How does the quantity of spike proteins produced by a covid vaccine compare to a real infection?

in science •  3 months ago 

We have no idea how much spike protein is produced by each modRNA transfection or even which spike protein (variant specific) is being produced with each booster. We do know that the modRNA LNPs are not broken down cleared from the body within a few days, do not stay at the injection site or even within the lymphatic system and that the spike proteins and their fragments can leave the lymphatic system and circulate throughout the body for months from a plethora of recent serological research. See (Part 1), (Part 2) and (Part 3) of Spike Protein an modRNA Detected in Vaccinated Blood Well After A Few Days for the relevant literature. There are 20 studies summarized in those 3 posts.

So once you discard those fraudulent official claims that were based on preclinical pharmacokinetic experiments on rodents you are left unable to give informed consent for each successive booster dose. The COMIRNATY package insert tells you how much modRNA is each dose (30 ug) and what spike protein it is supposedly encoded for (e.g. KP.2), but doesn’t disclose how much spike protein is produced with each dose. The only thing the package insert tells us in regards to the dose is that it is a 30ug modRNA transfection.

Each 0.3 mL dose of COMIRNATY (2024-2025 Formula) is formulated to contain 30 mcg of anucleoside-modified messenger RNA (modRNA) encoding the viral spike (S) glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant lineage KP.2

The nucleoside-modified mRNA in COMIRNATY is formulated in lipid particles, which enable delivery of the mRNA into host cells to allow expression of the SARS-CoV-2 S antigen. The vaccine elicits an immune response to the S antigen, which protects against COVID-19.

Even the part about encoding for the spike protein of KP.2 is semi-false. As I referenced in previous answers, the booster doses have continued to elicit an overwhelming Wuhan-HU-1 IgG antibody response to the wildtype variant, no longer in circulation, that dwarfs the subvariant specific antibody response creating a problem known as immune imprinting.

I summarized several serological studies evidencing immune imprinting in my answer here

Including for last years XBB1.5 booster: Persistent immune imprinting occurs after vaccination with the COVID-19 XBB.1.5 mRNA booster in humans

There is also the little known but documented problem of N1-Methyl Psuedouridine causing the host cells ribosomes to frame shift the codons in the sequence by skipping the substituted nucleotide and synthesize an off-target protein that is not the spike protein. I briefly discussed the research that uncovered this problem in a prior answer from last year.

And as I mentioned in a follow up post can potentially result in prion sequences from one base shift in the spike sequence. Considering the ancestral variant had a prion like domain wouldn’t be unfathomable.

So to answer this question briefly, we not only don’t know the quantity of spike protein produced, or how much of which spike protein is produced following transfection, we also don’t know how many off-target proteins are produce and what potential affects they might have on the recipient down the road.

This is really a shot in the dark, which is unprecedented considering traditional live attenuated and inactivate antigen immunizations tell us how much of the antigen we get. For instance, the package insert for TENIVAC, an immunization against the bacteria strains that cause tetanus and diphtheria tells us it consists of a 50 microgram dose suspension tetanus and diphtheria toxoids (inactivated toxins) adsorbed on aluminum phosphate. The amount of antigen here is a known quantity:

Each 0.5 mL dose of TENIVAC contains the following active ingredients:
Tetanus Toxoid 5 Lf
Diphtheria Toxoid 2 Lf

So 2 to 5 flocculation units per dose for each respective antigen. So even if you don’t like it you know how much of the antigen you are getting.

If you want another example: the package insert for FLUZONE, the annual influenza shot, tells us the quantity of antigens administered in a neat little chart as does the package insert for the MMR2 vaccine administered to babies.

After reconstitution, each approximately 0.5 mL dose contains not less than 3.0 log 10 TCID 50 (tissue culture infectious doses) of measles virus; 4.1 log 10 TCID 50 of mumps virus; and 3.0 log 10 TCID 50 of rubella virus.

The antigens in each dose of these traditional vaccines are known quantities; this is SOP until we get to the novel modRNA transfections where we don’t know the quantity of antigen being produced or where the instructions to produce it are being distributed within any given recipient or how long either the instructions or the antigen remain in circulation. We have a range of values for the latter based on serological research conducted years after the modRNA transfections were released and we have the standard lie that its broken down and discarded from the body within a few days, but we do not have anything approaching informed consent when we are expected to produce an unknown quantity of spike protein for an undetermined period of time.

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