The shape of earth changed everything

in science •  7 years ago 

Once upon a time, imaging and new technology gave humanity a real view of the structure of our planet.

"Our globe, however, is not even a perfect oblate spheroid, because mass is distributed unevenly within the planet. The greater a concentration of mass is, the stronger its gravitational pull, "creating bumps around the globe"

The weirdest thing happened. We got word our land mass is shaped like an odd seed or bean and a bit off center. Which defies every geological science we ever knew. The land mass isn't round nor the biggest mass on our "planet" water is. Like this explanation just went into dust but its in all the textbooks so; in came "flat earthers" They never mention the above and the internet seems to have lost real data and imaging addressing this.

This theory does not compute anymore. Its called evolving data and science.

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