Computer Programming Concepts

in science •  7 years ago  (edited)

Definition Of Algorithm

  • Algorithm is a sequence of logical steps of problem solving that are arranged systematically.
  • The word logical here means true according to human logic.
  • To be an algorithm, the sequence of steps taken to solve the problem must give the correct result.

Algorithm Writing

  1. In natural language (Indonesian, English, and other human languages)
    • But often ambiguous
  2. Using a flow chart (flow chart)
    • Good visually but bother if algorithm is long
  3. Using pseudo-code
    • It is closer to the programming language, but it is difficult to understand by people who do not understand programming

Algorithm In Natural Language

  • Take the first number and set maks equal to the first number
  • Take the second number and compare it to the maks
  • What if the second number is greater than the maks, the set maks equals the second number
  • Take the third number and compare it to the maks
  • If the third number is greater than the max, the set maks equals the third number
  • The maks variable contains the largest number. Show the results

Example algorithm 1

  1. There are 2 glasses. One contains tea and the other contains coffee. How do I change the contents of each glass?

The Answer


  • Prepare backup glass X
  • Pour glass of tea into glass X
  • Pour a glass of coffee into a tea cup
  • Pour a glass of X that contains tea into a coffee cup


You can not always talk, can not always move to help people. But the writing you write will forever be able to be used by people.


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