New Study Sheds Light On Relationship Between Energy Drinks And The Heart

in science •  7 years ago  (edited)

Apparently there are a lot of folks in the military who drink energy drinks and that supposedly prompted Dr. Emily Fletcher with the David Grant USAF Medical Center in California to investigate the link between energy drinks and the heart in order to find out if there is any cause for concern.

It's suggested that for nearly 15% of the American military personnel who were deployed to Afghanistan in 2010, reported that they had consumed three or more cans of energy drinks every day.

The study has been published in the Journal of the American Heart Association and it involved only 18 participants between the ages of 18 to 40,that got divided into two different groups. Those groups were required to drink a commercially-available energy drink, while the second group was given a control drink with lime juice, caffeine, and cherry syrup.

After almost a week, the participants then switched drinks.

The researchers were able to measure the electrical activity of the heart of the participants by using an electrocardiogram. The participants also had their blood pressure (both peripheral and central) measured at frequently intervals following the consumption of the energy drink.

They discovered that both the energy drink group and the caffeine group saw similar increases in their systolic blood pressure.

However, with the caffeine group those readings were seen to almost resort back to their original readings within 6 hours after consuming the caffeine drink. But the same can't be said for the energy drink crowd.

They were still found to have elevated blood pressure even 6 hours after they finished having the drink.

They say that their findings support the narrative that there might be some altering effects on blood pressure thanks to other ingredients besides just the caffeine. And based on this evidence, she suggests that folks with high blood pressure might want to try and stay away from a drink that might cause them to have even more trouble.

This study did have a small number of participants so they admit that further study is needed in order to confirm their results.


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Red Bull videos are awesome but their drinks should be avoided.
Sometimes - especially on tired days - I find myself having a can before surfing. Unfortunately it really helps me to be more energetic, dynamic and concentrated in the water. However I am quite aware of the negative side effects 🤔😏👎

I went to college with some guy who chugged an energy drink in less than a few minutes. They had to take him to the emergency room because his heart was beating so fast he thought he was having a heart attack. Energy drinks are dangerous even when drank normally I think. Lots of chemicals in them that aren't healthy.

Nasty! Who would drink it!?

millions of people lol

Yup, just like porn. Energy drinks are the porn of snack sodas

never heard that comparison before 😎 🍺 lol!

I drank a bit of red bull in the past. i think that's considered an energy drink but I've stopped. A story for another time. I think that has some nicotine in it. Off and on, I still drink isotonic drinks. more like after some physical activities. Not sure if that is considered energy drink. Probably not.

I also once drank energy drinks. I just liked their taste. Now I understand that I did stupid things. They influenced my health. I believe that such drinks should not be sold.

I watched the article well.
My son is often worried about drinking energy drinks.
I think it's okay for health.
I think I'll have to let my son read this article you wrote.

Thank you for writing something I might think of.

It's quite the cocktail that's in these things off which caffeine is a just a part. I like the odd one occasionally but wouldn't drink them regularly

I heard that energy drinks were made for the sports/athletic personal who need high energy. These drinks are not suitable for normal person who does't engage in physical hard work. Thanks for the information ! Energy drinks are really dangerous .

Was it not palpitations that were occuring from those energy drinks? as they have higher caffeine content causing palpitations?

Excellent post! I like your work My friend

Thanks for sharing this information. I think this should be another warning why people should stop drinking energydrinks.