The Notion and History The Origin of Hermeneutics

in science •  7 years ago 

More broadly defined Hermeneutics by Zygmunt Bauman in an effort to explain and Browse messages and basic understanding of a speech or writing that is clear, not blurred, Dim and contradictory that creates confusion for the listener or reader.

There are dividing into two hermeneutics, hermeneutical theory which contains methodological rules to come to realize the desired author, and hermeneutical philosophy of a more phenomenological understanding of philosophical dimension to observe.

If the hermeneutical theory focus attention to how to get the right meaning of text or something viewed as text, then the hermeneutical philosophy go further with digging the epistemological assumptions of interpretation and go further into the aspects of historitas, not only in the world of text, but also the world's authors and readers. hermeneutical philosophy "the question is not what we do or what we should do, but what happen beyond our living and doing".

If farther, a very long history of hermeneutics can actually be traced since Aristotle (384-322 BC). Just recently considered essential and is used as a part of scientific research since the middle ages when hermeneutics began to devolve into one of philosophy.

Can generally be described that the history of the emergence of hermeneutics was caused because of the many problems found in the text of the bible. Problem in the bible began at the theological doctrine that is not scientific, then venturing to the problem-a problem such as questioning the truth of the bible text itself, whether it is true Word of God? Who wrote the bible and early writers in what language? As well as how the reality of the bible with the development of interaction of Science also became a problem for the people of Europe at the time.

The underlying problem often discussed this since the Middle Ages so that it appears the reformist movement that tries to dismantle the bible text by using the theory of hermeneutics. So the text of the bible that are not in accordance with the needs of human beings are reduced and its meaning adapted to the conditions. Then re-interpretation of him, so that in accordance with the requirement of the times and people.

Werner g. Jeanrond mention three important conditions that affect the incidence of hermeneutics as a theory of interpretation:
The first condition of communities affected by the thought of Greece. The second condition of the Jewish and Christian communities who face the problem of the text book "sacred" their religion and seeks to find a suitable model for interpretation to it. The third condition of the European Community in the age of enlightenment sought to escape from tradition and religious authority and carry out the religious context of hermeneutics.

In particular, William Dilthey (1833-1911) in his article published in 1860 under the title Verhaltnisin Philosophie Und Theologie (Scleiermacher Hermeneutics to historical Relationships of interpretation in philosophical and theological), concluded that the Protestant is a trigger to the emergence of a theory about the interpretation of the bible.

Because when the authority of the Church in the bible then how questionable interpretation of Christianity interpret the bible into the matter. He then confirmed his opinion, when a question of interpretation arises, Protestantism became more and more urgent than ever before.

Finally the Hermeneutics of serpents in more specialized studies. To the history of the use of hermeneutics as the interpretation of the bible experience some displacement of the tradition.

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