My Steemit Science & Technology Digest #1

in science •  9 years ago 

In collaboration with @dragonslayer109 I am starting a series of articles where every time I will mention five Science & Technology-related posts which in my opinion deserved more success than they had, because of quality of content and/or timeliness and importance of the topic.

50% of the SBD earnings will be sent to the authors of the featured posts (split in equal parts).

#1 Will 3D printers shape the future?
By @stealthtrader
commercial photography locations

A nice, short, very graphical update on 3D printing

#2 PopularScience: Digits and their Distribution or How Cheater Can Be Detected
By @puhoshville
commercial photography locations

Again, very short, but recalling some interesting facts from probability theory with some practical implications.

#3 Science Lesson: DNA (Part 1)
By @justtryme90
commercial photography locations

Very solid first post (in a series of 4) about the basic properties of DNA.

#4 Let's talk about infinity! (Not your average math teacher)
By @chrishronic
commercial photography locations

I like the way he strikes a balance between using a “popular science” language while hinting at some very advanced concepts.

#5 What Does 'Healthy Aging' Really Mean?
By @ben.zimmerman
commercial photography locations

Interesting article about a very interesting subject…

So, once again, 50% of SBD dollars earned by this post will be redistributed to the featured authors.
Please make sure you follow them if you like their work!

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Why only 50%?

Well, I am not "featuring" whole posts.
I am choosing posts, commenting them, and encouraging steemers to read and upvote the original posts.
So, the deal seems fair to me as I offer authors a "bonus" on top of what they can earn directly.

I have eventually decided to give 100% of the earned SBD to the promoted authors.
At the same time, having seen how controversial these "promotions" are, I think I will stop my initiative. I have so much stuff of my own to write about and I don't want to get involved into hate campaigns or similar.

Thank you, @claudiop63! I am very pleased that you liked my previous post. Today or tomorrow I will publish an article on the topic of neural networks. I hope You will like it)

Thank you! It's good to know that you liked what I did. ..

Thanks for promoting me! There are 5 background posts in my DNA series :)

Thank you!

Sorry I didnt see this before :/
Awesome post!

Thank you!

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Hey! Was on a holiday. Just saw this. Thanks for sharing, kind regards!