[science] Top Trending Posts in Category science [10/05/2017]

in science-data •  7 years ago 

We have here for you the top trending posts of today ( posted within the last 24h ) for the tag/category "science".

@mamaburger will find each day for you the best, newest and most interesting posts on Steemit to give you great example post, which will help you to earn even more money from your own posts.

Enjoy the todays "science" top list



60 year anniversary of Sputnik today Some reflections from inside the European Space Agency

created by @fredrikaa
Current Payout Value: $109.92
Current Votes:109 Votes



All Hail The Conquering King The Unstoppable Earthworm

created by @mountainwashere
Current Payout Value: $79.04
Current Votes:97 Votes



The Manufacturing Process of Ceramic Floor Tiles Wall Tiles

created by @asbonclz
Current Payout Value: $71.38
Current Votes:76 Votes



Nobel Prize for chemistry Cryoelectron microscopy

created by @n3bul4
Current Payout Value: $67.77
Current Votes:164 Votes



Do you know semiconductors your answer is no I will explain to you very easily Part 3

created by @carloserp-2000
Current Payout Value: $42.89
Current Votes:59 Votes



A Simple Evaporator of Creative Student

created by @jamhuery
Current Payout Value: $37.55
Current Votes:68 Votes



Aerial Reforestation Tree Bombs

created by @suesa
Current Payout Value: $35.72
Current Votes:127 Votes



Sleep Deprivation Does Not Treat Depression

created by @somethingburger
Current Payout Value: $34.84
Current Votes:22 Votes



Lets talk about gas Part Two

created by @lamouthe
Current Payout Value: $23.35
Current Votes:38 Votes



Aldebaran Star HD Space Pictures

created by @spacehd
Current Payout Value: $20.69
Current Votes:62 Votes



Forget Flat Earth Doughnutshaped planets are actually possible Feat m31

created by @mobbs
Current Payout Value: $17.32
Current Votes:58 Votes



Is there life on Trappist1 or not

created by @freddbrito
Current Payout Value: $13.75
Current Votes:62 Votes



Why Time moves in forward direction only Dark Energy is responsible

created by @bluemist
Current Payout Value: $10.83
Current Votes:35 Votes



Proxima Centauri Star HD Space Pictures

created by @spacehd
Current Payout Value: $10.64
Current Votes:114 Votes



Light Interference Can Be Constructive

created by @kentutmonyet
Current Payout Value: $8.4
Current Votes:35 Votes



Nature Identification Thread 2

created by @mountainwashere
Current Payout Value: $7.36
Current Votes:20 Votes



Numeral 1 as a medium of searching for the existence of God as Creator

created by @ijoel
Current Payout Value: $6.12
Current Votes:43 Votes



Health Talk Hirschsprung disease

created by @valchiz
Current Payout Value: $5.81
Current Votes:36 Votes



How to write a postdoc fellowship application

created by @bbene
Current Payout Value: $4.89
Current Votes:28 Votes



Our brain has a system for waste disposal

created by @martinio6
Current Payout Value: $4.63
Current Votes:38 Votes



Why gain weight than artificial sweeteners

created by @martinio6
Current Payout Value: $4.42
Current Votes:45 Votes



science Popular Posts Promotion on 04102017

created by @lammpi
Current Payout Value: $3.05
Current Votes:4 Votes



science monitorcap report listing for science category sorted by current payout algorithm 1052017

created by @monitorcap
Current Payout Value: $2.51
Current Votes:4 Votes



science monitorcap report listing for science category sorted by current payout algorithm 1052017

created by @monitorcap
Current Payout Value: $2.41
Current Votes:3 Votes



A Short Intro Tropical Rainforests

created by @dean101
Current Payout Value: $1.44
Current Votes:50 Votes



The Real YouCloneslife

created by @mcsamm
Current Payout Value: $1.41
Current Votes:11 Votes



Electric Fans That Kill Fan Deaths in Korea Will It Be Answered By SCIENCE

created by @tegoshei
Current Payout Value: $1.34
Current Votes:17 Votes



Der neue Physik Nobelpreistrger Kip Thorne war auf Jeffrey Epsteins SexsklavenInsel fr Pdophile Beitrag von Gedankenverbrechenlohntsich

