------28.Communication of computer games with cognitive abilities
created by @maxer27
Current Payout Value: $0.15
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------29.Mother Board I Bought How is it
created by @anjaligupta
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------30.Laseroperated Space Station
created by @rubai18
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:26 Votes
------------------------------------31.Zoom out Look This Hand Image
created by @kirankhan
Current Payout Value: $0.12
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------32.Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
------------------------------------33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Does Aluminum as an adjuvant in vaccines cause Autism New article provides solid evidence it does Spoiler No it doesnt
created by @irimeCurrent Payout Value: $271.02
Current Votes:200 Votes
2.Scientific Evangelism vs The Esoteric The Battle Of Culture BS and Evolution Part FOUR
created by @rok-sivante
Current Payout Value: $58.3
Current Votes:113 Votes
------------------------------------3.MillerUrrey Experiment 1953
created by @steeminator3000
Current Payout Value: $44.15
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------4.Researchers construct Photonic Synapse
created by @n3bul4
Current Payout Value: $31.61
Current Votes:83 Votes
------------------------------------5.Earth isnt Flat But the Universe is says NASA
created by @pratik27
Current Payout Value: $30.12
Current Votes:65 Votes
------------------------------------6.6 IQ overload Max Planck
created by @jakipatryk
Current Payout Value: $29.88
Current Votes:52 Votes
------------------------------------7.Urinary Stones Understanding the basics
created by @simplifylife
Current Payout Value: $10.97
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------8.Gravitational Waves A Comprehensive Explanation of the Significance of Detecting GW170814
created by @thequantumknight
Current Payout Value: $9.3
Current Votes:33 Votes
------------------------------------9.Nature Identification Thread 1
created by @mountainwashere
Current Payout Value: $8.02
Current Votes:85 Votes
------------------------------------10.Do you know semiconductors your answer is no I will explain to you very easily
created by @carloserp-2000
Current Payout Value: $6.12
Current Votes:21 Votes
------------------------------------11.The irony of launching a satellite to prove the Earth is flat
created by @o1o1o1o
Current Payout Value: $2.6
Current Votes:16 Votes
------------------------------------12.Science Explains Connect the Mind to the Body
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $2.56
Current Votes:24 Votes
------------------------------------13.Langkahlangkah Metode Pembelajaran Tutor Sebaya
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $1.01
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------14.Holidays Also Part Of Education
created by @lisaa
Current Payout Value: $0.92
Current Votes:21 Votes
------------------------------------15.What Is Aurora
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.73
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------16.They found evidence of life on Earth 4 billion years
created by @showmovie
Current Payout Value: $0.67
Current Votes:16 Votes
------------------------------------17.Small Volcano Erupted In Indonesia
created by @freeforever
Current Payout Value: $0.56
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------18.The Process of Formation Knowledge in Humans
created by @sward
Current Payout Value: $0.5
Current Votes:7 Votes
------------------------------------19.Learn new daily 1 science facts How egg looks in underwater
created by @saimegh
Current Payout Value: $0.44
Current Votes:45 Votes
------------------------------------20.Physics for Everyone Guide to Basic Physics 2 The Technical System
created by @chtulu
Current Payout Value: $0.42
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------21.Level 3 Solar Storm Alerts Announcement S0 News Sept282017
created by @jang
Current Payout Value: $0.37
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------22.Uromys vika Scientists discover giant rat that can crack coconuts with its teeth
created by @shirish5
Current Payout Value: $0.36
Current Votes:41 Votes
------------------------------------23.With Thematic Learning Method Make Student More Relaxing In Learning
created by @yanaa
Current Payout Value: $0.35
Current Votes:18 Votes
------------------------------------24.Tesla In Talk With The Government To Bring Electric Car To India
created by @iamhaque
Current Payout Value: $0.31
Current Votes:13 Votes
------------------------------------25.Students More Active And Creative With Peer Tutor Learning Methods
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $0.3
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------26.Traveling in Time Evidence from Ancient Times to Modern Times
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------27.Really Did nobody think this through
created by @rezpatex
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:6 Votes
------------------------------------28.Communication of computer games with cognitive abilities
created by @maxer27
Current Payout Value: $0.15
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------29.Mother Board I Bought How is it
created by @anjaligupta
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------30.Laseroperated Space Station
created by @rubai18
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:26 Votes
------------------------------------31.Zoom out Look This Hand Image
created by @kirankhan
Current Payout Value: $0.12
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------32.Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
------------------------------------33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Scientific Evangelism vs The Esoteric The Battle Of Culture BS and Evolution Part FOUR
created by @rok-sivanteCurrent Payout Value: $58.3
Current Votes:113 Votes
3.MillerUrrey Experiment 1953
created by @steeminator3000
Current Payout Value: $44.15
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------4.Researchers construct Photonic Synapse
created by @n3bul4
Current Payout Value: $31.61
Current Votes:83 Votes
------------------------------------5.Earth isnt Flat But the Universe is says NASA
created by @pratik27
Current Payout Value: $30.12
Current Votes:65 Votes
------------------------------------6.6 IQ overload Max Planck
created by @jakipatryk
Current Payout Value: $29.88
Current Votes:52 Votes
------------------------------------7.Urinary Stones Understanding the basics
created by @simplifylife
Current Payout Value: $10.97
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------8.Gravitational Waves A Comprehensive Explanation of the Significance of Detecting GW170814
created by @thequantumknight
Current Payout Value: $9.3
Current Votes:33 Votes
------------------------------------9.Nature Identification Thread 1
created by @mountainwashere
Current Payout Value: $8.02
Current Votes:85 Votes
------------------------------------10.Do you know semiconductors your answer is no I will explain to you very easily
created by @carloserp-2000
Current Payout Value: $6.12
Current Votes:21 Votes
------------------------------------11.The irony of launching a satellite to prove the Earth is flat
created by @o1o1o1o
Current Payout Value: $2.6
Current Votes:16 Votes
------------------------------------12.Science Explains Connect the Mind to the Body
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $2.56
Current Votes:24 Votes
------------------------------------13.Langkahlangkah Metode Pembelajaran Tutor Sebaya
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $1.01
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------14.Holidays Also Part Of Education
created by @lisaa
Current Payout Value: $0.92
Current Votes:21 Votes
------------------------------------15.What Is Aurora
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.73
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------16.They found evidence of life on Earth 4 billion years
created by @showmovie
Current Payout Value: $0.67
Current Votes:16 Votes
------------------------------------17.Small Volcano Erupted In Indonesia
created by @freeforever
Current Payout Value: $0.56
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------18.The Process of Formation Knowledge in Humans
created by @sward
Current Payout Value: $0.5
Current Votes:7 Votes
------------------------------------19.Learn new daily 1 science facts How egg looks in underwater
created by @saimegh
Current Payout Value: $0.44
Current Votes:45 Votes
------------------------------------20.Physics for Everyone Guide to Basic Physics 2 The Technical System
created by @chtulu
Current Payout Value: $0.42
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------21.Level 3 Solar Storm Alerts Announcement S0 News Sept282017
created by @jang
Current Payout Value: $0.37
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------22.Uromys vika Scientists discover giant rat that can crack coconuts with its teeth
created by @shirish5
Current Payout Value: $0.36
Current Votes:41 Votes
------------------------------------23.With Thematic Learning Method Make Student More Relaxing In Learning
created by @yanaa
Current Payout Value: $0.35
Current Votes:18 Votes
------------------------------------24.Tesla In Talk With The Government To Bring Electric Car To India
created by @iamhaque
Current Payout Value: $0.31
Current Votes:13 Votes
------------------------------------25.Students More Active And Creative With Peer Tutor Learning Methods
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $0.3
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------26.Traveling in Time Evidence from Ancient Times to Modern Times
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------27.Really Did nobody think this through
created by @rezpatex
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:6 Votes
------------------------------------28.Communication of computer games with cognitive abilities
created by @maxer27
Current Payout Value: $0.15
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------29.Mother Board I Bought How is it
created by @anjaligupta
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------30.Laseroperated Space Station
created by @rubai18
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:26 Votes
------------------------------------31.Zoom out Look This Hand Image
created by @kirankhan
Current Payout Value: $0.12
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------32.Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
------------------------------------33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
MillerUrrey Experiment 1953
created by @steeminator3000Current Payout Value: $44.15
Current Votes:37 Votes
4.Researchers construct Photonic Synapse
created by @n3bul4
Current Payout Value: $31.61
Current Votes:83 Votes
------------------------------------5.Earth isnt Flat But the Universe is says NASA
created by @pratik27
Current Payout Value: $30.12
Current Votes:65 Votes
