Scientists have found evidence of several "creations of the world" on the Ground

in science •  8 years ago 

Living in extreme conditions of beings appeared as a result of alternative branches of evolution.Life on Earth originated more than once, and at least two times, and the development of different creatures were parallel. This hypothesis was put forward by the American Professor of Arizona state University (Arizona State University) Paul Davis. The researcher believes that this development path has provided a rich diversity of species and the appearance of many strange creatures.Appearing forms of life did not disappear with the beginning of the new creation, says Paul Davies. The types were preserved, and their descendants became modern by fungi, bacteria and so on. Some branches of the new life of the main vector of evolution have ensured the emergence of such creatures as extremophiles, which may be a volcano or salt lake. Such organisms withstand great temperature and pressure differences, are resistant to poisons, some don't need sunlight, for example, the inhabitants of the World ocean.Paul Davis does not exclude that in the course of the Genesis of living creatures, the representatives of the various branches connected each other, further increasing species diversity. According to the scientist, the study of such organisms appeared during the alternative process of evolution will give more reason for the theory about life on other planets.
Vladimir Gusev

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