In addition to favoring our concentration, painting helps us distract ourselves from problems. In addition, it can be very beneficial to work fine motor skills, both in children and in the elderly. Painting is an activity that we have all done in our lives. When we are small, painting is very important because it is a form of expression and communication, sometimes in ages when we do not even have oral language.
Communicative benefits
Painting helps in the communicative field, since it allows us to express differently what we feel, what we want, our vision about something, etc. Through painting we can manifest multiple feelings, emotions and thoughts.
This form of communication is especially relevant in people with disabilities, who have communication deficits, in shy people or people who are unable to communicate verbally in a fluid and natural way.
Motor benefits
The use of different utensils needed for painting, such as pencils, charcoal or brushes, helps to develop fine motor skills, especially in children. The handling of the hands is improving as you work this capacity. In adults, fine motor skills are strengthened.
Benefits in the brain
Our brain actively intervenes in the activity of painting. The left hemisphere of our brain, responsible for logical tasks, is present, as is the right hemisphere, responsible for creativity and imagination. So when we paint, we are working with the brain and developing its capacity.
Benefits to our mental health
Our mental health is clearly benefited by painting. On the one hand, painting favors concentration, and helps us acquire it, since when painting we must be focused on what we want to convey, not on other things. In addition to helping us get out of trouble problems and difficult situations that we may be living, while we do something relaxing and that allows us to go to our pace and make free compositions.
Benefits for our pleasure and fun
Painting is something we can do in the company of other people, thus favoring friendly relations because we spend a good time with our friends. It is a way of being willing, quiet, working with our brain and having fun at the same time.