Have Scientists Found the Fisetin of Youth?

in science •  6 years ago  (edited)

There’s a grandfather in my neighborhood who walks the streets. Our paths often cross. While I’m strolling with my dog, he is walking his granddaughter. Three years ago, when I first saw them, the grandfather was pushing a stroller with a baby in it. Today, his toddler of a granddaughter walks under her own power, but they have switched places. It’s the grandfather who needs the help now; he walks with a cane.


Age catches up with all of us

Father Time, as they say, is undefeated. Though we live in a world of many masculine pronouns, large and unfathomable forces often are referred to as feminine. Mother Earth, oceans, rivers, nature itself: these often get the feminine treatment. So why is Father Time a dude? I think of a long-bearded druid. Perhaps it’s because he’s such a linear character. As age creeps up on us, we might even consider him a villain.


Previously in my blog, I wrote about the search for immortality and its place in history. For thousands of years, people have sought the secrets to everlasting life. Today, we’re much more likely to find the keys to longevity in modern science than in a fountain of youth hidden somewhere. Yet it’s still elusive.

Can fisetin slow aging?

Well, I’m writing again today to report that science has found a substance that slows down the aging of cells in the human body. It’s a flavonoid called fisetin, which is a strong antioxidant. In the coming years, once more research has been done, the drug companies and nutritional supplement companies may make a fortune by distilling or synthesizing it. It’s already available as a supplement because fisetin and related antioxidants have been tested for other conditions (such as Alzheimer's) in the past.


But you can get a jump on the designed versions because I’m here to tell you that fisetin occurs naturally in some of the foods you eat. Eating fresh foods is much cheaper than buying vitamins or medicine. More on these dietary sources in a minute.

First, let’s cover how fisetin works. When human cells age, they enter a state called senescence. Once in senescence, the cell can no longer divide. Instead, it gives your body the impression that it is inflammatory. Your body then removes that cell, taking it out with the trash.

The problem is that older bodies do not clean up these old cells as well. This work becomes harder for the body to handle. Young bodies can readily remove what they do not need, but these older cells build up in older bodies. And thus, older people end up with a lot of damaged cells. These cause inflammation and tissue deterioration.


Scientists have discovered that fisetin can slow down this process. Therefore, it strikes at the cellular heart of the aging problem. So fisetin could prolong your health. Theoretically, that could translate to a longer lifespan, though much more research is needed.

This study is new and it doesn’t tell us much yet. For example, we do not know how much fisetin is the correct amount. But assuming that more is better (within moderation), we can look to the natural dietary sources of this substance.

And here are the chosen ones

These are the fruits and vegetables that can keep you from aging as quickly. Drumroll, please…


Strawberries are the most concentrated natural source of fisetin. They contain much more of it than does any other fruit or vegetable (seven times more than the next best ones!). Apples and persimmons are next in line, also with significant amounts. Mangoes also contain it, though I’m not sure they were tested for the study used in the image above, so I don’t know how much they contain. Once you get past these fruits, there are smaller amounts in lotus root, onions, grapes, kiwis, peaches and cucumbers (with skin on).


Unfortunately, strawberries often top another list, which is the most poisonous food crop. They are more loaded with pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, and/or other toxins than any other fruit or vegetable. Strawberries don’t keep well and if they are shipped, they are heavily treated to keep them looking fresh. So for strawberries, eating organic or locally produced berries is important. And as always, do not consume any food in excess; all things should be eaten in moderation.

The Youthful Fountain?

Assuming you have a local or organic source of fresh strawberries, then the fountain of youth might look something like this:



You can have the mojito. I’ll take the virgin strawberry margarita. Hold the tequila. Hold the vodka. Hold the fondue fountain also; that's death by chocolate. Just give me those berries straight. Better yet, hold the blender. Let me go home and eat a box of them by myself. I won’t need my berries pureed until I’m older.

Breaking News!

