Very cool Images of Nano Tubules which may store memory & drive Human Consciousness in the brain, NOT just Neurons, as Mining Rigs for Steem Human brains are Much more powerful than ASIC or GPUs! + My Steeminvite instant program is 1 PER PERSON

in science •  7 years ago 

So I found this great video about how much more complex human brain power is than we thought, and the video is called

Quantum Consciousness and its Nature In Microtubules. Dr. Stuart Hameroff - Brief History. And this video explains Dr Penrose Quantum Consciousness "The Emperor's new Mind" and the collapse of waveforms etc

Wow from studying worms brains and their neuronal Cilia we can study the quantum aspects of Consciousness, it may be tiny micro nano tubes or tubules in our brain and not just neurons that help us actually become self aware!

WOW look at the divine technology insid of us! Our brains don't just have neurons but these micro tubes of silia that act , he says, like a sensor AND a motor! Wow!

Wow this is crazy that this is how consciousness in Vision works, its not conscious awareness of an image until it hts bot your visual cortex in back of your brain AND then goes to the Front of the brain and then hits your Hypothalamus and hippo-campus area, which turns this signal into a memory, like you basically aren't aware of something until the memory is written Live , in terms of 300 miliseconds, (p 300 EP signal ) wow so cool

Wow look how complex our Brain's Consciousness Layers are, even after the image comes thru ur retina, thru optic nerve, hits your visual cortex, has the data turned into signals your cortex frontal lobe can process, ends it to become a MEMORY which you live... Live... In "living" color... as a "live" stream in your brain, and then even THEN it hits THIS 3 layers of neurons, its so complicated our brains are such incredible biological computers capable of managing a Body with SOOOO many moving parts!

Consciousness probably occurs here in the Thalamus
Pyramids of Neurons end up giving us consciousness , pyramids full of Micro tubules wow!

WOW and the Microtubulus themselves are made up of all these different layers of Proteins tht can be assembled in so many different orders

wow look how they believe memory si stored not in neurons but in Pyramidal Neuronal Cells made of these microtubulues with proteines storing memory

I see no all the old calculations for needing a few giga hertz of computing power to match the human brain is all wrong, they werent counting all thmicrotubulues

Here is the Theory that shows our brains Nano Tubes Equivalent of a Qbit or a Quantum Bit, in the 80s the nano tube consciousness idea didnt have quantum computing yet now it does and they may be able to explain the brain and how itt produces consciousness!

And then he goes on to explain how this Nano Tubes processing Information like a Quantum Computer is how consciousness creates these"bang" experience of awareness like electricity or Fire.. Metaphorically speaking

It is some sort of electrco chemical reaction or process that is for sure,

Wow and he said these Noisey Greasy Benzene rinsg are what originates consiousness in th brain and we know that because anesthetics that put our consiousness out supress these

So this is what get supressed during Anesthesia! WOW! Literaly the brains quantum computer for consiousness made of hexagonal benzene rings! wow!

WOAha nd he says in meditative or pyschedelic states you reach a quantum fractal state where the thoughts just go on REPEAT and its like not a loop but a recursive spiral of thoughts they STACK ontp of eah other OW iveFELT this while on LSD once

WOW As you go down and down into size you become more and more non local, DNA is already proven to have information stored by the body in a chemical digital form, these nano tubes may be the brains answer to that, and the chemical proteins arrange themselves in these patterns which basically create digital signals that can allow us this electric feeling of awareness we all have!

WHAT? Now hes saying that during Primordial Soup creation of singel celled organism that certin moledule arrange in different ways yntill one FELT good in a Proto :feeling: tha ended up creating the feedback for advanced conciosuness in later organism WOW

woahhhh this is so trippy, he eve said LSD and pyschedelics pus thought into a more quantum state where it has trouble dealing with space time when trying to transmit your perception of the outside world!

Psi resonance rings ('pi stacks") have few stable arrangements... Certain sequences gave psitive 'proto-consios OR feelings, provided feedback for bioligical struxtuye to optimize pleasure! WOW

Quantum Pleasure Principle or Quntum Hedoism, The Notion that Consciousness preceded life, (at least proto-consciousness) and drove its origin and evolution! wow!

Just incredible INCREDIBLE! Just had to share this with my followers WHO HERE has any requests? If ANYONE needs to get into steem using my steeminvite program, send an APPLICATION to [email protected] I am no longer just giving out accounts because to many assholes are trying to get multiple accounts. I am not here t pay for your bot account, and if you want to make a business pay the 14.5 SP and 0.1 steem on to make your own secondary account, I tried to be struct about that, do NOT ask me for a SECOND account no matter what because that is taking advantage of a program I had clearly specified is one per person and just for people who need to get on who DO NOT ALREADY HAVE an account because IF YOU HAVE an account YOU CA MAKE YOUR OWN NEW accounts! Its 14.5 Steempower and IF YOU DO NOT HAVE that much maybe you don't HAVE ANY BUSINESS making a new account! SO DON'T ASK! , that means no so don't ask! I already made a few exceptions and those people are fine but NO MORE PEOPLE are allowed to just ask me for a second account and just bumble around trying to pick the same account you just registered....

ugh, I get sick of the noobs on steem sometimes I do, I won't name names but if they read this, and they probably WON'T, then they would know what I am talking about :D ad the would say "My Bad" and smile and move on, its fine but I wish people would follow my rules and when I say DO NOT Ask for a SECOND account then I get mad when they ask me why steemit isn't working for them and they reveal to me later that they DID have an account, trying to act like they didn't KNOW they wern't supposed to ASK me for a second account when my PROGRAM is JUST for NEW people.. Its an INVITE program not a RE INVITE program, you can't be INVITED to a party YOURE ALREADY AT, like go buy your OWN invites its getting OLD! I'm just angry at all the scammers and ALSO right there Above them, the LAZY posters out there just waiting to SLIP right into that category, and I want to make sure the LAZY Steemians from all over the world just stop trying to break rules and slip through cracks and get free money by signing up a SECOND account from a program that only has LIMITED accounts meant for NEW users, man whateeeeeeeeever maaaaaan steemconneeeeeeeeect7! Was wasa wasa wasuuuuup!!!!

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This is too much information for me to digest because the workings of the brain is very complex because we have consciousness and could not fathom what it really is but just associate it with divine things.

Maybe its groom and pie let's happen!
I hope that's will closed asap and large bugging probably.

this is really interesting. My brain is too samll for that tho :( :D.

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what a post ! @upvoted @resteemit

The human brain is so so complex. Those people opening secondary accounts, can't they manage it? I can't handle two account on a goal. This is enough headache

Great finds/comparisons.

And, let’s not forget that it’s not just in the brain that memory is stored, but cellular tissue throughout the body and the genetic system, which is a whole other side of the story where the real fun begins... ;-)