Whales prefer the ice floating in ice in the winter of winter in the winter.
However, research has revealed that the whale humpback whale has been focused on whales for a long time, but the bowhead type balances that live near the Norwegian Sea are singing in a more varied pattern.
This unique feature has identified them differently than other whales and mammals.
- Recorded whales' songs Three years of studies have revealed that 184 varieties of whales are sung along the islands of Spitsbergen. These chords can be heard in the winter for more than 24 hours.
"We can say that the whale's alphabet has thousands of letters," said Professor Kate Stafford to the BBC.
"I think the Humbz whale is singing classical songs, and that's fine, and it's about 20 to 30 minutes." One song lasts forty-five minutes, but they repeat it again, "Professor Kate, researcher at Washington University, said.
Humbzak whale singers of the same type throughout the year. However, it is observed that Boehde's whale songs are different from hour to day.
These songs are very different and complex, and other mammals often produce clear, uniform sounds.
Researchers say that during the breeding of Whale-type whales, the male animal sings.
A whirling whale, Spitsburghagen, is able to pierce a thick ice layer of half a meter and can last up to 200 years.
They have hunted for the thick body of the Whale Whale body in the 1600s.
Spitzbergen's dense ice layers, and this type of whale's lack of further studies has yet to be done.
But some of the whales belonging to other ocean liners living in the West Antarctic have already been identified, but "We know very little about them," says Kate Stafford.