This just in: The town of Troy, Ohio, U.S.A., holds an annual strawberry festival. The town fountain runs red for the occasion. So yes, I know it’s just red dye, but this may be the closest thing, symbolically speaking, to a true fountain of youth.

Wait, let me see that chemical structure for fisetin again. That's a lot of OH's. Oh, my goodness, I think that's the chemical map to southwestern Ohio, just above Dayton. If you followed all the OH's, Os and HOs, you'd get to the strawberry fest in Troy. This is so clear that you probably could stick it in a mailbox and the postal service would deliver it straight there.



Go paint the town red.

https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/323247.php (though they spell fisetin rather creatively)

Images are public domain, including the produce graphic, which is from a U.S. government agency and not subject to copyright. Troy fountain pic from ohio.org.

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Another great benefits of fisetin that I did research upon was the fact that it helps improves brain function and memory, also it is a natural pain killer.
Definitely, this is just what we need right now if being experimented upon and given a further research into its side effects (because the side effects were not recorded in the search I did) it will be another widely accepted drug.

Fruits are always good for you no matter what "anti ageing " substance is trending at the moment. I'm sure in a couple of years something new will be all the rage :)

@donkeypong, Absolutely I never heard before about fisetin. You given biggest advantage indeed blog this time. I think peoples can understand what kind of fruit's included Fisetin. Then we can eat like these fruits for late our slow aging. Actually most important thing is take naturalize foods than buying physiological medicines. Here's well explained and really informative to anybody. Thanks.

Glad you found it helpful.

I'm beginning to see the effects of excess sun on my skin, but have never heard of fisetin before. It's a win-win because I too love strawberries and funny enough, I've been on the lookout for strawberry plants that I can grow year round on the patio here because they're one of those fruits that are more expensive in Mexico (or at least the area we're in).

Thank you so much for sharing @donkeypong :)

What you mention is very interesting is a pretty natural way to stay younger when eating these fruits and as you say not to overdo it because things are too bad for the body but taking this into account but a healthy lifestyle could remain rel Ativamente younger a good time! Thanks for the information

I always thought strawberries are a very Brtiish thing, loved to buy them when they are in season in England. Since moving to Taiwan, I was surprised to find that the strawberries here are equally if not often more flavorsome. The downside is that they are a bit more expensive than UK and the season lasts a bit shorter.

They seem to be fairly widespread these days, since they can be grown in hothouses/tunnels even during the wintertime.

very true, companies are making fortunes for what we take for granted, all the natural fruits vegetables they are the biggest secret of fountain of yuth, those people who live on isolated clean and fully natural diet and environment tends to have longer life and more healthy glowing skin even in their old age. if only people will become more concious about it. thanks for sharing it was quite fun reading it plus it was something new and fresh.

Need to start growing myself LOTS of organic strawberries, and concentrating them down into an elixir of youth!

Then sell it for Steem and you'll be immortal. Now you're getting the idea. ;)

Now we're talking! Many thanks for the vote btw ;)

It's a great joy to see a new important discovery in science. I think science has been evolving slowly lately compared to technology. Hope we see more great discoveries like a cure to HIV (at least I need it to enjoy total freedom) 😉

Fisetin right? Well all good!

You live in Dayton? I got a T-shirt of the university of Dayton when I was involve in the university of Dayton - Cameroon invasion program 2 years ago. So excited to read about Dayton! 🤗

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Haha. That's great. Actually, I don't live there, but I liked the red fountain picture.

Oh! I see . . . It's worth the love. Thank you!

Posted using Partiko Android

Very interesting !

An excellent excuse to indulge in strawberries XD

I wonder what conditions would be necessary to grow strawberries using Vertical farming ?

I imagine that could solve part of the "spray it so it holds longer" problem, if we could produce them locally no matter where, including inside big cities.

