RE: Vaccine: From Inoculation to Eradication, Part 1 of 5

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Vaccine: From Inoculation to Eradication, Part 1 of 5

in science •  7 years ago 

As a Health Education Spc. myself I must say that was a good report. I personally don't believe in many of the inoculations we give today. Some are needed but most are not.

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Depending on where you live will actually change certain mandatory vaccinations and change what is deemed necessary. I hope to cover some of these cases in future parts of the series. I am glad you think the report was good. I look forward to any feedback,

You are not well informed on vaccines.

vaccines with heavy metals like mercury in it, indeed what could go wrong?
MERCURY & VACCINES - Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

My blog exposes the fallacies of science. 40% of all lab experiments cannot be reproduced with scientific method said Nature Magazine a few months ago. What does it mean? That scientific field is a massive fraud corrupted by money. Science does not serve the people anymore. For example it took the mainstream 20 years to recognize that cancer is fueled by sugar and carbs, I posted the blog 2 days ago. Doctors are wrong 88% of the time... trust vaccines when the exposure to chemicals have been proven to decrease the sperm count and that is not debated on TV?? .... Hell no!!!

You seem to intentionally mislead with your use of your sentences and specifically leave out crucial information of your statements. Anyone that understands the scientific method knows that there are sometimes false positives or negatives, hence the peer review system. That being said, sometimes, a method labeled as P-hacking exists to manipulate statistical analysis. Another piece of evidence you leave out is that the mercury in vaccines (which vaccines no longer contain and havent for years) was in a macromolecule... Did you know chlorine is extremely toxic in its atomic form yet table salt is required in a human diet. You also state cancer cells require carbs (sugar is a carbohydrate) but you forgot to mention that all cells use carbs for fuel. You make many accusations without any tangible evidence, nor any background in the field. Since you say I am not well informed (on a history of vaccines) yet you form arguments with so little basis showing complete ignorance of the scientific methodology which diminishes all of your statement. If you had come with a well formulated argument I would be more willing to debate your points, and accept your arguments, but without tangible evidence nor formulated arguments I am left to correct your incorrect statements and tell you to work on your research as I have not only worked and done experiments related to vaccination but have some formal education in this area. Long story short is vaccines save more lives each year than most other medical advances with exception of sterilization and clean water. The evidence supporting vaccines is as simple as looking at the rates of polio, measles, whooping cough, diptheria, and other vaccinated infections in countries with proper vaccination plans (UK, USA, Canada, etc) and look at deaths in those same countries relating to mortality rates of similar and other ailments (rabies, tetanus, etc)

If the correlation between mortality rates and infection rates in a given populus is not enough (in countries where it was common at one time) then there is no point in debating with you. So good day, as much as I would like to read your posts and correct all the incorrect information... I have homework to do and don't really have time to get into the sematics of the epistemology of your antivaccination belief system. Just on a final note, facts are true whether you believe them or not. Have a good day/evening.


P. S. I have flagged your comment to have it go to the bottom as it is providing misinformation on a post that I worked hard on to keep accurate. As such it could be seen as a form of abuse (as defined in the definition of the flag option) and any further comments will receive a similar treatment. Nothing against you, I just do not want to mislead anyone.

ooh my gosh... flagged... I say nothing insulting, just offering another take and examples as why the medical field can no longer be trusted.

Have a great evening

The reason for the flag is that you actively provided misinformation to the post (not examples of mistrust as you stated) and as for the potential of insult, you did state:

You are not well informed on vaccines.
Which while not directly insulting, is something to diminish ones efforts. The flagging of your comment has no effect on your reputation nor rewards payout.


vaccines until the mid 50's or so were efficient, but it is not the case today. The adverse effects of Gardasil comes to mind. It is like saying that antibiotics saved lives but now it creates superbugs and antibiotic resistance. I blog a lot about science

Dear @earthcustodians,

Vaccines have increased in efficiency multiple folds since 1950 as they are much less likely to cause secondary infections. Antibiotics do not cause antibiotic resistance, they select for antibiotic resistance, random mutations cause antibiotic resistance. Your specific reference to Gardasil is quite confusing as there are a reported 12,000 cases of adverse affects and 170 million doses spread worldwide meaning roughly 0.007% of the time there is an adverse affect. Thus pointing out that as an example is truly redundant (as the original smallpox vaccine as discussed here had almost a 100% adverse affect rate).


Antibiotics do not cause antibiotic resistance, they select for antibiotic resistance, random mutations cause antibiotic resistance.

.. so indeed ingesting too many antibiotics is a problem, right?

random mutations... like I said, the scientific method is doomed.

Rise in autism, ADD have been proven to be linked to vaccines.

Doctors/bigpharma are the 3rd leading case of death in america. I believe that

You are defending the indefensible.

look for the rise in autism linked to vaccines. Best of luck. My last post to you.