The biggest obstacle to the colonization of Mars could be human obsolescence

in science •  7 years ago 

Wherever we go, there we will have to be, even if it is to Mars. It may seem obvious, but that is the essence of an essay recently published by an interdisciplinary team at the University of Information, Technology and Management in Rzeszow, Poland.

What does this conclusion really mean? That the future human colonizers of Mars could escape from terrestrial life, but they will not be able to flee from the darkest corners of their own nature.

Or what is the same, all kinds of interpesonal quarrels, legal measures, political chaos and existential crises would soon appear in a colonial community on Mars, because it is our human nature, although we step on land from another planet.

More challenges for the colonization of Mars: «7 fundamental technological advances without which we will not be able to colonize Mars»
The stress of colonizing a new planet like Mars

The authors of the study estimate that the first astronauts to reach Mars will be under a unique psychological stress. Thus, difficult-to-answer questions may arise, such as "what to do with the body of a member of the crew who died during the trip?" Is the body thrown into space to float forever? Is it buried on the new planet? It is not easy to make a decision.

Given that in the coming years a number of nations will be interested in creating their own Martian colonies, who will decide how to organize the politics and legality of the new "international waters"? What laws will be applied and by whom? What would happen if two rival colonies go to war? How would the Earth act before an uprising on Mars?

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great stuff @daza1994 ! I hope mankind is not stupid enough to look for another planets like Mars to migrate because we have destroyed our own! We definitely should acquire more consciousness and take care of the planet, which is our real home and the only one we have!

If you also care about nature and environment, have a check on my last post about global warming. The images are really really shocking. I can guarantee they will impact you! Your support will be highly appreciated :)

You're absolutely right, but every day I see people who do not care about global warming, they throw away waste, they burn them, the same polluting vehicles, etcetera. No doubt you have to take a measure to educate people. Now I am going to look at the post of global warming, it will surely be shocking, greetings. :) My support for you.

thanks mate! it is definitely necessary to acquire consciousness about the issue... while humankind loses its time with wars, greed, oil, money, Trump, North Korea, China... Global warming is the real world "white walkers" (in case you watch GOT)