Lessons From The Future: Food Replicators, Technology & What It Is To Be Human

in science •  7 years ago 

As I'm sure many of you know, I have often used our replicators for food production and a quick cup of Earl Grey tea aboard our Star-ship. Let me tell you that the development and use of replicators for food only happened after a lengthy and very difficult debate. Even after their use was permitted, the vote was by no mean unanimous and was contested by purists who implicitly rejected replicated food as unnatural despite no proof to show any significant adverse affects.

Our technology is incredible in 2600's. We can replicate any kind of food we want, and it will look and even taste almost the same as the real thing, When I am on a mission I have to use the replicators since we have to take a minimum of provisions, and we are unable to bring fresh produce due to quarantine rules between all planets and solar systems. Whilst my replicated tea does indeed taste very good, there is something missing! I can't quite put my finger on it, but if I was compelled to describe it I would say that it is missing its soul. My tongue is satisfied, but the rest of me is not. What I mean is that replicated tea lacks a certain 'coziness' or comfort that I feel when when I drink real tea that I grew in my garden. I know this may make no sense, but it is so.

The same can be said for all the food we replicate as well. Whilst the food tastes quite satisfactory, we don't seem to get the same boost after a meal, and many of us eat more than we usually would if the food had been grown and cooked by hand. It is missing a quality that I can only describe as ... essence .. which appears to be something that even our replicators cannot reproduce.

On planet Earth people do not eat replicated food except in emergencies .. or if you are a Student it seems. For some reason our Students, even in the Academy, seem to thrive from it, but only for so long! I am told that replicated food is akin to something you have call Pot Noodles, Or Ramen Noodles. If that is the case, then perhaps you know what I am talking about.

So my message to you all today is that despite our great advancements, we should always remember who and what we are. We are human beings, we came from the earth and will return to the earth. As Earth advances technologically, you should remind yourselves of where you came from, your traditions, your culture, and your ancient wisdom. If you stray too far from what is natural, and what is necessary, you risk losing your humanity. It is our humanity that makes us who and what we are, and we should treasure it more than any replicator or technological device.

I hope you hear and understand the importance of this message. You are fortunate to be here this exciting time of your evolution. You are about to take a great step, a giant-leap, into worlds and dimensions that you didn't know existed. Your technology is almost ready to propel you into the 21 century at light speed, and as that happens, please remember this message.

Live Long & Prosper!

“The acquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force in our lives. We work to better ourselves and the rest of humanity.” ― Capt. Jean-Luc Picard

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So happy I found you and your wisdom Jeanluke!

You have been resteemed as part of #newbieresteemday ... I made today my #newbieresteemday, and invite you and others to do the same. To learn more: Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

you are welcome Captain! I recommended you to be featured by @amariespeaks ... I hope she likes your humor!

love it - grew up with my dad watching the star ship enterprise :) such a unique and positive message. I will definitely be featuring you for #minnowmondays

cpt.picard is going to be a major hit amariespeaks, thanks for highlighting him!

Maybe he will bring is ship to our #newbieresteemday gatherings too! I've always wanted to fly in a starfleet ship

lol definitely. It's quirky and unique to begin with but so much awesomer with the insightful message behind his posts

lol agreed... and thank you again for the recognition. That is awesome, and it was completely unexpected!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

wow, i wasn't sure what to expect from you, but now Im starting to get the picture!

I love what you are doing here, so creative, so inspired, just brilliant!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

That was incredibly enjoyable. Well written and really creative. Resteemed as as part of the Steemit Newbie Resteem Initiative.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Welcome!!!!! You just made my day! Very inspiring, thought provoking and most of all.... enlightening. I love where you are, where you have been and most of all where you're going, all in this moment of now. Bring it on @cpt.picard

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

We should remember where we come from. Mother GAIA will ALWAYS take care of us if we ALWAYS take care of her. How is she doing in 2600? I hope she is being taken care of.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Lovely and very thought provoking. I suppose it is easy to get caught up in the newest technological "thing" and forget the lessons, wisdom and roots of one's past. Thank you for the reminder to look over my shoulder every now and again and remember what has come before.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Why always Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.?

The computer should know it’s you in your own office. It should know that you’ve not suddenly become an Oolong drinker.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Hallo @cpt.picard I love what you are doing here, so creative, so inspired, just brilliant!...thanks for sharing this post.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Good one! Cheers.
I will try to visit again. One problem is so many sharp blogs to read, and no more time in a day.
Keep on keeping on. 😇

Love your unique voice!

Can't wait for more.


Thx for the upvote!

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