Investigating The Relationship Between Wisdom And Social Class

in science •  7 years ago 

Researchers at the University of Waterloo recently decided to investigate the relationship between the social class of an individual and their ability to reason about interpersonal matters. In other words, they wanted to find out if social class impacted wisdom, specifically interpersonal conflicts.

Wisdom was measured as the ability to be intellectually humble and open minded, as well as the ability to consider the different perspectives of others on a specific issue.

Researchers suggest that we are currently being driven toward a more self-centered society. One that is focused too much on independence and entitlement and that because of this, they say, we're eroding our wisdom and ability to reason.

In order to conduct the two studies, researchers used large-scale surveys and they included over 2000 participants. Those involved reported on their reasoning when it came to specific conflicts with their friends or family members etc.

Neither the lower class or the more affluent were fairly represented and the researchers admit that they hope to expand on this study and these findings in the future to include more participants. Their results were recently published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society.

They found that the lower social class consistently had higher wise-reasoning scores than people who had more income.

The findings suggest that the lower your economic standing, the wiser that you might be. And they say that these results are the cutting edge of research in this area.
Those involved in the study also suggest that raw intelligence isn't what's best to help to reduce conflict in this area, IQ scores didn't make a difference; wisdom is what will help you get along best and resolve disputes.

This is because that wisdom will enable an individual to consider the views of others and to try to come to a resolution. They suggest that because those with a lower economic standing, usually have to share resources with others, that they are therefore provided more of an opportunity to improve their social skills in this area and try to resolve a variety of different disputes. They suspect that the findings might even be more pronounced if they are to conduct further research, including more participants who are extremely wealthy.

For those who might want to try and foster some growth in this area of their lives, researchers suggest that they could try to use third-party language when considering conflicts, try to see a situation as another might see it, and perhaps seeking out new and different experiences that might prompt you to look at things in a new way.



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Great post as always @doitvoluntarily ! its an awesome study they did here and i also think "we are being driven towards a self centered society with a sence of entitlement " I see it everyday ! I hope they continue the study on the extremely wealthy and i wonder what do they expect to do with their findings that will help society out at all . thanks flr sharing my friend ! upped and resteemed !👍👍👍

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excellent post dear friend @doitvoluntarily, a very interesting and topical topic.
In general, people of lower middle class tend to be better than upper class people, that is due to the condition of the people, a young lower middle class does not have as many opportunities in life as a young high class , for that reason all the lower classes we try much more to have a wide knowledge and gain a place in society, of course there are exceptions.
Excellent job dear friend, muichas thanks for sharing this information
I wish you a great day

100% agreed

Agreed !👍👍👍

this is so true,cant be said any better

A great read and your post really gets me thinking about EQ and IQ and the relationship too!

Interesting study. Not certain I agree. I think people in tougher circumstances make choices and act more in a short term manner. It is up to them on if they learn from mistakes or make adjustments.

Differences in interpersonal communication seem like they would be evident in this case. I think it is also really interesting to look at how social class of an individual changes their capacity to exhibit empathy.

I found this interesting quote from Jimmy Hendrix:
"Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens"
Wisdom, in this case, may be related to solidarity, a feeling that seems to be in extinction, but in the blockchain, you find a lot of people that share their wealth with others.

I wonder if there's a better way to cultivate wisdom. Normally, we associate wisdom with being older or going through certain experiences in life. Could certain environment or genetic disposition make a person wiser? The only wisdom hack I know is to read more books to gain perspectives we otherwise won't be able to acquire in our everyday lives.

I think people with less money are more intelligent because we have to find ways to get ahead we struggle and we research ways to go up , your post was very informative and interesting you for sure are very intelligent and I'm happy to be your friend😊😊❤️

That's true, according to me people who are living in villages and small town they are more wise than others because they live organic life in compare to rich and social class. Mostly rich class or social class people concentrate on materialistic and technological development but people who live organic life they think their body as an great technology and they know how to control it. So one more thing you mentioned and i liked it most, people who live in villages and small towns, always share the resources with each other, and their interpersonal skills develops because they have continuous verbal communication and they know how to control and tackle the verbal communication and disputes wisely, in case of social people or rich class they are more in vertual world so, they can tackle verbal communications with less patience. Thanks for sharing. Your post encouraged me to share my own opinions.

Have a great day and stay blessed.