It also makes me wonder if it would be possible to have a small "box" that has all the environmental conditions for growing strawberries all year round, installed at home.
If the plant could be given the right environment and nutrients, and be tricked into thinking it's in season and needs to produce flowers and fruits on a continuous basis.

Kind of like a more difficult version of those mushroom packs you can buy that has all the nutrients required in a little box/piece of decomposed wood, and you just sprinkle the spores on it, water it well, and leave it to grow in the darkness till you've got mushrooms XD

They aren't as easy as they look to grow, at least not in any big quantity. But worth trying perhaps!

This really is interesting and I wonder if it shall pan out or in time be another thing like when we were told fat is bad and to eat low fat (high sugar) things and now we have rampant diabetes. Who can say?

I love to eat fresh and veg and have tried to reduce the amount I eat total, so maybe that'll help, but it's still interesting to see the science behind our foods.

I love the idea of the fountains died red for that festival! I grow my own strawberries and they are amazing. basically what you buy at stores are tasteless compared to fresh vine ripened, but that means I have strawberries for about a month and a half a year and I have to fight the birds for them (with netting) and I put straw around their little ripening heads, so that treat is well won and thus more enjoyed, but I'd hardly have access to them year round. I just don't trust a lot of the grocery store food here in the USA but what can you do?

Great article by the way.

Ageless is obtained by psychological and physical effort. physically means not smoking, not drinking alcohol, quality sleep, eating patterns, and so on.

Psychologically, do not be excited about the success of others, be patient, and be grateful for what God gives.

Good advice. Those things can age you quickly.

This is some useful news. That red fountain looks impressive. Did not know about parsimon and lotus root.
I'll start eating more strawberries, even though they are not always available here or affordable

Strawberries are the best for this, but those others listed are good also.

I've never eaten strawberry u don't think we have it in Africa, hell, this post educated me better on it than u even have any knowledge of it. Wow

There probably are many more fruits and vegetables that contain this, but those were the ones they tested so far (mostly temperate rather than tropical varieties).

I know it will be find in fruits before i even read on. Maybe things would get more clear when more research is done

This is so educative! Thanks much sir

Thanks for the comment and glad you found it helpful.

Thank you for this important informative article!
I'll buy at least strawberries today!)

Somewhere along my years of growing up and living, I got the idea that all our medicinal needs are found in the food we eat. Mother Nature has made sure that we are taken care of. So, I eat all food in moderation. I swim and walk - exercise, which I believe is the other component for good health. I don't take supplements and medicine. And unless I am really sick, I stay away from the doctors. So far, I have been lucky in that, I am still fit and healthy.
The other thing is, I don't think I want to live forever. I would rather go when my faculties start failing me. Just like when you go to a party. You had fun and then it comes a time to leave. You might want to stay on a bit longer, but it wouldn't be fun anymore. Best to leave when you have enjoyed yourself so that the evening will be a nice memory.
Even if my faculties are intact, it would be sad to see everybody around you dying while you live on and on. It must be very depressing and lonely. :-)

Elderly person may be weak but his mind power is very high.

Thank you.

Based on our ongoing work, we think Fisetin may be helpful as an antidote for many age-based neurodegenerative diseases, not only Alzheimer's, "he said.

Maure Fosteen has been studying, which has a strong antioxidant properties of flavinol for more than a decade. In previous studies it has been found that the loss of Alzheimer's Disease (AD) related memory reduces to the genetically modified modification of the disease.

When scientists study the mouse with Alzheimer's, they found that the paths involved in cellular inflammation were introduced. However, when the mouse was given Fistone, they started reacting molecular production and were unable to harm and learn both memories. That particular study focused on the genetic AD, which accounts for only 1 to 3 percent cases.

For recent research, the use of a strain of the laboratory mice demonstrates signs of disease in about 10 months compared to age-related age and symptoms of physical and stress during the age of about two to six years.

The researchers fed a daily dose of Fisetin with their diet for 3 months to deliver 7 months old delivery specs. Another group of unmarried adult farming is fed with the same food other than fish et al.