------------------------------------6.6 IQ overload Max Planck
created by @jakipatryk
Current Payout Value: $29.88
Current Votes:52 Votes
------------------------------------7.Urinary Stones Understanding the basics
created by @simplifylife
Current Payout Value: $10.97
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------8.Gravitational Waves A Comprehensive Explanation of the Significance of Detecting GW170814
created by @thequantumknight
Current Payout Value: $9.3
Current Votes:33 Votes
------------------------------------9.Nature Identification Thread 1
created by @mountainwashere
Current Payout Value: $8.02
Current Votes:85 Votes
------------------------------------10.Do you know semiconductors your answer is no I will explain to you very easily
created by @carloserp-2000
Current Payout Value: $6.12
Current Votes:21 Votes
------------------------------------11.The irony of launching a satellite to prove the Earth is flat
created by @o1o1o1o
Current Payout Value: $2.6
Current Votes:16 Votes
------------------------------------12.Science Explains Connect the Mind to the Body
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $2.56
Current Votes:24 Votes
------------------------------------13.Langkahlangkah Metode Pembelajaran Tutor Sebaya
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $1.01
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------14.Holidays Also Part Of Education
created by @lisaa
Current Payout Value: $0.92
Current Votes:21 Votes
------------------------------------15.What Is Aurora
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.73
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------16.They found evidence of life on Earth 4 billion years
created by @showmovie
Current Payout Value: $0.67
Current Votes:16 Votes
------------------------------------17.Small Volcano Erupted In Indonesia
created by @freeforever
Current Payout Value: $0.56
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------18.The Process of Formation Knowledge in Humans
created by @sward
Current Payout Value: $0.5
Current Votes:7 Votes
------------------------------------19.Learn new daily 1 science facts How egg looks in underwater
created by @saimegh
Current Payout Value: $0.44
Current Votes:45 Votes
------------------------------------20.Physics for Everyone Guide to Basic Physics 2 The Technical System
created by @chtulu
Current Payout Value: $0.42
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------21.Level 3 Solar Storm Alerts Announcement S0 News Sept282017
created by @jang
Current Payout Value: $0.37
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------22.Uromys vika Scientists discover giant rat that can crack coconuts with its teeth
created by @shirish5
Current Payout Value: $0.36
Current Votes:41 Votes
------------------------------------23.With Thematic Learning Method Make Student More Relaxing In Learning
created by @yanaa
Current Payout Value: $0.35
Current Votes:18 Votes
------------------------------------24.Tesla In Talk With The Government To Bring Electric Car To India
created by @iamhaque
Current Payout Value: $0.31
Current Votes:13 Votes
------------------------------------25.Students More Active And Creative With Peer Tutor Learning Methods
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $0.3
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------26.Traveling in Time Evidence from Ancient Times to Modern Times
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------27.Really Did nobody think this through
created by @rezpatex
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:6 Votes
------------------------------------28.Communication of computer games with cognitive abilities
created by @maxer27
Current Payout Value: $0.15
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------29.Mother Board I Bought How is it
created by @anjaligupta
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------30.Laseroperated Space Station
created by @rubai18
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:26 Votes
------------------------------------31.Zoom out Look This Hand Image
created by @kirankhan
Current Payout Value: $0.12
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------32.Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
------------------------------------33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Researchers construct Photonic Synapse
created by @n3bul4Current Payout Value: $31.61
Current Votes:83 Votes
5.Earth isnt Flat But the Universe is says NASA
created by @pratik27
Current Payout Value: $30.12
Current Votes:65 Votes
------------------------------------6.6 IQ overload Max Planck
created by @jakipatryk
Current Payout Value: $29.88
Current Votes:52 Votes
------------------------------------7.Urinary Stones Understanding the basics
created by @simplifylife
Current Payout Value: $10.97
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------8.Gravitational Waves A Comprehensive Explanation of the Significance of Detecting GW170814
created by @thequantumknight
Current Payout Value: $9.3
Current Votes:33 Votes
------------------------------------9.Nature Identification Thread 1
created by @mountainwashere
Current Payout Value: $8.02
Current Votes:85 Votes
------------------------------------10.Do you know semiconductors your answer is no I will explain to you very easily
created by @carloserp-2000
Current Payout Value: $6.12
Current Votes:21 Votes
------------------------------------11.The irony of launching a satellite to prove the Earth is flat
created by @o1o1o1o
Current Payout Value: $2.6
Current Votes:16 Votes
------------------------------------12.Science Explains Connect the Mind to the Body
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $2.56
Current Votes:24 Votes
------------------------------------13.Langkahlangkah Metode Pembelajaran Tutor Sebaya
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $1.01
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------14.Holidays Also Part Of Education
created by @lisaa
Current Payout Value: $0.92
Current Votes:21 Votes
------------------------------------15.What Is Aurora
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.73
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------16.They found evidence of life on Earth 4 billion years
created by @showmovie
Current Payout Value: $0.67
Current Votes:16 Votes
------------------------------------17.Small Volcano Erupted In Indonesia
created by @freeforever
Current Payout Value: $0.56
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------18.The Process of Formation Knowledge in Humans
created by @sward
Current Payout Value: $0.5
Current Votes:7 Votes
------------------------------------19.Learn new daily 1 science facts How egg looks in underwater
created by @saimegh
Current Payout Value: $0.44
Current Votes:45 Votes
------------------------------------20.Physics for Everyone Guide to Basic Physics 2 The Technical System
created by @chtulu
Current Payout Value: $0.42
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------21.Level 3 Solar Storm Alerts Announcement S0 News Sept282017
created by @jang
Current Payout Value: $0.37
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------22.Uromys vika Scientists discover giant rat that can crack coconuts with its teeth
created by @shirish5
Current Payout Value: $0.36
Current Votes:41 Votes
------------------------------------23.With Thematic Learning Method Make Student More Relaxing In Learning
created by @yanaa
Current Payout Value: $0.35
Current Votes:18 Votes
------------------------------------24.Tesla In Talk With The Government To Bring Electric Car To India
created by @iamhaque
Current Payout Value: $0.31
Current Votes:13 Votes
------------------------------------25.Students More Active And Creative With Peer Tutor Learning Methods
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $0.3
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------26.Traveling in Time Evidence from Ancient Times to Modern Times
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------27.Really Did nobody think this through
created by @rezpatex
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:6 Votes
------------------------------------28.Communication of computer games with cognitive abilities
created by @maxer27
Current Payout Value: $0.15
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------29.Mother Board I Bought How is it
created by @anjaligupta
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------30.Laseroperated Space Station
created by @rubai18
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:26 Votes
------------------------------------31.Zoom out Look This Hand Image
created by @kirankhan
Current Payout Value: $0.12
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------32.Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
------------------------------------33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Earth isnt Flat But the Universe is says NASA
created by @pratik27Current Payout Value: $30.12
Current Votes:65 Votes
6.6 IQ overload Max Planck
created by @jakipatryk
Current Payout Value: $29.88
Current Votes:52 Votes
------------------------------------7.Urinary Stones Understanding the basics
created by @simplifylife
Current Payout Value: $10.97
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------8.Gravitational Waves A Comprehensive Explanation of the Significance of Detecting GW170814
created by @thequantumknight
Current Payout Value: $9.3
Current Votes:33 Votes
------------------------------------9.Nature Identification Thread 1
created by @mountainwashere
Current Payout Value: $8.02
Current Votes:85 Votes
------------------------------------10.Do you know semiconductors your answer is no I will explain to you very easily
created by @carloserp-2000
Current Payout Value: $6.12
Current Votes:21 Votes
------------------------------------11.The irony of launching a satellite to prove the Earth is flat
created by @o1o1o1o
Current Payout Value: $2.6
Current Votes:16 Votes
------------------------------------12.Science Explains Connect the Mind to the Body
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $2.56
Current Votes:24 Votes
------------------------------------13.Langkahlangkah Metode Pembelajaran Tutor Sebaya
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $1.01
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------14.Holidays Also Part Of Education
created by @lisaa
Current Payout Value: $0.92
Current Votes:21 Votes
------------------------------------15.What Is Aurora
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.73
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------16.They found evidence of life on Earth 4 billion years
created by @showmovie
Current Payout Value: $0.67
Current Votes:16 Votes
------------------------------------17.Small Volcano Erupted In Indonesia
created by @freeforever
Current Payout Value: $0.56
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------18.The Process of Formation Knowledge in Humans
created by @sward
Current Payout Value: $0.5
Current Votes:7 Votes
------------------------------------19.Learn new daily 1 science facts How egg looks in underwater
created by @saimegh
