Reality Is Realistic: Why Are Medical Mistakes The Third Leading Cause of Death?

in science •  7 years ago  (edited)



Another appalling situation that you will not hear debated on TV. Society is on the brink. As a matter of fact, many are deeply frustrated but are so caught into the "right vs left" paradigm that they lost hope. Meanwhile resentment is building up within. How long will it take before the masses forget about their monthly bills and paychecks and start acting upon it by taking back the consent they gave away in exchange of (an elusive) security? 

Scientists Will do Whatever It Takes To Protect Their Paychecks. And so will doctors who know how to extract a maximum from health insurances. Overbilling healthcare is another jaw dropping investigation that is bankrupting everybody in the end (see:  Putting The ‘Gift Of Life’… On Life Support!

Patients/people are commodities. Monetizing Life cannot end well and the sooner people realize this, the sooner we can find a way out of the maze. Monetizing Life is monetizing Creation. Humanity is a gigantic livestock traded on the stock market. From each birth, there is a million dollars -- or more -- to make. A LOT more considering the profits of the credit card and mortgage industries. People are just paychecks for the corporations released by every birth certificate. Society is entirely based on commerce but how far can we go into materialism?  

 “It was apparent that materialism was in complete control of the economic structure, the final objective of which was for the individual to become part of a system providing an economic security at the  expense of the human soul, mind, and body.”   ―   Manly P. Hall 

The Earth Custodians Blog finds most of its data in the mainstream in an attempt to educate its readers as how to read the news. Moreover it doesn't really matter which conspiracies we believe in (and there are many out there). At the end of the day though, self-responsibility will have to be taken, one way or another. Objective Reality only considers "self-responsibility" anyway. Materialism, commerce of the egos and narcissism, has only one purpose... to learn how to get rid of it in order to discover the real purpose of Life. A blog next week will probe this. 

PS: And don't worry, it is not just America that has serious problems: France's Health-Care System Is Going Broke, The Ugly Truth About Canadian Health Care, Austerity and the Unraveling of European Universal Health Care. However most countries in the Euro block have more deficits that they can handle. A further column will address the financial state of the West in a jargon easy to understand. 

So there the story goes.... 

Why Are Medical Mistakes Our Third Leading Cause of Death? 

(huffingtonPost) Updated Jan 20, 2015  |  I spend a lot of time going around to different places warning  professionals and the public that overdiagnosis, overtesting, and  overtreatment are bad for our health....  The basic problem is that modern medicine consistently violates the  ancient advice of Hippocrates: “It is better to know the patient who has  the disease than the disease the patient has.” ....  The result is dangerous medical chaos. Doctors love pictures and get  paid a lot for ordering and reading them. Over the years my friend has  been subjected to countless and mostly unnecessary imaging studies with  contrast dyes that have compromised his kidneys. It seems likely that  renal insufficiency will kill him before his lung cancer does. He is  also no longer eligible for additional lung-cancer treatments because  his kidneys flunk protocol requirements. And along the way he has been  prescribed several unnecessary medications that also hurt his kidneys.  Everyone focused on the lung cancer; no one noticed the harm they were  doing to the kidneys....    The recurring mistakes in my friend’s care are the rule, not an exception. Medical error is now the third leading cause of death in the U.S.: Some 440,000 deaths a year are caused by hospital mistakes, and who knows how many more from outpatient mistakes. (MORE LINKS ABOUT THIS CRISIS)

Shocking study reveals your doctor is WRONG 88% of the time… second opinions rarely agree with your first diagnosis 

Wednesday, April 19, 2017 |  (Natural News)  When you are sick, it is not always easy to find the right path  forward. When your regular health care provider recommends surgery or a  major treatment, it might be a good idea to get a second opinion after  the Mayo Clinic reported that your doctor is wrong 88 percent of the time.  (study results at the link) 


Chemotherapy Kills more people than it helps  Treating cancer is BIG  business in America -- in fact, it's a $200 billion a year business. Yet  98 percent of conventional cancer treatments not only FAIL miserably,  but are also almost guaranteed to make cancer patients sicker.What's  worse: The powers are suppressing natural cancer cures that could help  tens of thousands of people get well and live cancer free with little or  no dependence on drugs, surgery and chemotherapy. (

Chemotherapy warning as hundreds die from cancer-fighting drugs | May 2016 |  Patients should be warned about the dangers of chemotherapy after  research showed that cancer drugs are killing up to 50 per cent of  patients in some hospitals. (

The Love For Humanity VS The Love Of Money And Power... Which One Will Prevail?


Reality Is Realistic: 40% Scientists Say Fraud Causing Crisis of Science  -- Can Science Be Saved? | The Holy Secret Of The DNA And The Intergalactic Battle To Control It | Organ Trafficking And How Much You Are Really Worth. Black Market for Body Parts Spreads Among the Poor in Europe | Scientists Weighing The Increase Of Lithium In Tap Water|  You will get "chipped". It’s Just A Matter Of Time And The Medically-Enhanced New Breed | How 800 children as young as 10 have been given sex change drugs | and much more

The Earth Custodians will always provide content that  shakes minds and requiring the readers to do some homework because    Truth  is exposed everywhere and that no content is fully original,  moreover  one cannot resolve the issues with the mindset that created  them. Yes, it is possible to see way ahead of the curve, and if it takes one generation for a money-free society to take  shape, that shouldn't prevent anyone from taking action, and using money strictly for online advertising until a critical mass (20% of population) is reached. The metaphysics of  the Earth Custodians  Movement is The Spiritual Science Of Vibration  

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I can't wait until we get rid of money! Once we get rid of money, doctors won't make any mistakes anymore. Its gonna be awesome! No doctor bills, or healthcare insurance payments whoooooweeeee!!!! I can't wait!

REally cool article. I sent to my parents. They believe everything the doctors tell them.. sheesh.