Animal Life Activity Similar to Man Explained the Qur'an and Science

in science •  7 years ago 

Research of various animal groups and their behavior has been done with a variety of modern and sophisticated equipment. The researchers found the existence of animal groups that live in the area of ​​biology, namely air, land, and water.


Recent findings show new things along with the advancement of science and technology. This discovery shows the activity of animals in groups, ranging from migrating to find food sources.

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Regarding animals and birds that live to form communities like humans, Allah gives guidance through the Qur'an, as revealed in the book 'Al Qur'an vs. Modern Science according to Dr. Zakir Naik 'by Ramadhani et al.

"And there is not a beast that is on the earth, and the birds that fly with its two wings, but they are the people (as well) as you are, there is nothing We Deliver in the Book, then to their Lord gathered, "Surah Al-An'am Verse 38.

Animal Migration

In the book Ilmi 'Animal Tafsir in the perspective of Alquran and Science' compiled by Lajnah Pentashihan Mushaf Alquran, Research and Development Agency and Ministry of Religious Affairs RI, with the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) explains about animal migration.

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To be called migration, and not merely a local dispersion, the event of animal movement must take place on an annual or seasonal basis on a recurring basis. Certain birds fly to hot spots when their original homes have winter.

Migration can also be triggered by behavioral changes in the animal's life cycle, such as a certain size of salmon will migrate from headwaters to the sea to live its adult life.

The cycle of a migration may be solved by individuals of the same generation and can be done across generations. The classic example of this latter cycle can be seen in monarch butterflies migrating from Canada to Mexico and back again.

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Migration does not only happen to the world of birds and butterflies. Migration is also done by several types of mammals, insects, fish and groups of crabs or shrimp.

The Animal Way When Communicating

It was revealed that animals communicate in various ways, including with pheromones, a hormone that emits odors and is produced by one or more glands in its body.

In the Qur'anic verse, it is revealed about the communication made by the ants. "And gathered to Sulaiman his army of the jinn, the men and the birds, and they were arranged in orderly, and when they came to the valley of the ants said an ant: O ants, enter into your nests, that ye should not be trampled by Solomon and his army, while they are unaware, "Sura An-Naml Verses 17-18.

Ilmi's Tafsir Book reveals, this verse describes a communication system among ants, which is very likely to use chemicals.

If an insect, for example, emits pheromones, then other similar insects will accept it by smell it or touch it, and react according to the intended expulsion of the hormone.

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