Current Payout Value: $0.44
Current Votes:45 Votes
------------------------------------20.Physics for Everyone Guide to Basic Physics 2 The Technical System
created by @chtulu
Current Payout Value: $0.42
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------21.Level 3 Solar Storm Alerts Announcement S0 News Sept282017
created by @jang
Current Payout Value: $0.37
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------22.Uromys vika Scientists discover giant rat that can crack coconuts with its teeth
created by @shirish5
Current Payout Value: $0.36
Current Votes:41 Votes
------------------------------------23.With Thematic Learning Method Make Student More Relaxing In Learning
created by @yanaa
Current Payout Value: $0.35
Current Votes:18 Votes
------------------------------------24.Tesla In Talk With The Government To Bring Electric Car To India
created by @iamhaque
Current Payout Value: $0.31
Current Votes:13 Votes
------------------------------------25.Students More Active And Creative With Peer Tutor Learning Methods
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $0.3
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------26.Traveling in Time Evidence from Ancient Times to Modern Times
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------27.Really Did nobody think this through
created by @rezpatex
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:6 Votes
------------------------------------28.Communication of computer games with cognitive abilities
created by @maxer27
Current Payout Value: $0.15
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------29.Mother Board I Bought How is it
created by @anjaligupta
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------30.Laseroperated Space Station
created by @rubai18
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:26 Votes
------------------------------------31.Zoom out Look This Hand Image
created by @kirankhan
Current Payout Value: $0.12
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------32.Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
------------------------------------33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
6 IQ overload Max Planck
created by @jakipatrykCurrent Payout Value: $29.88
Current Votes:52 Votes
7.Urinary Stones Understanding the basics
created by @simplifylife
Current Payout Value: $10.97
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------8.Gravitational Waves A Comprehensive Explanation of the Significance of Detecting GW170814
created by @thequantumknight
Current Payout Value: $9.3
Current Votes:33 Votes
------------------------------------9.Nature Identification Thread 1
created by @mountainwashere
Current Payout Value: $8.02
Current Votes:85 Votes
------------------------------------10.Do you know semiconductors your answer is no I will explain to you very easily
created by @carloserp-2000
Current Payout Value: $6.12
Current Votes:21 Votes
------------------------------------11.The irony of launching a satellite to prove the Earth is flat
created by @o1o1o1o
Current Payout Value: $2.6
Current Votes:16 Votes
------------------------------------12.Science Explains Connect the Mind to the Body
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $2.56
Current Votes:24 Votes
------------------------------------13.Langkahlangkah Metode Pembelajaran Tutor Sebaya
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $1.01
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------14.Holidays Also Part Of Education
created by @lisaa
Current Payout Value: $0.92
Current Votes:21 Votes
------------------------------------15.What Is Aurora
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.73
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------16.They found evidence of life on Earth 4 billion years
created by @showmovie
Current Payout Value: $0.67
Current Votes:16 Votes
------------------------------------17.Small Volcano Erupted In Indonesia
created by @freeforever
Current Payout Value: $0.56
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------18.The Process of Formation Knowledge in Humans
created by @sward
Current Payout Value: $0.5
Current Votes:7 Votes
------------------------------------19.Learn new daily 1 science facts How egg looks in underwater
created by @saimegh
Current Payout Value: $0.44
Current Votes:45 Votes
------------------------------------20.Physics for Everyone Guide to Basic Physics 2 The Technical System
created by @chtulu
Current Payout Value: $0.42
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------21.Level 3 Solar Storm Alerts Announcement S0 News Sept282017
created by @jang
Current Payout Value: $0.37
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------22.Uromys vika Scientists discover giant rat that can crack coconuts with its teeth
created by @shirish5
Current Payout Value: $0.36
Current Votes:41 Votes
------------------------------------23.With Thematic Learning Method Make Student More Relaxing In Learning
created by @yanaa
Current Payout Value: $0.35
Current Votes:18 Votes
------------------------------------24.Tesla In Talk With The Government To Bring Electric Car To India
created by @iamhaque
Current Payout Value: $0.31
Current Votes:13 Votes
------------------------------------25.Students More Active And Creative With Peer Tutor Learning Methods
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $0.3
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------26.Traveling in Time Evidence from Ancient Times to Modern Times
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------27.Really Did nobody think this through
created by @rezpatex
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:6 Votes
------------------------------------28.Communication of computer games with cognitive abilities
created by @maxer27
Current Payout Value: $0.15
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------29.Mother Board I Bought How is it
created by @anjaligupta
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------30.Laseroperated Space Station
created by @rubai18
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:26 Votes
------------------------------------31.Zoom out Look This Hand Image
created by @kirankhan
Current Payout Value: $0.12
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------32.Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
------------------------------------33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Urinary Stones Understanding the basics
created by @simplifylifeCurrent Payout Value: $10.97
Current Votes:37 Votes
8.Gravitational Waves A Comprehensive Explanation of the Significance of Detecting GW170814
created by @thequantumknight
Current Payout Value: $9.3
Current Votes:33 Votes
------------------------------------9.Nature Identification Thread 1
created by @mountainwashere
Current Payout Value: $8.02
Current Votes:85 Votes
------------------------------------10.Do you know semiconductors your answer is no I will explain to you very easily
created by @carloserp-2000
Current Payout Value: $6.12
Current Votes:21 Votes
------------------------------------11.The irony of launching a satellite to prove the Earth is flat
created by @o1o1o1o
Current Payout Value: $2.6
Current Votes:16 Votes
------------------------------------12.Science Explains Connect the Mind to the Body
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $2.56
Current Votes:24 Votes
------------------------------------13.Langkahlangkah Metode Pembelajaran Tutor Sebaya
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $1.01
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------14.Holidays Also Part Of Education
created by @lisaa
Current Payout Value: $0.92
Current Votes:21 Votes
------------------------------------15.What Is Aurora
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.73
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------16.They found evidence of life on Earth 4 billion years
created by @showmovie
Current Payout Value: $0.67
Current Votes:16 Votes
------------------------------------17.Small Volcano Erupted In Indonesia
created by @freeforever
Current Payout Value: $0.56
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------18.The Process of Formation Knowledge in Humans
created by @sward
Current Payout Value: $0.5
Current Votes:7 Votes
------------------------------------19.Learn new daily 1 science facts How egg looks in underwater
created by @saimegh
Current Payout Value: $0.44
Current Votes:45 Votes
------------------------------------20.Physics for Everyone Guide to Basic Physics 2 The Technical System
created by @chtulu
Current Payout Value: $0.42
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------21.Level 3 Solar Storm Alerts Announcement S0 News Sept282017
created by @jang
Current Payout Value: $0.37
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------22.Uromys vika Scientists discover giant rat that can crack coconuts with its teeth
created by @shirish5
Current Payout Value: $0.36
Current Votes:41 Votes
------------------------------------23.With Thematic Learning Method Make Student More Relaxing In Learning
created by @yanaa
Current Payout Value: $0.35
Current Votes:18 Votes
------------------------------------24.Tesla In Talk With The Government To Bring Electric Car To India
created by @iamhaque
Current Payout Value: $0.31
Current Votes:13 Votes
------------------------------------25.Students More Active And Creative With Peer Tutor Learning Methods
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $0.3
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------26.Traveling in Time Evidence from Ancient Times to Modern Times
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------27.Really Did nobody think this through
created by @rezpatex
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:6 Votes
------------------------------------28.Communication of computer games with cognitive abilities
created by @maxer27
Current Payout Value: $0.15
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------29.Mother Board I Bought How is it
created by @anjaligupta
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------30.Laseroperated Space Station
created by @rubai18
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:26 Votes
------------------------------------31.Zoom out Look This Hand Image
created by @kirankhan
Current Payout Value: $0.12
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------32.Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
------------------------------------33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Gravitational Waves A Comprehensive Explanation of the Significance of Detecting GW170814
created by @thequantumknightCurrent Payout Value: $9.3
Current Votes:33 Votes
9.Nature Identification Thread 1
created by @mountainwashere
Current Payout Value: $8.02
Current Votes:85 Votes
------------------------------------10.Do you know semiconductors your answer is no I will explain to you very easily
created by @carloserp-2000
Current Payout Value: $6.12
Current Votes:21 Votes
------------------------------------11.The irony of launching a satellite to prove the Earth is flat
created by @o1o1o1o
Current Payout Value: $2.6
