Big mistake made by Chinese scientists; Space lab to hit earth, fear of terrible catastrophe

in science •  7 years ago 

There is a possibility of a major accident in the world due to the mistake of Chinese scientists. China on Tuesday said that its first unmanned space lab (space laboratory) Tianong-1 will hit Earth in a controlled situation. This collision will not cause any damage to the earth. It is estimated that it can hit the earth in the next few months. China's Academy of Space Technology senior scientist Zhu Jongpeng said here, "We have a glance at the returning space laboratory. Most of the water will burn after entering the Earth's orbit. The remaining pieces will fall into the Pacific Ocean. Even after the assurances of the scientists, it is feared that if the debris of the space lab falls in a residential area then there can be a great catastrophe. Although scientists of China are busy living to avoid this potential threat.

Recently there were reports in Western media that China has lost control over its Space Lab. Soon he will hit the earth and poisonous chemicals coming out of it can make people cancer patients in many countries. In 2011, China sent this Space Lab to space orbit. It was considered a milestone for China engaged in efforts to establish a permanent laboratory in space.

Russia is building a five star hotel in space
Even though you are shocked to hear this, how can you become a five-star hotel in space, but this is true. That's because scientists can not do if they want to. At that time, Russia's Space Agency Roskasom has started to build a five star hotel at ISS i.e. International Space Station so that some five star hotels in the world can enjoy spending the night at five star hotels flying in space.

Preparing to make space for tourist place
A report released by some media sources has said that this luxury orbital five Star Hotel will be made at the International Space Station by the Space Agency of Russia, 4 private rooms. These luxury suites will have space equal to 2 cubic meters. At the same time, in every cabin in this place, one should be given a place below where the tourists will be able to see a spectacular view of the earth from the height of 400 miles, which will make their heart happy.

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