During the study, the mouse took various activity and memory test. The team examines the specific protein levels associated with brain function, the more stress and inflammation.

"The difference between these two teams was within 10 months," said Marh, who wants to organize human exams. There was a problem with all cognitive tests that were not treated with phisetine as well as high levels of stress and inflammation. Brain cells are called osteocytes and microglia, which are usually anti-inflammatory, now there is a widespread epidemic.

On the other hand, the treated mice with Fisetin treated untreated with the same condition for 10 months monthly than a group of 3 months of behavior, cognitive ability or inflammatory marker was not significantly different. In addition, high doses were also found to be safe in phytetine.

Stupensis also found esophageal cancer fight. Chinese researchers dry up strawberries for six months for volunteers every day. A comparison of biopsies before and after shows that precancerous lesions among participants were reduced by 80 percent

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happiness is the key :)

Nice post friend congratulations

great post my frend
I love strawberry juice

Everyone can be old one day.We always respect our old members.Persents gives you everything in your childhood.Strawberry looks so tasty.Strawberry gives you many nutrients.Strawberry is my favourite.Thanks for great knowleage.

This is really wonderful, this is really educating although we don't have locally grown berries in Africa, but then I would turn to some other sources to get my own fisetin.
Thanks for sharing this.

I'm not a strawberry fan, but after reading this I may try to change my favorite fruit.... I would love to live. Longer that what it should be to be there for my loved ones especially my family... Tha k you sir @donkeypong for a great info... 😘😘😘

Wow. This diagrams explains a lot. Mum alwats advise us to buy fruits for our own health good. Though i have not seen strawberry often sold in my community, i will get some when i set my eyes on them. Thanks for the info

Hey @donkeypong. Let me tell you something . I was delighted with your post. For several reasons, first I knew the word "unfathomable" and the way you used it in those lines "Though we live in a world of many masculine pronouns, large and unfathomable forces are often referred to as feminine" made me put it as an argument in an inclusive language theme ... Give time to time and you will see how Fisetin's consumption becomes fashionable ... we should ask the Asians the secret of their longevity ...

Cool! I made notes of all these fruits and only eat them from now on. (want to be forever young lol)

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We couldn’t grow strawberries in our garden, we’re waging a war with the possums that overrun our property. I don’t want immortal possums! But next time we drive past a strawberry farm ripe for the picking, we’ll slow to a stop and load ourselves up with fisetin. :)

It’s less glamorous, but I’ll continue to indulge in my love of onions with the knowledge I’m fighting off old age...Your interesting and well laid out science update was much appreciated.

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Have not heard of Fisetin. But have heard of flavonoids and their benefits. Thanks for the heads up on this @donkeypong. I will continue eating my strawberries then. Cheers !!! :)

Sci-fi stories are always keen to find the immortal cure though...

Great post, @donkeypong! Interesting to read, didn’t know that about the strawberries, thank you.
I have a better option for the strawberries - Instead of buying them, eat them only from the forest :). Because I live close to mountains they are available at different altitude and locations and quantities for more than 2 months. Enough to get sick of them :D I ate so much strawberries this year that I have to be immortal already.

I too love eating fruits. I don't want to age so quickly in my youth

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I need to eat a shed load and maybe it will turn the clock back.

I did not know about fisetin, that's fascinating. I really like strawberries, they are one of my favorites. Do blueberries contain fisetin also? I didn't see it on the list.

Strawberries are my favorite fruit... it would be nice if they could keep us young!

@donkeypong, we host a weekly Steem community based talk show on Msp Waves called "Ma1ne & Snekky". If you'd ever be interested in chatting with us, let me know. We'd love to hear your Steem story! You can find the show recordings on my @Ma1neevent profile if you'd like to check it out. Thanks for your time, and the interesting post!

Anecdotally, my 96 year old mother is a hard core strawberry addict during the season here. 😎