Current Votes:16 Votes
------------------------------------12.Science Explains Connect the Mind to the Body
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $2.56
Current Votes:24 Votes
------------------------------------13.Langkahlangkah Metode Pembelajaran Tutor Sebaya
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $1.01
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------14.Holidays Also Part Of Education
created by @lisaa
Current Payout Value: $0.92
Current Votes:21 Votes
------------------------------------15.What Is Aurora
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.73
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------16.They found evidence of life on Earth 4 billion years
created by @showmovie
Current Payout Value: $0.67
Current Votes:16 Votes
------------------------------------17.Small Volcano Erupted In Indonesia
created by @freeforever
Current Payout Value: $0.56
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------18.The Process of Formation Knowledge in Humans
created by @sward
Current Payout Value: $0.5
Current Votes:7 Votes
------------------------------------19.Learn new daily 1 science facts How egg looks in underwater
created by @saimegh
Current Payout Value: $0.44
Current Votes:45 Votes
------------------------------------20.Physics for Everyone Guide to Basic Physics 2 The Technical System
created by @chtulu
Current Payout Value: $0.42
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------21.Level 3 Solar Storm Alerts Announcement S0 News Sept282017
created by @jang
Current Payout Value: $0.37
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------22.Uromys vika Scientists discover giant rat that can crack coconuts with its teeth
created by @shirish5
Current Payout Value: $0.36
Current Votes:41 Votes
------------------------------------23.With Thematic Learning Method Make Student More Relaxing In Learning
created by @yanaa
Current Payout Value: $0.35
Current Votes:18 Votes
------------------------------------24.Tesla In Talk With The Government To Bring Electric Car To India
created by @iamhaque
Current Payout Value: $0.31
Current Votes:13 Votes
------------------------------------25.Students More Active And Creative With Peer Tutor Learning Methods
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $0.3
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------26.Traveling in Time Evidence from Ancient Times to Modern Times
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------27.Really Did nobody think this through
created by @rezpatex
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:6 Votes
------------------------------------28.Communication of computer games with cognitive abilities
created by @maxer27
Current Payout Value: $0.15
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------29.Mother Board I Bought How is it
created by @anjaligupta
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------30.Laseroperated Space Station
created by @rubai18
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:26 Votes
------------------------------------31.Zoom out Look This Hand Image
created by @kirankhan
Current Payout Value: $0.12
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------32.Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
------------------------------------33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Nature Identification Thread 1
created by @mountainwashereCurrent Payout Value: $8.02
Current Votes:85 Votes
10.Do you know semiconductors your answer is no I will explain to you very easily
created by @carloserp-2000
Current Payout Value: $6.12
Current Votes:21 Votes
------------------------------------11.The irony of launching a satellite to prove the Earth is flat
created by @o1o1o1o
Current Payout Value: $2.6
Current Votes:16 Votes
------------------------------------12.Science Explains Connect the Mind to the Body
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $2.56
Current Votes:24 Votes
------------------------------------13.Langkahlangkah Metode Pembelajaran Tutor Sebaya
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $1.01
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------14.Holidays Also Part Of Education
created by @lisaa
Current Payout Value: $0.92
Current Votes:21 Votes
------------------------------------15.What Is Aurora
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.73
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------16.They found evidence of life on Earth 4 billion years
created by @showmovie
Current Payout Value: $0.67
Current Votes:16 Votes
------------------------------------17.Small Volcano Erupted In Indonesia
created by @freeforever
Current Payout Value: $0.56
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------18.The Process of Formation Knowledge in Humans
created by @sward
Current Payout Value: $0.5
Current Votes:7 Votes
------------------------------------19.Learn new daily 1 science facts How egg looks in underwater
created by @saimegh
Current Payout Value: $0.44
Current Votes:45 Votes
------------------------------------20.Physics for Everyone Guide to Basic Physics 2 The Technical System
created by @chtulu
Current Payout Value: $0.42
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------21.Level 3 Solar Storm Alerts Announcement S0 News Sept282017
created by @jang
Current Payout Value: $0.37
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------22.Uromys vika Scientists discover giant rat that can crack coconuts with its teeth
created by @shirish5
Current Payout Value: $0.36
Current Votes:41 Votes
------------------------------------23.With Thematic Learning Method Make Student More Relaxing In Learning
created by @yanaa
Current Payout Value: $0.35
Current Votes:18 Votes
------------------------------------24.Tesla In Talk With The Government To Bring Electric Car To India
created by @iamhaque
Current Payout Value: $0.31
Current Votes:13 Votes
------------------------------------25.Students More Active And Creative With Peer Tutor Learning Methods
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $0.3
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------26.Traveling in Time Evidence from Ancient Times to Modern Times
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------27.Really Did nobody think this through
created by @rezpatex
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:6 Votes
------------------------------------28.Communication of computer games with cognitive abilities
created by @maxer27
Current Payout Value: $0.15
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------29.Mother Board I Bought How is it
created by @anjaligupta
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------30.Laseroperated Space Station
created by @rubai18
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:26 Votes
------------------------------------31.Zoom out Look This Hand Image
created by @kirankhan
Current Payout Value: $0.12
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------32.Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
------------------------------------33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Do you know semiconductors your answer is no I will explain to you very easily
created by @carloserp-2000Current Payout Value: $6.12
Current Votes:21 Votes
11.The irony of launching a satellite to prove the Earth is flat
created by @o1o1o1o
Current Payout Value: $2.6
Current Votes:16 Votes
------------------------------------12.Science Explains Connect the Mind to the Body
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $2.56
Current Votes:24 Votes
------------------------------------13.Langkahlangkah Metode Pembelajaran Tutor Sebaya
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $1.01
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------14.Holidays Also Part Of Education
created by @lisaa
Current Payout Value: $0.92
Current Votes:21 Votes
------------------------------------15.What Is Aurora
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.73
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------16.They found evidence of life on Earth 4 billion years
created by @showmovie
Current Payout Value: $0.67
Current Votes:16 Votes
------------------------------------17.Small Volcano Erupted In Indonesia
created by @freeforever
Current Payout Value: $0.56
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------18.The Process of Formation Knowledge in Humans
created by @sward
Current Payout Value: $0.5
Current Votes:7 Votes
------------------------------------19.Learn new daily 1 science facts How egg looks in underwater
created by @saimegh
Current Payout Value: $0.44
Current Votes:45 Votes
------------------------------------20.Physics for Everyone Guide to Basic Physics 2 The Technical System
created by @chtulu
Current Payout Value: $0.42
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------21.Level 3 Solar Storm Alerts Announcement S0 News Sept282017
created by @jang
Current Payout Value: $0.37
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------22.Uromys vika Scientists discover giant rat that can crack coconuts with its teeth
created by @shirish5
Current Payout Value: $0.36
Current Votes:41 Votes
------------------------------------23.With Thematic Learning Method Make Student More Relaxing In Learning
created by @yanaa
Current Payout Value: $0.35
Current Votes:18 Votes
------------------------------------24.Tesla In Talk With The Government To Bring Electric Car To India
created by @iamhaque
Current Payout Value: $0.31
Current Votes:13 Votes
------------------------------------25.Students More Active And Creative With Peer Tutor Learning Methods
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $0.3
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------26.Traveling in Time Evidence from Ancient Times to Modern Times
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------27.Really Did nobody think this through
created by @rezpatex
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:6 Votes
------------------------------------28.Communication of computer games with cognitive abilities
created by @maxer27
Current Payout Value: $0.15
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------29.Mother Board I Bought How is it
created by @anjaligupta
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------30.Laseroperated Space Station
created by @rubai18
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:26 Votes
------------------------------------31.Zoom out Look This Hand Image
created by @kirankhan
Current Payout Value: $0.12
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------32.Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
------------------------------------33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
The irony of launching a satellite to prove the Earth is flat
created by @o1o1o1oCurrent Payout Value: $2.6
Current Votes:16 Votes
12.Science Explains Connect the Mind to the Body
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $2.56
Current Votes:24 Votes
------------------------------------13.Langkahlangkah Metode Pembelajaran Tutor Sebaya
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $1.01