created by @matrixwecker
Current Payout Value: $1.21
Current Votes:5 Votes



Free Book NoSQL Databases

created by @boucaron
Current Payout Value: $1.15
Current Votes:8 Votes



1 Time Travel An interesting example from Mahabharat Innerpeace

created by @santosh-1990
Current Payout Value: $1.08
Current Votes:3 Votes



Steemstem 1 Human Biological ClockNobel Prize Medicine 2017

created by @mirhimayun
Current Payout Value: $0.82
Current Votes:26 Votes



Grand Solar Minimum 100 Year Snow Record Broken In Montana

created by @freeforever
Current Payout Value: $0.68
Current Votes:6 Votes



Ever heard of DinoChicken The REAL Jurassic Park plan to recreate a DINOSAUR from a CHICKEN

created by @outerground
Current Payout Value: $0.57
Current Votes:32 Votes



Saltuarius eximius An amazing new leaftailed gecko

created by @irwanumpal
Current Payout Value: $0.57
Current Votes:14 Votes



Fertile soil without fertilizer

created by @danrem
Current Payout Value: $0.52
Current Votes:18 Votes



This Scientific Explanation Why Sounds of Sneezing People Different

created by @ardian27
Current Payout Value: $0.5
Current Votes:55 Votes



A rare detail From the threshold of The Periodic table Is Breaking Quantum Mechanics

created by @salimberry
Current Payout Value: $0.41
Current Votes:19 Votes



In Samsung have created the lamp 36 years of durable

created by @tafo21
Current Payout Value: $0.34
Current Votes:14 Votes



Beautiful nature

created by @danrem
Current Payout Value: $0.34
Current Votes:14 Votes



How it all Began A simple theory about how the universe started

created by @a-random-person
Current Payout Value: $0.32
Current Votes:6 Votes

SORRY, we did not found any image


Bridge Miniature To Prove the Pascal Law 2 Pieces of Injections

created by @moelflow
Current Payout Value: $0.32
Current Votes:15 Votes



Philosophy Affects to The Study of Physics Experiments

created by @sward
Current Payout Value: $0.27
Current Votes:8 Votes



What will happen if you shoot in space

created by @hrsagar
Current Payout Value: $0.26
Current Votes:7 Votes



Planning drainage with cost budget plan and photos of correct technical and job descriptions for civil engineering science

created by @aguess
Current Payout Value: $0.21
Current Votes:11 Votes



NASA is Finally Going to the Sun

created by @hsynterkr
Current Payout Value: $0.16
Current Votes:38 Votes

SORRY, we did not found any image


The 7 Steps of Machine Learning

created by @dumpsterjedi
Current Payout Value: $0.13
Current Votes:98 Votes

SORRY, we did not found any image


The Effects of Air Pollution to the Environment Human Health as well as other Land and Marine Life

created by @shairanada
Current Payout Value: $0.1
Current Votes:8 Votes



SpaceX is planning a trip to Mars in 2018

created by @rubai18
Current Payout Value: $0.07
Current Votes:22 Votes



10042017 Check These Great Posts with the tag science Recently Posted on Steemit

created by @fairvote
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:4 Votes



What causes these growths on trees

created by @kindabyss
Current Payout Value: $0.06
Current Votes:4 Votes

Todays Top Author of category science:
@fredrikaa @mountainwashere @asbonclz @n3bul4 @carloserp-2000 @jamhuery @suesa @somethingburger @lamouthe @spacehd @mobbs @freddbrito @bluemist @spacehd @kentutmonyet @mountainwashere @ijoel @valchiz @bbene @martinio6 @martinio6 @lammpi @monitorcap @monitorcap @dean101 @mcsamm @tegoshei @matrixwecker @boucaron @santosh-1990 @mirhimayun @freeforever @outerground @irwanumpal @danrem @ardian27 @salimberry @tafo21 @danrem @a-random-person @moelflow @sward @hrsagar @aguess @hsynterkr @dumpsterjedi @shairanada @rubai18 @fairvote @kindabyss

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