Nicola Tesla prescient predictions of todays technologies.

in science •  9 years ago 

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Nikola Tesla was one of the greats contributors to the human kind with more than 1000+ patents, too bad there was some guy named Thomas Edison who wanted to take all the credit for Nikola's work and make a fortune of it.

If there wasn't Edison, we would be living in a much more Advanced "reality" right now, with free electricity, wireless charging from cars to phones on the go and many more great inventions made by Tesla to serve the Human Kind for good. All he ever wanted is to make this world a better place to live.

yes! absolutely agree. Tesla was a great inventor whose inventions were beyond his time. Even Elon musk named his car company Telsa, which speaks volumes about what a genius tesla was .

It's pretty interesting how much this can sort of have in common with this post I made a day or two ago. I know Tesla wasn't a science fiction author, but to be imagining something so far outside the realm of current technology is astonishing.

Hey! read your post. Interesting read!. Science fiction writing has been an inspiration for many technology innovators. Works of Great sci-fi writers and futurists like Issac Asimov and Alvin Toffler have been an inspiration for many people in the tech industy.