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------14.Holidays Also Part Of Education
created by @lisaa
Current Payout Value: $0.92
Current Votes:21 Votes
------------------------------------15.What Is Aurora
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.73
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------16.They found evidence of life on Earth 4 billion years
created by @showmovie
Current Payout Value: $0.67
Current Votes:16 Votes
------------------------------------17.Small Volcano Erupted In Indonesia
created by @freeforever
Current Payout Value: $0.56
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------18.The Process of Formation Knowledge in Humans
created by @sward
Current Payout Value: $0.5
Current Votes:7 Votes
------------------------------------19.Learn new daily 1 science facts How egg looks in underwater
created by @saimegh
Current Payout Value: $0.44
Current Votes:45 Votes
------------------------------------20.Physics for Everyone Guide to Basic Physics 2 The Technical System
created by @chtulu
Current Payout Value: $0.42
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------21.Level 3 Solar Storm Alerts Announcement S0 News Sept282017
created by @jang
Current Payout Value: $0.37
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------22.Uromys vika Scientists discover giant rat that can crack coconuts with its teeth
created by @shirish5
Current Payout Value: $0.36
Current Votes:41 Votes
------------------------------------23.With Thematic Learning Method Make Student More Relaxing In Learning
created by @yanaa
Current Payout Value: $0.35
Current Votes:18 Votes
------------------------------------24.Tesla In Talk With The Government To Bring Electric Car To India
created by @iamhaque
Current Payout Value: $0.31
Current Votes:13 Votes
------------------------------------25.Students More Active And Creative With Peer Tutor Learning Methods
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $0.3
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------26.Traveling in Time Evidence from Ancient Times to Modern Times
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------27.Really Did nobody think this through
created by @rezpatex
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:6 Votes
------------------------------------28.Communication of computer games with cognitive abilities
created by @maxer27
Current Payout Value: $0.15
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------29.Mother Board I Bought How is it
created by @anjaligupta
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------30.Laseroperated Space Station
created by @rubai18
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:26 Votes
------------------------------------31.Zoom out Look This Hand Image
created by @kirankhan
Current Payout Value: $0.12
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------32.Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
------------------------------------33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Science Explains Connect the Mind to the Body
created by @wondersssCurrent Payout Value: $2.56
Current Votes:24 Votes
13.Langkahlangkah Metode Pembelajaran Tutor Sebaya
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $1.01
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------14.Holidays Also Part Of Education
created by @lisaa
Current Payout Value: $0.92
Current Votes:21 Votes
------------------------------------15.What Is Aurora
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.73
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------16.They found evidence of life on Earth 4 billion years
created by @showmovie
Current Payout Value: $0.67
Current Votes:16 Votes
------------------------------------17.Small Volcano Erupted In Indonesia
created by @freeforever
Current Payout Value: $0.56
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------18.The Process of Formation Knowledge in Humans
created by @sward
Current Payout Value: $0.5
Current Votes:7 Votes
------------------------------------19.Learn new daily 1 science facts How egg looks in underwater
created by @saimegh
Current Payout Value: $0.44
Current Votes:45 Votes
------------------------------------20.Physics for Everyone Guide to Basic Physics 2 The Technical System
created by @chtulu
Current Payout Value: $0.42
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------21.Level 3 Solar Storm Alerts Announcement S0 News Sept282017
created by @jang
Current Payout Value: $0.37
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------22.Uromys vika Scientists discover giant rat that can crack coconuts with its teeth
created by @shirish5
Current Payout Value: $0.36
Current Votes:41 Votes
------------------------------------23.With Thematic Learning Method Make Student More Relaxing In Learning
created by @yanaa
Current Payout Value: $0.35
Current Votes:18 Votes
------------------------------------24.Tesla In Talk With The Government To Bring Electric Car To India
created by @iamhaque
Current Payout Value: $0.31
Current Votes:13 Votes
------------------------------------25.Students More Active And Creative With Peer Tutor Learning Methods
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $0.3
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------26.Traveling in Time Evidence from Ancient Times to Modern Times
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------27.Really Did nobody think this through
created by @rezpatex
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:6 Votes
------------------------------------28.Communication of computer games with cognitive abilities
created by @maxer27
Current Payout Value: $0.15
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------29.Mother Board I Bought How is it
created by @anjaligupta
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------30.Laseroperated Space Station
created by @rubai18
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:26 Votes
------------------------------------31.Zoom out Look This Hand Image
created by @kirankhan
Current Payout Value: $0.12
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------32.Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
------------------------------------33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Langkahlangkah Metode Pembelajaran Tutor Sebaya
created by @husainiCurrent Payout Value: $1.01
Current Votes:27 Votes
14.Holidays Also Part Of Education
created by @lisaa
Current Payout Value: $0.92
Current Votes:21 Votes
------------------------------------15.What Is Aurora
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.73
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------16.They found evidence of life on Earth 4 billion years
created by @showmovie
Current Payout Value: $0.67
Current Votes:16 Votes
------------------------------------17.Small Volcano Erupted In Indonesia
created by @freeforever
Current Payout Value: $0.56
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------18.The Process of Formation Knowledge in Humans
created by @sward
Current Payout Value: $0.5
Current Votes:7 Votes
------------------------------------19.Learn new daily 1 science facts How egg looks in underwater
created by @saimegh
Current Payout Value: $0.44
Current Votes:45 Votes
------------------------------------20.Physics for Everyone Guide to Basic Physics 2 The Technical System
created by @chtulu
Current Payout Value: $0.42
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------21.Level 3 Solar Storm Alerts Announcement S0 News Sept282017
created by @jang
Current Payout Value: $0.37
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------22.Uromys vika Scientists discover giant rat that can crack coconuts with its teeth
created by @shirish5
Current Payout Value: $0.36
Current Votes:41 Votes
------------------------------------23.With Thematic Learning Method Make Student More Relaxing In Learning
created by @yanaa
Current Payout Value: $0.35
Current Votes:18 Votes
------------------------------------24.Tesla In Talk With The Government To Bring Electric Car To India
created by @iamhaque
Current Payout Value: $0.31
Current Votes:13 Votes
------------------------------------25.Students More Active And Creative With Peer Tutor Learning Methods
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $0.3
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------26.Traveling in Time Evidence from Ancient Times to Modern Times
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------27.Really Did nobody think this through
created by @rezpatex
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:6 Votes
------------------------------------28.Communication of computer games with cognitive abilities
created by @maxer27
Current Payout Value: $0.15
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------29.Mother Board I Bought How is it
created by @anjaligupta
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------30.Laseroperated Space Station
created by @rubai18
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:26 Votes
------------------------------------31.Zoom out Look This Hand Image
created by @kirankhan
Current Payout Value: $0.12
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------32.Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
------------------------------------33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Holidays Also Part Of Education
created by @lisaaCurrent Payout Value: $0.92
Current Votes:21 Votes
15.What Is Aurora
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.73
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------16.They found evidence of life on Earth 4 billion years
created by @showmovie
Current Payout Value: $0.67
Current Votes:16 Votes
------------------------------------17.Small Volcano Erupted In Indonesia
created by @freeforever
Current Payout Value: $0.56
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------18.The Process of Formation Knowledge in Humans
created by @sward
Current Payout Value: $0.5
Current Votes:7 Votes
------------------------------------19.Learn new daily 1 science facts How egg looks in underwater
created by @saimegh
Current Payout Value: $0.44
Current Votes:45 Votes
------------------------------------20.Physics for Everyone Guide to Basic Physics 2 The Technical System
created by @chtulu
Current Payout Value: $0.42
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------21.Level 3 Solar Storm Alerts Announcement S0 News Sept282017
created by @jang
Current Payout Value: $0.37
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------22.Uromys vika Scientists discover giant rat that can crack coconuts with its teeth
created by @shirish5
Current Payout Value: $0.36
Current Votes:41 Votes
------------------------------------23.With Thematic Learning Method Make Student More Relaxing In Learning
created by @yanaa
Current Payout Value: $0.35
Current Votes:18 Votes
------------------------------------24.Tesla In Talk With The Government To Bring Electric Car To India
created by @iamhaque
Current Payout Value: $0.31
Current Votes:13 Votes
------------------------------------25.Students More Active And Creative With Peer Tutor Learning Methods
