Ancient Alien S06 EP05 : ALIENS IN AMERICA

in science •  8 years ago  (edited)

The more i watch this series the more i think about them... aliens...

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I truly believe that in the not so distant future we are going to be given disclosure to a slew of issues regarding alien technology, alien visits and even the fact that aliens are currently among us. I have been following David Wilcock, Corey Goode and Dr. Steven Greer for some time now and they all seem to agree that disclosure is coming. There was an article just a day ago that NASA was about to make the announcement and then we have the discovery of a mummified alien in Peru....

I for one, look forward to it and hope this news can turn humanity in the right direction so that we may enter into a new level of consciousness...

I sometimes wonder if I came from a long line of Aliens...
I can never seem to find a hat big enough to fit my

lol yeah I often wonder man. Did you ever see the remake of the X-Files, season 10? They made reference that we all have alien dna in us. I have also listened to a few podcast that suggest that we were engineered from another race, from primates and brought back to earth. In fact, we are the 6th attempt....There is some heavy shit being hidden from us and part of me feels that all the wars, poverty and other distractions is to keep us from finding out our true heritage and true power.....

Perhaps the truth would take away the Power that certain Groups have over us...

I think thats exactly what it is. Especially in respects to energy. Charging the people of the world for energy which is free and clean....the wars that are fought and the slavery involved..its revolutionary

The pyramyds and other ancient buildings are a mysterys because even TODAY we couldn't build such a thing like pyramyds. And they did it thousands of years ago. Or maybe "they" were the aliens? If it was so, the biggest mystery for me is: why are they gone now? Or maybe they're not?

I have my own theory on how they crushed the rock and reformed it into big stones to make the Pyramids...

I like the show but I cannot give you an upvote as you are not giving anything of your own creation here, you are simply sharing the whole episode and no other information.

You're right, sometimes i try to comment, maybe i should do it more. I just post it because it's super interesting, i've watch almost whole series.

I've made my comment above the video :D

He did create a nice conversation all the same...