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I do hope I'm the first to take advantage of your picture (look down, I am!!!). How could I use another when you provided what I needed. Easy and simple. lol

Awesome! WTG! Best answer! Woot!

Honestly, I thought I was being funny. What came next wasn’t in least expected. It is my very first comment upvote worth some serious coin. Very cool. Made my day.

Psst... Honesty and originality are the most valuable. ;)


A lunar eclipse shows you the shadow of the earth on the Moon's surface. And this shadow is a circle (round). So the Earth is a ball and not a pancake!

I always thought it was round but apparently, it is an oblate spheroid.

but to some, we are unique among the rest.

Actually it is irregulare oblate spheroid - Also known as potatoid :)


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Uranus hehe

Oblate spheroid.

BAAAA! BAAAA! said the sheeple.

And I was really hoping that I'm anything but sheeple... :(

Fuck that hater.

Why? He brings his own contribution to this fun party.




You got a 13.37% upvote from @redlambo courtesy of @discernente! Make sure to use tag #redlambo to be considered for the curation post!

Spherical. The science has been in for two millennia and spare centuries.

Well technically its an oblate spheroid

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

FlAt. Ahem I meant an Oblate Spheroid (don't worry I'm not a fl@ earther)

Its like a cheese, round with a lot of assholes

:) Perfect.

2d = round.
3d = globe.
4d = the shape of my blown mind.

Flat earthers actively prove themselves wrong:

Hi @mobbs . Flat earth is in serious damage control after the recent documentary "Behind the curve" . They did that experiment and also the ring laser gyroscope experiment which showed the earth rotating at 15 degrees per hour (it should show no rotation on a flat earth). The funny thing is they dismissed them as faulty observations!


Normal people will say spherical.
A professor with a geology degree will say it's a geoid (what a strange word, GEOOOOID).
Flat Earthers will say NaSa Is FaKe!!1!1!!1! and they will actually fall off the earth border.

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kinda like a tear

Oblate spheroid

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But have we heard from the Don Marshall spammers yet?

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Oblong spheroid.

the earth have a geometric shape, spheroid.

Oblate spheroid/ellipsoid

The shape is an oblate spheroid. But round works. lol

In that picture it looks like it's made out of slime...Maybe that's it! Slime earth! We can make it into anything we want!



A slightly oblate sphere. Here is the photo from Apollo 17 on 7 Dec 1972 - Flat Earthers will claim it's photoshopped :).

Some people believe it's like this

Fun fact: this is, technically, possible. But in the entire Universe does it exist? Probably not...

Looks delicious

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!! You actually believe that you live on a ball that looks like that, it spins through an "outer space" at thousands of miles per hour. The funniest part is that you probably think you are intelligent because you believe in this obvious lie! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Fuck this gay earth.

I charge you with the burden of proof. Tin Hat MF.

Oh that's the old "Argument of incredulity" - i.e. the "it sound's too incredible so it can't be true" argument.

Question: Do you think all the different organisations Roscosmos, ESA, NASA, JAXA, ISRO, China National Space Administration, plus all the amateur rocket launches, plus anyone that ever flew on the concord are in on a "conspiracy" to hide the shape of earth even though there is no possible benefit to them?

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Funny :') but the problem is that he can't leave, the rockets always land on the sea

According to lots of seismic data, that I measured with my own bare hands, it is kind of ball shaped.
But with deep layers.
And sorry, not hollow.
Or flat as the moon?

But who has seen the moon?
Nobody knows that!

🌎 round like everything we are surrounded by ✨

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The shape of the earth is spherical
Rotating on Axes Watered surface planet


My friend Wiki knows (The oblate spheroid, or oblate ellipsoid, is an ellipsoid of revolution obtained by rotating an ellipse about its shorter axis. It is the regular geometric shape that most nearly approximates the shape of the Earth. A spheroid describing the figure of the Earth or other celestial body is called a reference ellipsoid.)

Figure of the Earth
The figure of the Earth is the size and shape of the Earth in geodesy. Its specific meaning depends on the way it is used and the precision with which the Earth's size and shape is to be defined. While the sphere is a close approximation of the true figure of the Earth and satisfactory for many purposes, geodesists have developed several models that more closely approximate the shape of the Earth so that coordinate systems can serve the precise needs of navigation, surveying, cadastre, land use, and various other concerns.

A roundish, semi-solid planetary object.

Sidebar: Full Time Geek can suck it! If I see a hidden comment of yours @berniesanders I will vote as high as possible to reveal them. Possibly others cause once again Full Time Geek can suck it!



I like this answer!

Really ☺️ thnx

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I'm Pilot ….I Fly ….. Looks Round to me

I hope you don't mind @berniesanders but I did the honours of putting this interesting question to a dpoll

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It is a sphere 🌎
Not a perfect one but still a sphere.

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Round like a basketball

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While most will answer that the earth is a sphere, in actual fact it is not perfectly spherical, with some contours at the edges leading Geologist to call the earth geoid shaped.