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $0.3
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------26.Traveling in Time Evidence from Ancient Times to Modern Times
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------27.Really Did nobody think this through
created by @rezpatex
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:6 Votes
------------------------------------28.Communication of computer games with cognitive abilities
created by @maxer27
Current Payout Value: $0.15
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------29.Mother Board I Bought How is it
created by @anjaligupta
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------30.Laseroperated Space Station
created by @rubai18
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:26 Votes
------------------------------------31.Zoom out Look This Hand Image
created by @kirankhan
Current Payout Value: $0.12
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------32.Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
------------------------------------33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
What Is Aurora
created by @manahCurrent Payout Value: $0.73
Current Votes:9 Votes
16.They found evidence of life on Earth 4 billion years
created by @showmovie
Current Payout Value: $0.67
Current Votes:16 Votes
------------------------------------17.Small Volcano Erupted In Indonesia
created by @freeforever
Current Payout Value: $0.56
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------18.The Process of Formation Knowledge in Humans
created by @sward
Current Payout Value: $0.5
Current Votes:7 Votes
------------------------------------19.Learn new daily 1 science facts How egg looks in underwater
created by @saimegh
Current Payout Value: $0.44
Current Votes:45 Votes
------------------------------------20.Physics for Everyone Guide to Basic Physics 2 The Technical System
created by @chtulu
Current Payout Value: $0.42
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------21.Level 3 Solar Storm Alerts Announcement S0 News Sept282017
created by @jang
Current Payout Value: $0.37
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------22.Uromys vika Scientists discover giant rat that can crack coconuts with its teeth
created by @shirish5
Current Payout Value: $0.36
Current Votes:41 Votes
------------------------------------23.With Thematic Learning Method Make Student More Relaxing In Learning
created by @yanaa
Current Payout Value: $0.35
Current Votes:18 Votes
------------------------------------24.Tesla In Talk With The Government To Bring Electric Car To India
created by @iamhaque
Current Payout Value: $0.31
Current Votes:13 Votes
------------------------------------25.Students More Active And Creative With Peer Tutor Learning Methods
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $0.3
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------26.Traveling in Time Evidence from Ancient Times to Modern Times
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------27.Really Did nobody think this through
created by @rezpatex
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:6 Votes
------------------------------------28.Communication of computer games with cognitive abilities
created by @maxer27
Current Payout Value: $0.15
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------29.Mother Board I Bought How is it
created by @anjaligupta
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------30.Laseroperated Space Station
created by @rubai18
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:26 Votes
------------------------------------31.Zoom out Look This Hand Image
created by @kirankhan
Current Payout Value: $0.12
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------32.Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
------------------------------------33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
They found evidence of life on Earth 4 billion years
created by @showmovieCurrent Payout Value: $0.67
Current Votes:16 Votes
17.Small Volcano Erupted In Indonesia
created by @freeforever
Current Payout Value: $0.56
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------18.The Process of Formation Knowledge in Humans
created by @sward
Current Payout Value: $0.5
Current Votes:7 Votes
------------------------------------19.Learn new daily 1 science facts How egg looks in underwater
created by @saimegh
Current Payout Value: $0.44
Current Votes:45 Votes
------------------------------------20.Physics for Everyone Guide to Basic Physics 2 The Technical System
created by @chtulu
Current Payout Value: $0.42
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------21.Level 3 Solar Storm Alerts Announcement S0 News Sept282017
created by @jang
Current Payout Value: $0.37
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------22.Uromys vika Scientists discover giant rat that can crack coconuts with its teeth
created by @shirish5
Current Payout Value: $0.36
Current Votes:41 Votes
------------------------------------23.With Thematic Learning Method Make Student More Relaxing In Learning
created by @yanaa
Current Payout Value: $0.35
Current Votes:18 Votes
------------------------------------24.Tesla In Talk With The Government To Bring Electric Car To India
created by @iamhaque
Current Payout Value: $0.31
Current Votes:13 Votes
------------------------------------25.Students More Active And Creative With Peer Tutor Learning Methods
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $0.3
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------26.Traveling in Time Evidence from Ancient Times to Modern Times
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------27.Really Did nobody think this through
created by @rezpatex
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:6 Votes
------------------------------------28.Communication of computer games with cognitive abilities
created by @maxer27
Current Payout Value: $0.15
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------29.Mother Board I Bought How is it
created by @anjaligupta
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------30.Laseroperated Space Station
created by @rubai18
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:26 Votes
------------------------------------31.Zoom out Look This Hand Image
created by @kirankhan
Current Payout Value: $0.12
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------32.Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
------------------------------------33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Small Volcano Erupted In Indonesia
created by @freeforeverCurrent Payout Value: $0.56
Current Votes:8 Votes
18.The Process of Formation Knowledge in Humans
created by @sward
Current Payout Value: $0.5
Current Votes:7 Votes
------------------------------------19.Learn new daily 1 science facts How egg looks in underwater
created by @saimegh
Current Payout Value: $0.44
Current Votes:45 Votes
------------------------------------20.Physics for Everyone Guide to Basic Physics 2 The Technical System
created by @chtulu
Current Payout Value: $0.42
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------21.Level 3 Solar Storm Alerts Announcement S0 News Sept282017
created by @jang
Current Payout Value: $0.37
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------22.Uromys vika Scientists discover giant rat that can crack coconuts with its teeth
created by @shirish5
Current Payout Value: $0.36
Current Votes:41 Votes
------------------------------------23.With Thematic Learning Method Make Student More Relaxing In Learning
created by @yanaa
Current Payout Value: $0.35
Current Votes:18 Votes
------------------------------------24.Tesla In Talk With The Government To Bring Electric Car To India
created by @iamhaque
Current Payout Value: $0.31
Current Votes:13 Votes
------------------------------------25.Students More Active And Creative With Peer Tutor Learning Methods
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $0.3
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------26.Traveling in Time Evidence from Ancient Times to Modern Times
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------27.Really Did nobody think this through
created by @rezpatex
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:6 Votes
------------------------------------28.Communication of computer games with cognitive abilities
created by @maxer27
Current Payout Value: $0.15
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------29.Mother Board I Bought How is it
created by @anjaligupta
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------30.Laseroperated Space Station
created by @rubai18
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:26 Votes
------------------------------------31.Zoom out Look This Hand Image
created by @kirankhan
Current Payout Value: $0.12
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------32.Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
------------------------------------33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
The Process of Formation Knowledge in Humans
created by @swardCurrent Payout Value: $0.5
Current Votes:7 Votes
19.Learn new daily 1 science facts How egg looks in underwater
created by @saimegh
Current Payout Value: $0.44
Current Votes:45 Votes
------------------------------------20.Physics for Everyone Guide to Basic Physics 2 The Technical System
created by @chtulu
Current Payout Value: $0.42
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------21.Level 3 Solar Storm Alerts Announcement S0 News Sept282017
created by @jang
Current Payout Value: $0.37
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------22.Uromys vika Scientists discover giant rat that can crack coconuts with its teeth
created by @shirish5
Current Payout Value: $0.36
Current Votes:41 Votes
------------------------------------23.With Thematic Learning Method Make Student More Relaxing In Learning
created by @yanaa
Current Payout Value: $0.35
Current Votes:18 Votes
------------------------------------24.Tesla In Talk With The Government To Bring Electric Car To India
created by @iamhaque
Current Payout Value: $0.31
Current Votes:13 Votes
------------------------------------25.Students More Active And Creative With Peer Tutor Learning Methods
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $0.3
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------26.Traveling in Time Evidence from Ancient Times to Modern Times
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------27.Really Did nobody think this through
created by @rezpatex
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:6 Votes
------------------------------------28.Communication of computer games with cognitive abilities
created by @maxer27
Current Payout Value: $0.15
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------29.Mother Board I Bought How is it
created by @anjaligupta
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------30.Laseroperated Space Station
created by @rubai18
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:26 Votes
------------------------------------31.Zoom out Look This Hand Image
created by @kirankhan
