History of the Interpretation of the Qur'an in Contemporary Times

in science •  7 years ago 

The 19th century or 15th century was the century in which the Islamic world progress in various fields. Including the fields of tafsir, many works of tafseer, born of Islamic clerics in the century.

Contemporary period (Khalaf), i.e. after the end of the first period around the year 150 H, then start the next period that begins with the process of the development of a fast, popping the Hadith-Hadith is fake and weak in the middle of the community . Meanwhile social change is increasingly prominent, and came to some unprecedented problems or questioned during the Prophet Sallallaahu ' Alaihi wa Sallam, the friend, and successors.

At first attempt interpretation of verses of the Quran based on ijtihad is still very limited and bound by the norms of language and meaning-meanings conceived by one of vocabulary. However, in line with its development community, growing and getting bigger also serves the role of sense or ijtihad in the interpretation of verses of the Quran, so the presidential range of the book or a rich interpretation of Parameswara converted.

The pattern of interpretation patterns known so far include:

(a) the pattern of literary language, incurred due to the large number of non-Arab people who converted to Islam, as well as due to the weaknesses of the Arabs themselves in literature, so that felt the need to explain to them about the privileges and the depth of the meaning of the content of the Qur'an in this field.

(b) the pattern of scientific interpretation, due to advances in science and the effort to understand the interpreter the verses of the Koran in line with the development of science.

(c) the pattern of jurisprudence or legal, due to the development of the science of jurisprudence, and the formation of sects Fiqh, which each faction trying to prove the truth of opinions based on their interpretations of the verses of the law.

(d) further Schemes namely focused more on literary culture. I.e. a pattern of interpretation of clues that explain the verses of the Qur'an that directly relate to the life of the community, as well as efforts to overcome diseases or problems they are based on the instructions of the verses, with these instructions renders in language that is easy to understand but it's beautiful. One of these schemes was Shaykh Muhammad ' Abduh (1849-1905 M).

The emergence of the contemporary interpretation of methods which were triggered by the kekhawatiaran which will be brought about when the interpretation of the Holy qur'an done in textual, ignoring the situation and background to the descent of a verse as historical data is important. Shah waliyullah (1701-1762) a reformer of islam of Delhi, is credited in writing initiated the interpretation of "MODERN", two monumental works, that is, a proof of al balighah and al Hadith fi Ta'wil rumuz al Qishash Anbiya, is the work of the load of modern thought.

Not in vain this effort has stimulated other reformists to do similar things, then in Egypt, Muhammad Abduh, tafseer munculah Rashid, Ahmad Khalaf, ridha and Muhammad Husayn Kamil. In the Indo-Pakistan, we know figures like Abu Al Azad, Masriqqi, g. Parws, and A series of other characters.

Across the Middle East, such as Amin Al Khull (d. 1978), Hasan Hanafi (died. Bita Shathi (d. 2000), Nasr Abu Zayd (born. 1942), Muhammad Shahrur, and Fazlur Rahman.

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