in science •  7 years ago  (edited)

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The contest has officially closed as two great guessers
@arun5866 & @minimining correctly guessed (somehow ;) )exactly 50/50 each (if thats even possible lol) what the project was about, but don't fret fellow steemians , I want to give a massive thank you to each and everyone one of you who upvoted, commented, resteemed and contributed it really means the world to me and all good suggestions will be rewarded and the winners have some very specials gifts coming over the next few months!

Am currently and have been working on the whitepaper which for some reason is becoming an absolute pain, but I want to do this properly and it will be released by the end of this week (I will post updates throughout) and am very excited at this point: I have successfully (for once) created the @dcopyright account and after releases have been made on this one all following updates will be made on there so please do give that a little pre-release follow to keep updated!

My main goals this week in chronological order is to:

  • Properly Introduce myself to the @SteemSTEM community, verify my Scientific background/qualifications and equipment purchases and a basic overview of how this will work out with a timetable e.t.c

  • Publish White-Paper and initiate first round of test experiments

  • Reward Contestants


and also a massive shout-out and thank you to @full-measure who helped reward and reveal peoples guesses as to what this project was all about, without your help the pre-release would not of been as fun as it was and I cannot thank you enough and although others got to you before you could guess I think you will be happy with your reward if your willing to wait a few weeks ;) massive massive love x

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and also a massive shout-out and thank you to @full-measure who helped reward and reveal peoples guesses as to what this project was all about, without your help the pre-release would not of been as fun as it was and I cannot thank you enough and although others got to you before you could guess I think you will be happy with your reward if your willing to wait a few weeks ;) massive massive love x

aw that's awesome bro! I don't even want a reward, I'm just glad it helped and made it more fun.

I'd rather you keep it and add it to your pile 🤓

I'm tempted to say to make a little donation to a charity like this instead .. but am also thinking maybe the reward isn't even monies based 😮

So I'll just stay tuned and see how it all plays out lol

AWHH don’t you worry bud I will donate to them that project looks absolutely amazing (actual money) but you are definitely gonna receive something jiggy :))

awww 😍 so sick!! i'm excited.

and ya they seem great!! i'm always skeptical of "charities" like if they skim a lot off the top, but that one seems legit focused on helping, far as i can tell anyways

That’s literally it and they do it’s disgusting this one looks very good and will be proud to donate :))

Thank you for the mention! And really excited to see the outcome.