Current Payout Value: $0.12
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------32.Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
------------------------------------33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Learn new daily 1 science facts How egg looks in underwater
created by @saimeghCurrent Payout Value: $0.44
Current Votes:45 Votes
20.Physics for Everyone Guide to Basic Physics 2 The Technical System
created by @chtulu
Current Payout Value: $0.42
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------21.Level 3 Solar Storm Alerts Announcement S0 News Sept282017
created by @jang
Current Payout Value: $0.37
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------22.Uromys vika Scientists discover giant rat that can crack coconuts with its teeth
created by @shirish5
Current Payout Value: $0.36
Current Votes:41 Votes
------------------------------------23.With Thematic Learning Method Make Student More Relaxing In Learning
created by @yanaa
Current Payout Value: $0.35
Current Votes:18 Votes
------------------------------------24.Tesla In Talk With The Government To Bring Electric Car To India
created by @iamhaque
Current Payout Value: $0.31
Current Votes:13 Votes
------------------------------------25.Students More Active And Creative With Peer Tutor Learning Methods
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $0.3
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------26.Traveling in Time Evidence from Ancient Times to Modern Times
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------27.Really Did nobody think this through
created by @rezpatex
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:6 Votes
------------------------------------28.Communication of computer games with cognitive abilities
created by @maxer27
Current Payout Value: $0.15
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------29.Mother Board I Bought How is it
created by @anjaligupta
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------30.Laseroperated Space Station
created by @rubai18
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:26 Votes
------------------------------------31.Zoom out Look This Hand Image
created by @kirankhan
Current Payout Value: $0.12
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------32.Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
------------------------------------33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Physics for Everyone Guide to Basic Physics 2 The Technical System
created by @chtuluCurrent Payout Value: $0.42
Current Votes:37 Votes
21.Level 3 Solar Storm Alerts Announcement S0 News Sept282017
created by @jang
Current Payout Value: $0.37
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------22.Uromys vika Scientists discover giant rat that can crack coconuts with its teeth
created by @shirish5
Current Payout Value: $0.36
Current Votes:41 Votes
------------------------------------23.With Thematic Learning Method Make Student More Relaxing In Learning
created by @yanaa
Current Payout Value: $0.35
Current Votes:18 Votes
------------------------------------24.Tesla In Talk With The Government To Bring Electric Car To India
created by @iamhaque
Current Payout Value: $0.31
Current Votes:13 Votes
------------------------------------25.Students More Active And Creative With Peer Tutor Learning Methods
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $0.3
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------26.Traveling in Time Evidence from Ancient Times to Modern Times
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------27.Really Did nobody think this through
created by @rezpatex
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:6 Votes
------------------------------------28.Communication of computer games with cognitive abilities
created by @maxer27
Current Payout Value: $0.15
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------29.Mother Board I Bought How is it
created by @anjaligupta
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------30.Laseroperated Space Station
created by @rubai18
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:26 Votes
------------------------------------31.Zoom out Look This Hand Image
created by @kirankhan
Current Payout Value: $0.12
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------32.Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
------------------------------------33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Level 3 Solar Storm Alerts Announcement S0 News Sept282017
created by @jangCurrent Payout Value: $0.37
Current Votes:5 Votes
22.Uromys vika Scientists discover giant rat that can crack coconuts with its teeth
created by @shirish5
Current Payout Value: $0.36
Current Votes:41 Votes
------------------------------------23.With Thematic Learning Method Make Student More Relaxing In Learning
created by @yanaa
Current Payout Value: $0.35
Current Votes:18 Votes
------------------------------------24.Tesla In Talk With The Government To Bring Electric Car To India
created by @iamhaque
Current Payout Value: $0.31
Current Votes:13 Votes
------------------------------------25.Students More Active And Creative With Peer Tutor Learning Methods
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $0.3
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------26.Traveling in Time Evidence from Ancient Times to Modern Times
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------27.Really Did nobody think this through
created by @rezpatex
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:6 Votes
------------------------------------28.Communication of computer games with cognitive abilities
created by @maxer27
Current Payout Value: $0.15
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------29.Mother Board I Bought How is it
created by @anjaligupta
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------30.Laseroperated Space Station
created by @rubai18
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:26 Votes
------------------------------------31.Zoom out Look This Hand Image
created by @kirankhan
Current Payout Value: $0.12
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------32.Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
------------------------------------33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Uromys vika Scientists discover giant rat that can crack coconuts with its teeth
created by @shirish5Current Payout Value: $0.36
Current Votes:41 Votes
23.With Thematic Learning Method Make Student More Relaxing In Learning
created by @yanaa
Current Payout Value: $0.35
Current Votes:18 Votes
------------------------------------24.Tesla In Talk With The Government To Bring Electric Car To India
created by @iamhaque
Current Payout Value: $0.31
Current Votes:13 Votes
------------------------------------25.Students More Active And Creative With Peer Tutor Learning Methods
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $0.3
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------26.Traveling in Time Evidence from Ancient Times to Modern Times
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------27.Really Did nobody think this through
created by @rezpatex
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:6 Votes
------------------------------------28.Communication of computer games with cognitive abilities
created by @maxer27
Current Payout Value: $0.15
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------29.Mother Board I Bought How is it
created by @anjaligupta
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------30.Laseroperated Space Station
created by @rubai18
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:26 Votes
------------------------------------31.Zoom out Look This Hand Image
created by @kirankhan
Current Payout Value: $0.12
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------32.Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
------------------------------------33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
With Thematic Learning Method Make Student More Relaxing In Learning
created by @yanaaCurrent Payout Value: $0.35
Current Votes:18 Votes
24.Tesla In Talk With The Government To Bring Electric Car To India
created by @iamhaque
Current Payout Value: $0.31
Current Votes:13 Votes
------------------------------------25.Students More Active And Creative With Peer Tutor Learning Methods
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $0.3
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------26.Traveling in Time Evidence from Ancient Times to Modern Times
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------27.Really Did nobody think this through
created by @rezpatex
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:6 Votes
------------------------------------28.Communication of computer games with cognitive abilities
created by @maxer27
Current Payout Value: $0.15
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------29.Mother Board I Bought How is it
created by @anjaligupta
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------30.Laseroperated Space Station
created by @rubai18
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:26 Votes
------------------------------------31.Zoom out Look This Hand Image
created by @kirankhan
Current Payout Value: $0.12
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------32.Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
------------------------------------33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Tesla In Talk With The Government To Bring Electric Car To India
created by @iamhaqueCurrent Payout Value: $0.31
Current Votes:13 Votes
25.Students More Active And Creative With Peer Tutor Learning Methods
created by @husaini
Current Payout Value: $0.3
Current Votes:9 Votes
------------------------------------26.Traveling in Time Evidence from Ancient Times to Modern Times
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------27.Really Did nobody think this through
created by @rezpatex
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:6 Votes
------------------------------------28.Communication of computer games with cognitive abilities
created by @maxer27
Current Payout Value: $0.15
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------29.Mother Board I Bought How is it
created by @anjaligupta
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------30.Laseroperated Space Station
created by @rubai18
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:26 Votes
------------------------------------31.Zoom out Look This Hand Image
created by @kirankhan
Current Payout Value: $0.12
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------32.Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
------------------------------------33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Students More Active And Creative With Peer Tutor Learning Methods
created by @husainiCurrent Payout Value: $0.3
Current Votes:9 Votes
26.Traveling in Time Evidence from Ancient Times to Modern Times
created by @wondersss
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------27.Really Did nobody think this through
created by @rezpatex
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:6 Votes