Very approximately shaped like one's own head.
Comment is 100% inclusive of flat-earthers.

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between two legs ....

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Earth shape. Cannot go wrong here.

The Earth is round!

Far from flat! Earth

Hola. Por el momento sigo pensando que es redonda. No tuve todavía el agrado de leer una teoría que me cambie que me cambie de parecer. Siempre abierto en la espera. Saludos!!


Dear #berniesandets .Thank for You make a good question .
Ans , Round shapes like "orange" to see the shape of the earth. Only educated people are known about this. At the time of the childhood, the primary school Sir's learned "round like orange". At the age itself, I was sure of this education. This is also reflected in your given picture. Hours are "red" by the letter "O" in writing, maybe you mean "Orange" as well. Thanks God and All

Many Many thanks for select with resteem me . In addition, I wish you all the insight of all the writings.

I read this book once, and it it, the author said the earth is shaped like the picture below... Now, just because it's in a book, I don't have to believe it. I'm not sure: did the flat-earthers ever find that turtle? It should be there right? Well, one thing is sure: flat-earthers can be found all around the globe.

The shape of the Earth is obvale.

Sphere ..of course....I figured that myself when I climbed mountain called Surya peak was sphere

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I saw the documentary on FlatEarthers on Netflix it was very interesting I had no idea how many people actually believe that we live in a flat earth supposedly with a dome over it or infinite flat earths next to each other or something like that. They can’t even figure that out among themselves. It was a very interesting documentary I had no idea FlatEarthers is a thing.
What I got from the documentary was they are a group of people that are usually misfits and have never fit in and are just looking for people to bond with and not tell them you are stupid and wrong. Thats why it blew up how it did in my opinion, they found a community of people that won’t judge them. Most are hardcore conspiracy theorist and came across Flat Earth. There are some real smart people in the group and community leaders. Check out the documentary they did an awesome job interviewing Scientists and followed some flat earthers for a little while for the doc.
Its called Behind the Curve they pretty much disprove there theory in this documentary. 🌎

Here is a commercial must see doc. on Netflix

It’s not flat!!! 🌎

I also watcged this documentary just last night. Im not one for consipracy theories but I must admit it was an interesting view to have and kind of challenges the things I believe. I ask myself, how much information do I actually have to fuel my belief that earth is a sphere ? Im not saying its not, im also not saying that its not flat. Just questioning whether I believe it because thats just what Ive been told. You know?

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They pretty much disprove themselves with their little laser experiment at the end.

Virgin Galactic hopes to launch tourist flights to space by end of 2019 and Elon Musk and a bunch of other companies are working on space tourism themselves. If they really want to see it for themselves they could soon. 😁 🌎

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  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Everyone has their own version of the truth but shape of the earth must be defined by its equator and meridian directions and directions are based on the magnetic field energy of the earth itself with holding almost everything on it self the earth seems spherical from the space but it is ellipsoid spherical just like egg.

The circle

La forma de la Tierra no es la de una esfera mucho menos es plana sino la de esferoide achatado por los polos, peor a mi punto de vista creo que es así un poco de humor jaja !

  ·  6 years ago (edited)


Oblate Spheroid , or at least it is as we've been told. I haven't seen it with my eyes from space. There are other people who think it is flat!

In the shape of Sphere!

The bit you are on is flat. The world is round

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Round, everybody knows that ....

Oblate spheroid

Tilted Sphere. That is what I know the shape of the earth to be.

It’s circle or sphere, according to Isaiah 40:22.

Obkate spheroid

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Yeah it's spheroid

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The shape of the earth is Spherical.

The proofs of earth sphericity includes Circumnavigation, sunrise and sunset, circular horizon etc


The shape of the Earth is an oblate spheroid


I hope it's not rectangle.


☠ ¡Click & Find! ☠

Click & Find


Definitely round.

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It’s roundular!

The Earth Is an Eliptic Imperfect Sphere!!

Officially but not really known It is potatoid. Irregular spheroid body that looks like potato :)

yep! ;)

oblate spheroid

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The Earth is Spheroid in shape.

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Flat as a tennis ball.

Maybe it’s just like an apple.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Turtle egg.

  ·  6 years ago 


no shape at all -> it's mental & kind of spiritual.......
forgive my approach!

Pear shaped.............

Can we call it a globe?!?

Round-ish, also known as Spherical

It's a ball.

I sure Earth is Hypersphere

retarded egg .... oblate spheroid

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Well if it isn't the goat calling the sheep prey...

and Google... or do I mean God.. I just don't know anymore. Oh deary me I care so much about bullshit that has no significance in my pathetic life. May I please commit suicide now Mr?


It used to be roundish until Fry sat on the box our universe is held in.

Nerf Ball shaped

According to google it is oblate spheroid, and doesn't google know everything?

It‘s round.

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La Tierra es un geoide
The Earth is an geoid

It is close to spherical.

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Almost spherical

It is spherical in shape.

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Round!!! round!!! round!!!!!