History of Science Evolution Programming, believed as FACT "all around the world."

in science •  7 years ago 

In 1999 I graduated a Creation-science Biology USA High School, with an A+ Grade Point Average 4.0 specifying in Biology; Plants and Animals, from Biblical creation. This laid an early foundation for the understanding of an alternative approach to "science" of BigBang Theories. Later the internet caught up, and made it more comfortable to express my possible world view. Nothing in Creation-Science is theoretical, it's simple and apparent. For example nature only breeds and reproduces it's own kind. This is known as "species". Species is a law of nature. Laws cannot be broken, which is why the game works. No animal (plant or bird or sea creature) will reproduce after another-kind. To put this in simplistic language, you cannot mate dogs and create a baby cat.

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When one listens to biologists, and especially paleontologists, it sounds as if the fossil record is well established so that it demonstrates a gradual step-by-step development of lower animal life into more and more complex forms that lead to man and the various animals now walking the earth. Since the development of the animals currently roaming the earth would dictate many, many transitional animals from one "branch" to the current "tip of the branch", one might even expect the number of intermediate transitional fossils to outnumber those of extinct animals as well as those currently alive.

And that leads us to the dirty little secret of the evolutionists: There are no "missing links" or intermediate fossils of creatures that were in the process of developing from one type of animal to another. Yes, it is possible to group animals into similar families, and even neatly arrange the fossils so they appear to be evolving from one group to another, but the fossil records don’t reflect this.

According to evolutionists, there should be about 100-million-years worth of "missing links" during the time it took for fish to evolve from invertebrates, for example. Instead there are no intermediate fossils, only full-sprung fish or well developed invertebrates. No fossil that looks even remotely like an invertebrate on the road to evolving into a fish has ever been discovered.

Evolutionists claim it took upwards of 50 million years for a fish to evolve into an amphibians. But again, there are no transitional forms. Not a single fossil with part fins/part feet has ever been discovered. That there would be 50 million years of creatures living and dying without a single fossil being produced again stretches the credibility of those defending evolution by an enormous factor.


Meanwhile in other news; mutations, and mutant creations; while entertaining for teenage Ninja Turtles, and Xmen Wolverine characters, are really of no benefit to a species in real daily life "science" of nature. In nature, mutations die off, simple as that. To put this in simplistic language a horse born with an elongated neck is more likely to die from long-neck-complications, than turn into a giraffe.



The Darwin's & The Huxley's

To summarise briefly, Creation-science does not accept species "transitioning" into other species as suggested by the evolution theory from Charles Darwin, who himself acknowledged these errors; missing links in the theory of evolution. There should be just as many transitional forms as there are species-specific. To put into simple terms; where's all the half horse-half giraffe freaks? Where are all the inbetween-ers? Why are apes not becoming more human, everyday?

" the beasts of the earth after their kind, and the cattle after their kind, and everything that creeps on the ground after its kind." Genesis 1:25

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These laws of nature are not up for debate, especially with plant vegetation: "plants yielding seed, and fruit trees on the earth bearing fruit after their kind with seed" Genesis 1:11 -- Put into simplistic language, an apple tree produces apple fruits, with apple seeds, and will never grow bananas.

The underlying problem with evolution is that it directly contradicts these simple laws of nature;

Species only produces the same species.
Mutations are rarely a benefit to species

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Most people nowadays believe hook line and sinker, that they're monkey men. Special monkey men, but monkey men all the same. You see, (please insert extra-condesending tone here) There's this cool thing called science. This is an actual quote from an attempted disempowerment-ambush. The conversation went something like...

The Ultimate Question: WHY LIE?


"To keep you blind to your own Divinity."

Reply: "ROFL! We are just specks in the universe, but we are still special"

So I asked: "What is a ROFL? Does it benefit our discussion? -this is rhetorical, and you are still special. How do you know we are specks in the universe? - this is a genuine question.I am genuinely intrigued, what is your most conclusive experiential evidence "we are specks in the universe"? [specify how you know]" ...?

Peace be with you,


Be Skeptical.
Ask Questions.
Fear Not.

Research Links for this video:

History of evolutionary thought

Erasmus Darwin was a Freemason

Darwinism is an Illuminati Scam

The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship Part One: Illuminating the Occult Origin of Darwinism

Revolution of the Mind: The Dreams of Aldous Huxley

Julian Huxley and Transhumanism

List of Fellows of the Royal Society

Immanentizing the Eschaton: The Gnostic Myth of Darwinism and Socio-political Utopianism

The Truth About Evolution

Charles Darwin On the Origin of Species PDF

Brave New World PDF

Exhibition – Freemasons and the Royal Society

History of the Royal Society

Why was Thomas Huxley nicknamed "Darwin's Bulldog"?

Julian Huxley and Eugenics

New Bottles for New Wine PDF


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Great post!! Upvoted and Resteemed :P

nice post bro!

Thanks! Many more to follow! Lets have fun with this..

Excellent article. Law of Bio-genesis, you can only get life from life.

Hi! I am a robot. I just upvoted you! I found similar content that readers might be interested in:

man, so wrong, and copy pasted too.

do you really believe this?

Why be concerned what I believe? Yes, copy-paste of original video description. Peace be with you. Please do specify what is "so wrong"?