Adapt2030 - Solar Minimum is Coming by NASA

in science •  8 years ago 

Solar Minimum is Coming by NASA, What They Left Out of the Report

NASA Report
Solar Minimum is Coming

Big ol' Sol has cycles. 12, 100, and 200 year cycles, that we know of. If you sit down and think about it, everything has cycles. The question is; is what we are experiencing now new or just part of a longer cycle.

We watch the Sun cycles and the sunspots. We are currently on Solar Cycle 24, which has sunspot activity about the level of 100 years ago. What it is looking like now, we are heading to a Dalton Minimum, which was a period of low sunspot activity lasting from about 1790 to 1830. In 1816, the Year Without a Summer occurred, which was in the middle of the Dalton Minimum. If we are heading in that direction, from about 2030 to 2050, it might be a bit chilly.

Basically, we are headed into the Grand Solar Minimum. Less solar activity, more cosmic rays, more clouds, more cooling, more crop loss and more bad times for people. The last time this happened, they called it the Maunder Minimum a period starting in about 1645 and continuing to about 1715.

Watch the video for even more information.
Now, if you want to get a little conspiracy, then you just need to connect population reduction and Agenda 21 (which is now Agenda 2010).

~ Adapt 2030
I am not affiliated with Adapt 2030 or his work. I am a subscriber to Adapt 2030 YouTube channel.


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Agreed. Furthermore, "climate change" is more a function of solar system change than anthropogenic climate change...

Guide Prepper thinks that climate change is not driven by science, but by politics and the desire by the political elite to justify a carbon tax...

Up voted and resteemed... Followed..

The best part about the main steam scientist. Anyone who doesn't come to a consensus is labeled as an fool or doesn't have any "peer reviewed" papers. Of course, you have to be in the fold in order to get your paper "peer reviewed" in the first place.