Same as when you work in a company. Your CEO doesn't put himself (since they are mainly men) in the shoes of the average employee.


Nice, I find this very interesting and quite baffling in many ways. intelligence and wisdom and completely separate components of an individual and one does not necessarily define the other... education level and one's intelligence usually coincides with a better overall socioeconomic status, in general, as well as other facets that pertain to overall success and ability to have access to services which may be readily needed. Wisdom, on the other hand, which you mentioned is something that is completely different and aside from the fact of one's intelligence. The key component which I believe develops based on certain situations and encounters that an individual has faced is what makes the world keep turning... loved your post, resteemed and upvoted by me

regards @conradsuperb

Wisdom comes with humility toward others and your creator. Humility comes in the contentment of going without in life. It is harder to be humble and rich. The love of money is the root of all evil. One can have both money and wisdom but it is harder to achieve wisdom that way. Thanks for a wonderful post @doitvoluntarily.

I am sceptical of studies in general as subtle aspects of the study and interpretation might result in inaccurate conclusions. Using common sense rather than studies, I would expect lower income individuals to be more inclined to negotiate and be more persistent because they're the ones likely to benefit from such negotiations. I would suspect them to be the squeaky wheel that gets the grease because it squeaks, not necessarily because they are wise. Disclaimer: this is just a personal observation, I haven't seen the details of the study!

I think you would find this an interesting read: It is an article that always struck me called The Kingdom of the Committee and the Garbage Dump of God.

That can be one reason why a good number of graduate students in 'rich' countries come from South and SouthEast Asia.

Hi! I am Shahin. in bangladesh. I just upvoted you! if you like what i do...follow me and vote my post aslo...

this is so true boss....cant be said any better. Even in our tertiary institutions, you see people who graduate with top results still struggling to get jobs while thos who graduate with average results try to become entrepreneurs and end up employing those with the best grades.

Im poor but how come I dont feel wise enough? Haha. Or is it wise to know that Im not wise enough.

Wisdom is one of those qualities difficult to define
—because it encompasses so much—
but which people generally recognize when they encounter it.

Of course, that is, if we start from the fact that we belong to a low social class, if there are two aspects, whether or not we have the changes, because obviously they experience considerable and clearly, the ability to enjoy any detail or that is not their mind of envy for not being able to acquire what the others. While a high social class may also have some difference with respect to openness and, above all, having the capacity to own goods and services, they generalize that the world is like that.

There's a quality of acceptance in wisdom, an acceptance of challenges especially with regards to meeting one's basic needs. The greater the challenges, the more likely it is that wisdom will grow. This doesn't happen all the time but when it does, it stands out.

It seems that as we become more personally wealthy, we only see competition. Competition to see who can earn more, succeed more, have more. But when we are at the bottom and in need of help, we band together as a team in order to survive and even thrive. Thanks for this, it really puts things in perspective. Being wealthy, or at least being raised wealthy isn't all its cracked up to be. Learn to be wise in your own situation :)

This could be summed up as: who has the most empathy?

Why would people from a low social level be "wiser" than people from a higher one ? That is not only counter-intuitive, but it contradicts the general trend of research in this field.

The problem here is that "wisdom" is measured as the consideration of the views of others, which is a behavior. And you cannot compare a behavior with an ability like intelligence. Thus what the authors study has little to do with wisdom (unless you consider wisdom as a behavior, but then you could say that ants have a lot of wisdom).

Indeed lower social class individuals tend to be more traditional than higher class ones, and more traditional people act more in agreement with their group. But this does not mean that they have higher abilities at coordinating perspectives. For example, they have lesser negotiation abilities, and, to negotiate well, you have to understand perspectives.

The problem is also that this research is based on unstable presuppositions. We are currently being driven toward a more individualistic society, but individualistic does not mean "self-centered".
There is an important distinction here the authors are completely missing.

Hy my brother do you want to upvote my blog this one.I hope my brother want to make me happy in this day.

I think people who do not have the financial ability,
Decide to invest in their studies, they will do the maximum
In most cases, most of the family's money is invested in one child,
The wise man will have a good education and may advance the family,
Will find a good job to support the children and the parents.

Interesting posting on an interesting study. Waterloo in Canada I suppose? I think the location is an important variable as well since societies differ quite a lot and especially outside the Western world I see different learning processes that would influence the results of such a survey.