------------------------------------28.Communication of computer games with cognitive abilities
created by @maxer27
Current Payout Value: $0.15
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------29.Mother Board I Bought How is it
created by @anjaligupta
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------30.Laseroperated Space Station
created by @rubai18
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:26 Votes
------------------------------------31.Zoom out Look This Hand Image
created by @kirankhan
Current Payout Value: $0.12
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------32.Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
------------------------------------33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Traveling in Time Evidence from Ancient Times to Modern Times
created by @wondersssCurrent Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:5 Votes
27.Really Did nobody think this through
created by @rezpatex
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:6 Votes
------------------------------------28.Communication of computer games with cognitive abilities
created by @maxer27
Current Payout Value: $0.15
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------29.Mother Board I Bought How is it
created by @anjaligupta
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------30.Laseroperated Space Station
created by @rubai18
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:26 Votes
------------------------------------31.Zoom out Look This Hand Image
created by @kirankhan
Current Payout Value: $0.12
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------32.Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
------------------------------------33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Really Did nobody think this through
created by @rezpatexCurrent Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:6 Votes
28.Communication of computer games with cognitive abilities
created by @maxer27
Current Payout Value: $0.15
Current Votes:27 Votes
------------------------------------29.Mother Board I Bought How is it
created by @anjaligupta
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------30.Laseroperated Space Station
created by @rubai18
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:26 Votes
------------------------------------31.Zoom out Look This Hand Image
created by @kirankhan
Current Payout Value: $0.12
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------32.Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
------------------------------------33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Communication of computer games with cognitive abilities
created by @maxer27Current Payout Value: $0.15
Current Votes:27 Votes
29.Mother Board I Bought How is it
created by @anjaligupta
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------30.Laseroperated Space Station
created by @rubai18
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:26 Votes
------------------------------------31.Zoom out Look This Hand Image
created by @kirankhan
Current Payout Value: $0.12
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------32.Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
------------------------------------33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Mother Board I Bought How is it
created by @anjaliguptaCurrent Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:37 Votes
30.Laseroperated Space Station
created by @rubai18
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:26 Votes
------------------------------------31.Zoom out Look This Hand Image
created by @kirankhan
Current Payout Value: $0.12
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------32.Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
------------------------------------33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Laseroperated Space Station
created by @rubai18Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:26 Votes
31.Zoom out Look This Hand Image
created by @kirankhan
Current Payout Value: $0.12
Current Votes:37 Votes
------------------------------------32.Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
------------------------------------33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Zoom out Look This Hand Image
created by @kirankhanCurrent Payout Value: $0.12
Current Votes:37 Votes
32.Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manah
Current Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
------------------------------------33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Basic Chemistry Chemical Formulas and Equations
created by @manahCurrent Payout Value: $0.11
Current Votes:40 Votes
33.TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
TIL that in Rocky Sylvester Stallone made Rockys love interest work in a pet store in order to put his beloved dog Butkus into the movie
created by @steemking777Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:3 Votes
34.Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
------------------------------------35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Science Experiments How Water Temperature Affects Goldfish Operculum Rates
created by @moelflowCurrent Payout Value: $0.05
Current Votes:4 Votes
35.Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoe
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Teaching Biology Know the DNA Structure Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
created by @galerykoeCurrent Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
36.TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangel
Current Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
TpLink Double Artina But I dont Know How To Set On Pc
created by @hirraangelCurrent Payout Value: $0.04
Current Votes:3 Votes
37.How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcom
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
How to make your own Supercap for Solar Energy Storage
created by @overunitydotcomCurrent Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:3 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
38. Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldar
Current Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------39.SCIENTISTS FOUND FOURTH GRAVITATIONAL WAVE
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Chinese moon missions delayed by rocket failure report
created by @jayantihaldarCurrent Payout Value: $0.03
Current Votes:4 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
created by @cryptobychirag
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
------------------------------------40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
created by @cryptobychiragCurrent Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:8 Votes
40.Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sst
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
------------------------------------41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Each of them has his own independent personality The story of the planets of our solar system has never been heard before
created by @sstCurrent Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:5 Votes
41.Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordboss
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
------------------------------------42.FACES INSTEAD OF BORDERS ON TETRAHEDRON DIAMOND BASED
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Bitcoin Explained 2 Transactions
created by @sirlordbossCurrent Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:1 Votes
created by @quantumdragon
Current Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
------------------------------------43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
created by @quantumdragonCurrent Payout Value: $0.02
Current Votes:2 Votes
43.Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Simulation Reality
created by @arenmlgCurrent Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
44.My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheone
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
------------------------------------45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
My colleagues are in second place in an ONU competition focused on climate change lets join efforts and help them win
created by @sparkstheoneCurrent Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:5 Votes
SORRY, we did not found any image
45.Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudrana
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Some interesting information about the human body
created by @masudranaCurrent Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
46.Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
Scientists from Europe and the USA simultaneously observed gravitational waves
created by @kuku12170Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
47.A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
created by @hafidg
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:14 Votes
------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
A robot signs the birth certificate of the first Arts and Sciences Chair in Europe
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48.Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10
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------------------------------------49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
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------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
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Big black hole near the center of the galaxy
created by @sid10Current Payout Value: $0.01
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49.Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1
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------------------------------------50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
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Why is the Sky Blue
created by @raheelkhan1Current Payout Value: $0.01
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50.A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahda
Current Payout Value: $0.01
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Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
A comprehensive catalog of functional elements in human genome and mouse provides a powerful resource for research in mammalian biology and human disease mechanisms
created by @sahdaCurrent Payout Value: $0.01
Current Votes:3 Votes
Todays Top Author of category science:
@irime @rok-sivante @steeminator3000 @n3bul4 @pratik27 @jakipatryk @simplifylife @thequantumknight @mountainwashere @carloserp-2000 @o1o1o1o @wondersss @husaini @lisaa @manah @showmovie @freeforever @sward @saimegh @chtulu @jang @shirish5 @yanaa @iamhaque @husaini @wondersss @rezpatex @maxer27 @anjaligupta @rubai18 @kirankhan @manah @steemking777 @moelflow @galerykoe @hirraangel @overunitydotcom @jayantihaldar @cryptobychirag @sirlordboss @sst @quantumdragon @arenmlg @sparkstheone @masudrana @kuku12170 @hafidg @sid10 @raheelkhan1 @ruah
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