Why Highly Intelligent People Are Messy, Stay Up Late, and Love Swearing

in science •  7 years ago 

It’s not because highly intelligent people are lazy or foul-mouthed but because they see the world on an entirely different level than the rest of us.

Being highly intelligent is both a blessing and a curse. While highly intelligent people are highly adaptable, passionately curious, open-minded, sensitive to other people’s feelings, happier with fewer friends, have high self-control and a great sense of humor, and can draw parallels between seemingly disparate ideas, — they are the ones who tend to be messy. They also stay awake longer, swear more, experience a degree of social apprehension, lack social skills, and are branded socially incapacitated geniuses.

Intelligent People are Messy

“If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?” — Albert Einstein

Are you disorganized? Well, it’s a good thing. In author Steven Johnson’s words: “the more disorganized your brain is, the smarter you are.”

In a study conducted at the University of Minnesota, researchers found that “a messy desk may confer its own benefits, promoting creative thinking and stimulating new ideas.”

“Prior work has found that a clean setting leads people to do good things: Not engage in crime, not litter, and show more generosity. We found, however, that you can get really valuable outcomes from being in a messy setting.

“Being in a messy room lead to something that firms, industries, and societies want more of: Creativity. Disorderly environments seem to inspire breaking free of tradition, which can produce fresh insights. Orderly environments, in contrast, encourage convention and playing it safe.”

Intelligent People Love to Swear

“Never use a big word when a little filthy one will do.” ― Johnny Carson

Is swearing a sign of intelligence? Well, believe it or not, the answer is yes. Swearing is linked to higher intelligence and a bigger vocabulary.

A 2014 study, published in the Language Sciences Journal, found that a rich vocabulary of swear words is a sign of rhetorical strength rather than the attempt to hide verbal deficits.

“People who frequently swear are more likely to have a bigger vocabulary than their clean-tongued peers. A colourful tongue does not mean the talker is lazy or uneducated. Instead, those who are more confident using taboo words are more articulate in other areas.”

Intelligent People Stay Up Late

“They call us dreamers but we’re the ones who don’t sleep.” — Anonymous

As many as five recent studies have found that people who sleep late and subsequently get up late aren’t lazy – in fact, night owls are smarter, brighter, richer, more active, and more creative than the better-regarded early birds.

Specifically, a 2009 study conducted at London School of Economics and Political Science found that late risers tire less quickly than those who make a point of getting up at the crack of dawn. The researchers concluded that “more intelligent children are more likely to grow up to be nocturnal adults who go to bed late and wake up late on both weekdays and weekends”.

“More intelligent individuals are more likely to be night owls. The effect of childhood IQ on three out of four measures of nocturnality is significantly positive, even net of a large number of demographic and biological variables expected to affect circadian rhythms.”

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It all makes sense now 😅


Fuck Yes.

Good work , upvoted allthough I'm pretty skeptical about a couple of points here, mainly that , intelligent people swear more than less intelligent. Sometimes its better to look at personal experiences than "studies" ... last time I walked into a University campus I cant remember hearing any swearing , but walk on any building site and every other word is bad language. Now i'm not judging the intelligence of any chosen professions but you'd find it hard to convince me that the smartest people among us are to be found labouring or laying brick. Having a wider more developed vocabulary would surely allow less reliance on swear words? Remember 87.34% of statistics are made up on the spot (including that one) lol ..... apart from that it's fucking Genius lol

if not swearing means I'm not intelligent then that's ok

Good post!