An Undersea Expedition Robot came back with giant tooth marks! Evidence of a PreHistoric Megaladon? or an advanced Abyss style UnderSea Civilization? (Plus Youtubers STEALING content scripts from steemit!)

in science •  7 years ago  (edited)

The Deep Sea floor and the depths of places like the Mariana Trench are less known about that outer space! We have more data about Mars than we do about the bottom of the oceans!

During an expedition to the mariana trench in 1960 by Swiss ocean explorer Jacques Picard, the use of a deep sea diving submersible named the Bathyscaphe was lowered down to the ocean floor by the crew and on the way back to the surface the men inside reported seeing strange underwater glowing disc observing them on their way back up! And because Picards secret journals were later released we can clearly deduce that what he was witnessing with his partner on board the submersible, was no bio luminescent jellyfish! They had been aware of those organisms and knew what those glow in the dark jellyfish looked like, an what they saw follow them was clearly some sort of intelligent technological ocean going undersea craft or perhaps a drone of some sort used by an undersea civilization? and the story reminds me of the discovery of an advanced undersea civilization like James Camerons "The Abyss". The story is explained in this video below!

Video from @Ridddle Youtube Channel detailing this incident along with another incident involving megaladon teeth and an undersea robot coming back to the surface looking like something had been holding it in giant jaws! Like a giant prehistoric monster had tried to take a bite out of it! (Fun Fact! "The producers of the TV show Star Trek: The Next Generation named the ship's captain "Jean-Luc Picard" after Jacques Piccard. They would later name one of the show's starships the U.S.S. Trieste, after the bathyscaphe. She was noted for being small and slow." from

In 1985 the crew of the ship Glomar Challenger lowered a spherical submersible named the Hedgehog and the crew  began recordiing strange sounds of the metal cables stretching and they began having to fight some uknown force to bring this submersible robot back up to the surface! What appear to be megaldon teeth and giant bite marks were left in the submersible! Many see this as proof that there still exists giant prehistoric undersea creatures, real life sea monsters!

We might never know what really happened unless we begin open and transparent undersea expeditions like the recent mariana trench deep sea exploration livestreams I have posted recently! I believe that expedition is actually still going on and will be for a few more days or weeks ! Link to the mariana trenh live stream here

The video above also goes into detail about the very first Mariana Trench expedition, and the story of how the two men in the submersible were followed by a large glowing disc that was no doubt watching them, totally clear to the crew, and this might be evidence of an Abyss style underwater civilization, something people seem to have an easier time believing than Extra Terrestrials from outer space. Maybe its because we all know life came from the ocean and that it only makes sense that if we evolved to become this civilized and technologically advanced in the short time we did, then billions of extra years under water should be plenty of time for Mullosks or BiValves( clams) or shrimp or arthropods to evolve the way Primates are said to have evolved into humans....I can only imagine that for example, Octopus an other intelligent sea creatures would be able to become a super intelligent being capable of using technology etc...Their space ships would be full of recirculating water like how ours are filled with recirculating air!

(If there was an advanced civilization of hghly evvolved sea creatires, I would bet that they were super evolved intelligent Cephalapods like Octopus and Squid and Cuddle Fish. These creatures seem to be the most likely to become intellligent and learn how to build technology etc! I mean we already have video proof of an Octopus using tools to hunt for crabs and other animals!

(WOW SO While looking through the Youtube Comments of the video I posted at the top, "Who lives at the bottom of the Mariana Trench" someone had left a top youtube comment explaining how the video uploader basically copied the test word for word from this article! And you what what? It was a steemit article!

(The last comment is from me, I am "TheBestYoutubeChannelEverTimesInfinity" ) I tried to bring attention to this injustice!)

NOT fair that @fairider only got a few cents from his or her article while the @ridddle Youtube channel that has over 3 million views off that just this one video!
But hey at least youtubers are finding value in our posts! TOTALLY not cool that this youtuber has made thousands in adsense revenue off this stolen content while our steemian @fairider has gotten just pennies! @Ridddle owes @fairider ALOT of steem.....lets start bombarding RIDDDLE with emails and messages demanding they share their revenue with @fairider!

I will be sending @fairider HALF of my rewards from this post! He or she only currently has only $8 in their steemit wallet and deserves more! He or she deserves HALF the revenue from the youtube video that just stole his script! It would be one thing if the whole script wasnt copied word for word....but since it is, this youtuber owes @fairider half of his adsense revenue! That would just be the right thing to do!

I am passionate about this platform and At LEAST we are getting some attention on youtube comments and people find our steemit posts while googling interesting stories they see reported on in their favorite youtube channels!!

(BarrelEye Fish whose eyes are facing UPWARDS through a transparent head! )

So many interesting animals live under the sea! And biology teaches us that life most likely began underwater! I can only hope that we find a way to get rid of all of the plastics in the worlds oceans and I hope to one day use steemit and cryptocurrency to raise the money needed to start cleaning the plastics out of the worlds garbage vortexes!

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this and remember, I will be giving half the rewards I receive here to @fairider who had his original mariana trench megaladon post ripped off by a successful youtube channel !

Scientists estimate that at least 2/3rd of ocean life has bee left unexplored! And that despite an increasing rate of species discovery, as much as 95 percent of the world's oceans remain unexplored. Everytime you go to the sea floor and take a sample, you find something new! Scientist ALSO agreethat there are still at least a handful maybe a dozen or more LARGE SCALE deep sea creatures still left undiscovered! Some of which may be previously unknown morphologies! Creatures which will seem completely new and foreign to us and which might have to be cross refrenced with the fosssil records to identify accurately as many of these deep sea monsters would be survivors from dinosaur times!

(Currently Live Livestream video of NOAA scientists exploring the ocean floor! Live on youtube and will be going for many weeks! This camera shows the stats and the maps and charts etc, but you can choose from camera 1 2 or 3 by browsing the main channel (or hitting them on the right under recommended videos)
(NOAA deep sea Channel Link)

Camera 2 showing different angle,
Seeing science discover new species of animals under the sea is just incredble and canbe viewed live in the above livestream link from NOAA showing the pacific ocean floor livestream, you can even hear the scientists announce how these are brand new species of octopus and tube worm and shrimp etc that they had previously never seen before which is just very exciting! Its like watching scientists explore the icey moons of Io for the first time under the ice!

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Although Ridddle does seem to have copied fairrider's mostly fictive stories, which were posted here on the 30.07. 2016, nearly verbatim in both his videos "Mysterious Creatures At The ‘Bottom Of The World’ (29.08.2016) and "Who Lives At The Bottom Of The Mariana Trench?" (05.04.2017), there is at least one much older source as well.

This russian article was posted on the 20th September 2011 by a person calling herself Margarita Trinity.

Amongst its questionable claims we find (translated): "In 2003, the basin surveyed scientific vessel "Glomar Challenger". When was lowered down the "hedgehog", the receptionist sounds suddenly started to transfer to the surface of strange noises resembling saws grinding on metal. But the monitor will dim shadows 12-16 meters in height, similar to the fairy dragons. Each of them had a few heads and tails. Do scientists stumbled on the local "residents"?"

(And then of course we also have Steve Alten's whole "Meg" franchise which started back in July 1997.)

The idea and stories of megalodons in the Trench aren't exactly novel and groundbreaking in fairrider's case.

So, where did fairrider get the dubious infos from in the first place? The person doesn't say.

Moreover, here's you rightly criticizing Ridddle for using other people's work uncredited but I see you are using photos and graphics in your article uncredited as well. I find that to be inconsistent.